Star Army

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Approved Character Claire Albright


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Claire Albright is a player character played by PaleAsteria.

Species & Gender: Geshrin Female.
Year of Birth: YE 00-5 (5 years prior to calendar 0 date)
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai. SAINT Logistics Liaison's Office.
Occupation: Logistics Dispatcher
Rank: Santô Hei
Preferred Plot: YSS Kanagawa

Physical Description
Claire looks to be in her late thirties, with subtly wavy hair flowing down her back. While working, locks of that hair tend to flow in front of her eyes, so she always seems to be in the process of tucking some behind her ear. She tends to wear pantsuits and pencil skirts while on the job, though her lack of physical exercise tends to fill out her curves more than she’d like. At work, she tends to wear makeup, including red lipstick, and all of this coupled with her rimmed glasses gives her the vibe of a librarian.

Claire is someone who tries hard on the job to look well-put-together as a consummate professional, however, any glimpse into her life outside of work or when no one else on the station is watching would totally ruin the facade. Away from prying eyes, she is lazy, messy, and gives up on all efforts to maintain her appearance. Woe betide anyone from surprising her on her day off, because it’s equal odds that she simply sleeps through any knocks on her door or shows up hungover and angry that you woke her up.

Claire is the type of person to avoid joining her co-workers for drinks after work unless sufficiently coerced or guilted into it, much preferring to stay indoors with a bottle of whiskey or soju, reading a romance novel for companionship. Her job and life have stayed the same for so long, she’s rather developed a rut, but perhaps being jolted out of that rut will change quite a bit...

Claire was born 5 years on Planet Yamatai before the standard calendar began, graduating from school and the military academy that followed without issues or, sadly, friends. She was recruited by an element that would eventually integrate to become SAINT many years later, and served in the Logistics Liaison's Office for many different intelligence assets. Eventually, with the tension that led up to the first Misshu war, she was stationed on the YOMI sensor station LRS-7, now formally a Santo Hei within the LLO of the SAINT organization. New uniforms, new name, same job. While coordinating yet another routine supply drop for a scout group, the station was attacked, and a great rend in the wall of the station was all she saw before passing out. Unbeknownst to her, following the battle, she was rescued as one of the few survivors of the already sparsely populated station, and put on ice as her wounds healed. It has been some time since then, and her cryo tube lies amongst others, but hers is of a distinctly older design, and crusted with frost...

Social Connections
Claire is connected to:

  • Elizabeth Albright (Mother)
  • Reginald Albright (Father)
  • Olaf Albright (brother)
  • Yuusuke Kitakawa, Station Chief of LRS-7. Her former boss, and an odd duck to be sure
Skills Learned
Claire has the following notable skills:

  • Firearms - She took the same training as everyone else, including the supplemental training to repel station boarders, though that was many years ago, and she’d rather avoid testing her skills in this area.
  • Technology (probably outdated)
  • Logistical Planning - If Microsoft Excel existed in this universe, she’d be a whiz at it.
  • Astronomical Navigation & Pathfinding - Her knowledge of space maps may be outdated, but she is a dab hand at managing supply routes.
  • I want her as a part of her character development to be forced to learn new skills, so I want the rest of her skills to be acquired during the course of the games she plays in.
Inventory & Finance
CHARACTER NAME has the following:

  • Pantsuit
  • Old-model service pistol
  • Standard Hinomaru uniform with the SAINT roundel on the right arm
  • Lipstick
CHARACTER NAME currently has 3000 KS.

Character Will
In the case I become inactive (gone for more than a month):

  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
  • Can this character be adopted after I'm gone for a year or more? YES

  • Despite choosing SAINT as her background, I do not intend for her to be undertaking any super spy missions or anything else. I want her to be a lonely desk jockey forced into an unknown world she's unused to, having to develop new skills and bonds to survive. For this character, SAINT (LLO) is a jumping-off point for her character, a way to give her depth and a place to draw personal experience from, rather than actively participate in. I don't want to bite off more than I can chew with my first new character back, or tread on any toes of anyone. I will be collaborating heavily with Whisper to ensure that this character is a fun one to play and fits well into the plot. :) Thank you for your review!
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A few notes: If you want to be most accurate, Claire would have been part of the "Logistics Liaison's Office," which is SAINT's logistics department. RISE itself is SAINT's umbrella support directorate (not "faction") that includes science, logistics, and SAR. The LLO doesn't have their own unit patches and doesn't run their own space stations (sounds like she's the logistics soldier assigned to a YOMI listening post); it is more likely that she would wear the standard Hinomaru+SAINT roundel on her uniform's right arm.
Don't let it hold you guys up. As I said, it's just "if you want to be most accurate."