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(Civillian) Celestial Yacht


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Inactive Member

Muaha! it is complete! ish...
Find my faults! I know I have some, I just can't see 'em. Help me make this thing into something usable. I've got a plan for something.




Miss Strangelove
Points at the Crooked Demon reaching 0.7c velocities in almost no time with, if I recall correctly, roughly 4000-6000% the Specific Impulse of the strongest theorized ion drives.*

A wizard did it. Or, the anti-gravity device thing it has.


NovaCorp traditionally uses Quantum Foam. Look at The Gates and Onslaught.

Thank you Zak, I have added that to my submission.



well, it's basically a Ferrari of the stars, it's meant to be really, really fast. I actually toned it WAAAAYY down from what I originally put for the speed.

Well, does it just use one Ion Drive, or more then one to accelerate to 0.55c? *is actually curious now* You could probably slap on a low end Gravimetric engine to it, and have the same speed, but at a faster acceleration rate.

I was wondering that, too, since I don't really know what type of drives do that... someone already told me the Ion drive accelerated way too slow.. so I need to change it.
I believe I've figured a way to get past the slow acceleration of the Ion drive: Simply get to speed using the CDD then kick in the Ion drive for higher efficiency.
Hmmm. CDD is the basic FTL travel system next to the Hyperfold drives. CDD is as far as I know the SARP's 'warp drive'. So I figure if you exit FTL, and use the remaining inertia, and activate the Ion Drive it could be done, and maintain that speed. You'd likely have to do a counter thrust to go to safe velocities, or rather controllable ones. In other words to simply slow down to safe traveling speeds.

But, a question just for myself, and to sate my curiousity. It just has the one Ion Drive?
The CDD does not exert inertia on an object, I do not believe.

I recommend a system which can manipulate or circumvent Newtonian Law. Specifically to reduce the ship's apparent mass.

This would reduce the impact of inertia and proportionately allow for higher accelerations with lower level engines.

In fact, I could see such a system being used on most low-level STL systems to boost performance...


The speed of this unit approaches the Sakura, at a fraction of the size (feet vs. meters), which I find implausible, even for a rich man's ship. Also, the Sakura needs supplemental nacelles to attain that speed, otherwise it is limited to 70% of its top CDD capability.

I believe the Vampire's 67,000 c Hyperpulse is the current high range for legal civilian vessels (The Bellystabber is actually an illegal Yui 4), so I do not think this ship should have a speed any greater than 12 LY/H (105,192 c). Also note that the CDD can also act as an STL system, often going from 0c to 0.99c. The Ion Drives could become an emergency backup.

It has a 5 LY/M fold system? This is a bit much, don't you think? I am VERY hesitant to approve civilian fold systems in excess of 1 LY/M without justification other than "they're rich".

While I normally frown upon a refit cycle of once a year, these guys can afford it...and it seems that these speeds would put a strain on the ship's components, so it seems about right.
it has a 0.5 ly/min CDD top speed, sorry, I forgot the 0 in front. This ship is meant to be as fast as possible, and did the calculations for a 0.5 ly/min vessel, and that's the C speed it came up with if that's not plausable, then maybe my calculations are off. Also, I don't remember including a fold system, just the CDD. If it's still too fast, I guess I can change it, though I don't want to, as my plan for it needs it to be as fast as it is.
Speed (Hyperspace Fold):0.5LY/Min

It's because you put the 0.5LY/m under the Hyperfold speed description. ^^; If a fold system was not included, you'd likely leave it blank.
Remove the fold speed and please decrease the max CDD speed to what I stated above or lower.

I could see other factions attempting to make ships capable of pacing with or outrunning the Sakura, but I will not approve a civilian vessel to have Sakura speeds--especially when it's just a fraction of the Sakura's size.

Sakura is the YSA's speed demon anyway. To make a ship capable of outrunning her requires a huge R&D department, superior CDD design knowledge, and a bigger ship to contain the system.

I do not wish for CDD speeds for civilian vessels to exceed the figure I stated above, nor civilian fold systems to exceed 1 LY/M, except perhaps in rare instances (CSEIA is such an example, since it's a tech think tank with less-than-legal technology).
I agree with Toshiro.
Since this is about 1/3 the size of a Sakura, I divided the speed by three. Not as fast as I wanted, but still pretty fast apparently. Also, I didn't realize I was giving it a fold speed, so I took that out.
I read it, and realized it would NEED a fold system to function as I envisioned it.. so I'll work on giving it one.

I also reduced the CDD speed.
(double post ><)

I added a fold speed and expanded it's CDD/CFS to include folding.
I find no mention of an additional fold system in your wiki...you may wish to correct that, unless I caught you in the midst of doing so.

Also, Hyperpulse might be what you're thinking of, Soresu, though I'm sorry if I'm wrong. Hyperfold is a type of fold, but I do not recommend it for this submission. Using Hyperspace is difficult, even for military grade vessels. Subspace id good enough here.
What I did was I expanded the description of the FTL travel paragraph to say both CDD and CFS travel could be utilised.

I always thought that the CDD utilized and was PART of the CFS...

Either way, the CFS itself is not a fold system. Please look through the Wiki for more examples and elaborate/refine.
From what I read in the CFS wiki, it is a fold device, and I did some copy/paste with some edits on for the CFS into my propulsion section.

I find it a bit contradicting all things considered. A Himiko has a Hyperfold unit, and is not part of the CFS. =\ That is what led me to believe the Fold fold drive is a seperate unit or drive all together.
Also, I won't approve a ship design with blatantly copy-pasted descriptions.
Allright, I'll edit the CFS description on it to be more original.
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