Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 Clipped Wings

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gunhand4171
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Raphael, after his talk with Uso, walked to Julie's room. When he saw the guards he dismissed them with a wave of his hand. He knocked on the door and quietly entered.

The room was quiet and toys scattered about the room. The bed was a mess and a chair below the open window that let in the city sounds and the occasional yell from the courtyard below. A soft breeze shuffled pictures and paper about the room. The room had a vacant feel to it as if the occupant had fled.

Raphael quickly entered the room. "Julie are you here?" He asked as he swiftly moved to the window to make sure she hadn't tried to get out.

The ledge was wide enough for a small person or one with a good sense of balance could traverse it. Farther down the ledge opened onto a balcony. There was a plant that had been knocked over. The french style of Glass doors was open and softly flapping in the breeze. If Raphael had a sense of who stayed where when at the palace. It was Errowyn Room. or Julies parents ex-room

Raphael cursed and ran over to the room, knocking quickly and entering without permission. "Julie?" He asked worriedly

Juliee was fast asleep on the bed, hugging one of the big pillows. Fortunately for Julie, Errowyn had taken off in the Ragcopter for some mission with Cyrus. She had on Errowyns Star Army Uniform Shirts on and panties. She was blissfully asleep sucking her thumb and holding the one of the big pillows.

"Son of a..." He cursed softly. He moved to the bed quietly and sat down next to her. As mad as he was for her doing something so dangerous, he was also relieved that she was okay. He gently stroked her cheek with his thumb, humming a lullaby. After awhile of this, he picked her up and brought her back to her room. He sat down in the rocking chair in her room and softly stirred her awake.

Julie woke up and removed her thumb which was a lot cleaner than the rest of her hand. She laid there on his lap. "what?" Still a bit sleepy. She squirmed to sit up more to look at Angelman.

"Juju..." he said sitting her up. He looked her over. "...what you did was very bad. What would have happened if you fell? Do you know how sad I would be?" He said in his best upset father voice.

"What you care? That mean lady would be glad I gone!"

He quickly smacked her butt.

"Ow! Let me down! Im not yours!" She yelled and tried to escape.

"NO!" He yelled. "Little girl you have been acting very poorly... I may not be your daddy..."

"You had him killed!" She interrupted as she pouted.

He flipped her over and spanked her again.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" She cried very loudly as the guards outside, laughed. "You gonna kill me too?!" Trying to escape.

"ENOUGH!" He yelled in his drill sgt voice.

She whimpered, trying to rub her butt where he had spanked her. She looked at him with her eyes very wide with tears falling down her face.

"Julie, you have been acting very poorly and you know it. I am not your dad, but guess what? I care about you. Has anyone else come to check on you? Has anyone else cared enough to make sure that you were safe? I am not your dad, but I love you like your my daughter. And it hurts my heart that you would ever think that I would kill you." He said looking down at her whipping away a tear. "I care enough to spank you when you're bad, to hold you when you're crying, and play toys with you to make you happy." He said hugging her. "Why do you think I would ever do anything to hurt you?"

"You with the people that killed my momma and daddy!" Julie whimpered. "Keep me prisoner here!"

"You are not a prisoner Julie! If you were, do you think I would have done any of the things I have done for you?" He looked down at her. "I did not kill your mom and dad, I would never..."

"You could have stopped them." Julie whispered. "From killing them."

"Julie, there was no way I could have stopped them. I was out there, trying to protect people from the massive war that was about to happen. I tried to make them stop, I tried to make them not fight but they didn't listen... Those people tried to hurt me an my friends, so I had to stop them." He said softly. "Once I found you, do you know what happened?" He asked.

"What? Kept me as trophy?" Julie spoke softly. "Thats what conquers do."

"No Julie. I cried." he said looking her dead in the eye.

"Why you cry? You have no children here? Did my daddy killem?" Julie looked back at him.

"Because I saw a scared little girl..." He said poking her stomach softly. "A beautiful little girl who had her entire world turned upside down."

"Huh huh." She shook her head no. "If that true, I'd be walking on the ceiling!"

He frowned. "I had a little sister once, and she looked just like you. She and I were the best of friends." he said with a tear forming in his eye. "When we were little, people came to our estate and tried to kill us... My daddy died trying to save us and our city. He told me my job was to get my baby sister to saftey..." His tear fell. "I was running with her when a man came out and stopped us. I tried to run away with my sister, but... The man..."

"made her into a slave? You can go back with your troops and get her back. That what my daddy would have done. Then I'd still have my daddy and momma." Julie spoke softly.

"No Julie... The man killed her. He killed my baby sister, and I wasn't able to do anything about it." He said as his own tears began to fall more rapidly.

"You was sold into slavery?" Julie looked up at him.

"No, I got away. But, after that my family was shamed and my momma ran away. I had no one left. I was all alone. When I saw you that day by yourself with nobody there, I saw part of me in you. I saw a scared child who was abandoned and left all by herself." He said whipping his tears away.

"I've Aunt. I'd escaped and gone to her! She lives on the other side of the mountains." Julie said bravely. "Maybe you can get me there. And no more worry about me."

"But guess what, I will never stop worrying about you. Because I care about you Julie. Because I want to be there for you." He said with a soft smile.

"You can marry her. She lives a lone in big house and is very rich." Julie spoke a bit proudly. "Then you whont have to worry no more!"

