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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill Clandestine Meetings

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The YSS Yui waited just far enough outside of Nepleslian space to be about 2 minutes out of range of those annoying warning messages. They had their shields and stealth activated as they floated seemingly hidden and dead in the water. They had even gone so far as to minimize their energy usage to maintain the illusion that they were not really there.

The small crew of the Yui waited at their various assigned battle stations waiting and expecting the worst. They felt uneasy being so far away from their normal patrol routes where a stray SMX ship might attack or even a rogue Red ship might.

They had been blessed with a fairly dull routine that kept them out of harm's way. but they had volunteered for this task that was personally requested by not only but the distinguished neko that shared her name with the older scout ship.
The Sojourner chugged along, not the most elegant of ships, nor the most agile. But, it did its job admirably all the same. After de-activating the Hyperpulse drive, Remi slipped from the pilot's chair, and had the ship's meger A.I begin broadcasting an encrypted signal, it was an older Star Army of Yamatai encryption, one that was definitely SAINT in origin, though out of date it was still valid.

Essentially it simply said, 'I am here, waiting, show yourself.' Short, and literally to the point as the Sojourner slowed to a dead stop at the pre-determined set of coordinates given to her. The Sojourner's weapon's systems were offline, but if its sensors detected anything other then the Yggdrasill, or Remi's contact the good doctor arranged for them to activate within a moments notice. Now however...it was a waiting game.
Ariake had noticed the appearance of the Soujorner first and sent a short encrypted hail to the vessel, "Soujourner, this is the Yui, ready for some word from home?"
"And to get my work done." Remi replied idly as she went into the cargo area of the cargo transport.
Slowly, the Yui faded back into existence so that Remi could see that she wasn't alone. "Where's your ship's cargo hold? We'll come alongside," Ariake asked politely through the encrypted line as Chiai prepared to maneuver the Yui into a docking position with the Soujourner.
"Location is being sent now." Remi replied sending the location before stepping out of the hold and into the adjacent corridor. The doctor moved silently to the bridge again to operate the controls.

"I've set it to automatic, simply have your IES link to the Sojourner's computer system to perform a handshake protocol and you can board."
The Yui quickly maneuvered itself into position with the Sojourner, it was an awkward position for the older scout ship, which had its own cargo bay on the bottom of its construction.

The ship's IES linked to the Sojourner's system and initiated the proper protocols that would give them access.

Chiai left the bridge to Ariake as she made her way through the Yui to the cargo bay where Carmilla waited with a large crate.

"As much as I know you want to spend time visiting the good Doctor, Carmilla, please keep in mind that we both have some time constraints on our hands. We must install this and get out of dodge," Chiai commented softly to her technician who sadly nodded from within her Mindy 2s helmet.

"Yes ma'am. Protocol complete, we can proceed to the Sojourner," Carmilla lifted the crate easily with her Mindy and walked floated with it through the umbilicus tunnel into the Sojourner.
Remi merely waited for them to enter the cargo bay before pressurizing it. Inside was her 'equipment' she was supposed to transport aboard. Once they boarded the bay would pressurize, and the doctor would enter to begin her work.
"Mistress Yui wished for us to thank you for you efforts in accepting this assignment," Chiai offered softly as they waited to make sure it was set-up before they would depart.

"If you'd like, Remi-san, I could assist you with assembly?" Carmilla offered in a helpful tone of voice.
"Well, who knows, maybe one day Yui'll repay me." Remi said with a bit of a smile as she looked to Carmilla. "Well, the more the merrier, but I'll get that for you." She stated indicating the crate. The doctor lifted it with reletive ease with her NH-17's strength.

