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[CIVIL] - Explosion at Halogli

"Good afternoon folks, we've had quite a day so far." Tom, the nondescript Channel 3 News anchor said at his desk in the studio, staring right into the camera. Next to his desk was a screen mounted on the back wall, which had a picture of the smouldering ruins of a pair of large buildings in the middle of a desert.

"Early this morning on Delsauria, there was a massive fuckin' chemical explosion at the Pharmaceutical Company, Halogli." A picture of the ruins came onscreen, "Investigators sent to the scene are baffled as to what caused this, but survivors at the scene keep mentioning: 'Dude with Sideburns'. Experts are still baffled over the identity this 'dude'. Experts then deduced that chemical fumes may have confused the shit out of the survivors and instead attributed the blast to a storage accident. Let's go to our man on the scene, Dan!"

Dan was out on scene yet again with a microphone in his hands, standing in front of a the IPG agent who was investigating at the accident. The nondescript agent looked calm in spite of the calamity.
"I'm Dan from Channel 3. How has the investigation gone?"
"We're interviewing the survivors of the blast and we've found out something that could've caused the blast." The agent said while fiddling with the buttons on his jacket, "We've deduced that the incident was caused by unsafe work practices and failure to observe safety procedures." He cricked his neck.
"That figures! Think the dumbasses were trying to beat a deadline and overshot it?"
"Yes, as a matter of fact. Survivor testimonies say they were trying to roll out their newest anti-inflammatory drug by next month." The agent responded, "In light of this, the company allowed 'minor infractions' of safety to be overlooked if it contributed to their goal."
"Thanks for this interview. Back to you, Tom!"
"Thank you."

"There's our major story for today." Tom shuffled his papers, "Coming up, how to shop comparatively for Handguns. What you could be finding and using will save you a bundle and give the same great kick!"
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