"I've already done the majority of the work, I have what is needed to be scanned, we just need to set up the sensors, and console. Since he did not ask for a computer system I will have to make do with my own laptop." She sighed before putting the crate down by the Forin.
"Ooh okay," Carmilla replied sheepishly as she went to assist Remi as best as should could without getting in the woman's way.
"So, how've you been since our last, if not interesting meeting?" Remi asked as she took the lid off the crate and began to unpack its contents.
Carmilla stood to one side as Remi unpacked the crate. She inwardly blushed at the memory f how their first meeting had gone. "I've been well, we've been keeping pretty busy with our patrols. How's Serenity? Did you eve find out why she asked that way?"
"Sadly no, things have been rather hectic since then for me. Things have happened, and so I haven't had time to devote to the study of Serenity's psychological state, or simple psychology in general." Remi waved a hand out at the equipment and armors.

"After this, I suspect Toshiro to keep his end of the bargain and take me to the Yugumo Cluster to see my daughter, she recently had twins. And from friend and samurai no less." The doctor shook her head a little but smiled. "They are quite cute, but rambunctious according to her. Very much alike their parents, even right down to their appearances."
"Congratulations, on becoming a grandparent!" Carmilla said in a sense of excited awe, if her face was exposed, Remi would've seen the bright smile that had crossed her face.

"That's incredible! Twins! I don't think I've ever heard of someone having 2 younglings at once. But wow, with a Samurai even- those girls have a very bright future in front of them if they chose to follow in their mothers' footsteps. I just hope that they'll get to experience a time without war..." Carmilla's voice sounded wistful but she brought it more upbeat again, "Oh! I think you might be able to get a clear shot to the Cluster if the 5th XF keeps kicking butt like they have been with the First's Asamoya helping out!"
"My daughter is the Captain of the Asamoya." Remi stated as she began hooking in a series of cables. The doctor stopped, and cocked her head to the side a moment.

"And thank you...although here I am, Five years old, and now a grandparent. Makes me feel a little old." She chuckled slightly and shook her head. "Would you please move one of those power armors into position for me? Just over there." She pointed a little to their right indicating the spot she wanted it.

"Her and her ship seemed to have been making a name for themselves, and causing a little stir in the Yugumo Cluster. She's also apparently in a relationship with a Shosho now by the name of Misato Tange the head of that particular pledge family. But, I can safely bet she will keep the twins far away from the battlefield. When she participated in the Battle of Nataria she was with child, and chased after a SMX vessel with her Taisa. Their ships were damaged from the battle, and my daughter's Irim destroyed, and she died, as did her unborn child. So I can assume she does not wish the same fate on those two little younglings."
Carmilla nodded as she move the power armor as she was directed. "I can't imagine going through that sort of thing. I hope that she could get her family transfered planet side to get away from direct interaction with the war. I think that Tange might be able to help, if she wanted to live separately from her children- which might be worse than taking them into battle with her. But you must be quite proud of her..."

Chiai frowned as an alert sounded on the Yui was patched to her. "...ladies, it looks like the SMX are making their way to Nepleslia and the fleets are mobilizing. It's best if we try to finish up quickly and get away before they notice us."
Remi sighed and shook her head. "Then cloak the Yui. The SMX wouldn't have any interest in small pickings like this Sojourner if you're worried about them getting the drop on you." The doctor replied as she activated the scanning systems, and began to take metallurgical, and more in depth scans of the armor including weapons, power systems, everything she could.

"Nano chains for augmented strength?" She mumbled and snorted. "Their take on the Mindy flesh I suppose."
The Yui recloaked itself and turned its power usage settings down below their normal specs; just enough to keep the ship running and the cloaking active.

Chiai frowned, "So long as we're female, they'll have an interest in us no matter how many there are."
"I've fought the Mishhu more times then you've likely been alive. Everytime I've come out alive, hell, I've even participated in the Battle of Nepleslia, heading a power armor squad. Female or not, I had the sand to face down several million of the squids in their pods, and when we boarded their ships blowing apart from the inside." Remi said as she began to press a series of buttons, and scrutinized the readings.

"And that isn't even the tip of the iceberg, the vast majority of my file is classified by SAINT." She explained before she saved the scans of the power armor and looked to Carmilla. "Next armor please."
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