Raphael chuckled. "She wouldn't like me Julie. I am an alien. She would be scared and affraid of me, besides I can't." He said ending that line of thought. "Juju, if you want to go out and live with her I would do it, but do you think she is still there? She probably left a long time ago when we first got here." He replied. He sighed and looked at her. "Julie, what would say if I wanted to adopt you?" He asked

"I want to see my aunt!" Julie was adamant. "She will be there. She has troops!"

He sighed again and looked down at her. "Get dressed then. Hurry and put on something" He said with little emotion placing her on the floor and pulling out his datajockey. He called up his power armor and set it to move to the roof. "Hurry up now." He stated.

Julie rushed and throw on the first thing she could fin. A simple dress she could wiggle into. "I am ready!"

He held out his hand for her to take.

Julie took his hand in her, grabbing tightly. "We gonna fly?"

"Yep..." he stated quietly. He lead her up to the roof where his custom power armor was waiting. "Wait one second." He said walking up to the suit and popping the seal. He stepped inside and powerd the system up. "The ships are all being used, so I will have to fly you there in this." He said picking her up. "Hold on tightly to me." He said holding her firmly in his arms as the armor slowly began to rise.

Juliee hung on tightly as requested as best she could. "I am ready!"

Raphael nodded and slowly began to move forward making sure he had a good hold on her. He tilted and began to fly slowly towards the mountians that Julie had mentioned. "Look down Julie. You are flying just like a bird." He stated.

Julie hung on. with nothing below her and everything looked so small. "Eeeeep?" She fainted in his arms.

He let out a sigh holding on to her firmly. "At least I can speed up a bit now." He said moving a tad bit faster.

Several minutes later Raphael landed and he woke Julie up. "We are here I think Julie."

Julie looked around and ran off towards the house as fast as she could. "Auntie Carol! I am here!" Several big men, looking very scruffy jumped out of the bushes and grabbed Julie as the other one shot at Raphael. One with Julie carried her into the surrounding bushes that hid her from view.

Raphael went into full combat mode, turning on his thermal scanner and quickly found Julie. He disappeared in a flash of light and was instantly infront of the man with Julie. Raphael punched the man with the force of train.

He dropped Julie into what looked like a well. She screamed all the way down. The opening was to small for Raphael to enter.

Raphael roared an almost animal like scream.

Shots were heard as bullets pinged off his armor in a continous rate of fire. These guys knew the value of heavy fire. There was a chance that they would disable the armor or penetrate the armor.

Raphael screamed and opened his wing in all their glory. He launched himself towards the attackers with an unparaled rage. He popped several grenades and threw them towards the attackers as he charged in for CQC.

They scattered like leaves in the wind, a lot of fell to the gernades exploding. Some threw themselves down narrow openings into the ground to escape the fury of Raphael and to escape. The more stupider ones tried to lead Rapheal away from the place with well praticed fire dicsipline as they retreated.

Raphael flew straight into the air targeting all the men still above ground. "YOU HAVE PISSED OFF THE ANGEL OF DEATH! NOW YOU DIE!" He screamed as he quickly sent well placed shots from his pistol straight towards their heads.

Their heads exploded from the acurate fire. Soon the survivors was in full rout trying to escape.

Raphael dropped out of the sky like a stone and impacted the ground hard. He lept from his armor and set it to guard him as he ran to the well. "JULIE!!!" He yelled into the well wildly. "JULIE SAY SOMETHING!!!"

Silence answered him from the well. Not even a ripple of water. Just his echo till it faded into the distance below into the well.

Raphael set his armor to evacuate they area and he plunged down the well throwing his arms and legs out to try and slow his decent.

The darkness soon surrounded him as his hands bare would begin to get heavily lacerated from stone projections and the rough wall of the shaft into the earth. The Impact broke one of his legs and arm with a loud gunshot of bone breaking, before slamming into the stone floor and knocking him out. When he recovered, he would find himself chained by the neck to a stone wall with his arm and leg in heavy casts. The little room was actually a cell with opened barred with Bars. The place was lit up by torches. He could hear the whimpering of many females of all ages. The gruff voices of the unknown number of men in merriment.

Raphael began to scream. An unholy, demon like scream. "I WILL KILL YOU FUCKS! I WILL GUT EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!" He said as he began thrashing against his restraints. He screamed louder and louder trying to get the men away from the girls.

The men pretty much ignored him as they had more important matters to attend to. Soon an old lady shambled into view. She looked at him through the bars. "Give it up and accept your fate.. You in no position to fight."

"Even at worst, I could kill all of you." he said spitting blood. He thrashed harder and screamed louder. "JULIE!!! JULIE!!!!!"

The old lady cackled at him. "She is beyond your reach.Bird man. You are are in the Lair of Twek! You want your charge to fall ransome to her kin?"

"You fucking c***! You touch her and I will make you eat you own organs!" He screamed as the neck restraints dug into his neck.

Old lady cackled some more and left. Leaving a tray of something that smelled semi-edible to eat on the floor at the bars. She shuffled off, leaving him to his misery.

Raphael tried to stand and fell to the ground screamming. He crawled to the cage and threw the food out the cell taking the tray and bashing it against the bars. To most he was just going insane, but if he could break of a piece he could use it to get out of this hell hole. He continued to smash it screaming.

The tray was soome bent out of shape from the abuse it received. Becoming very useless, except as a noise maker.

Meanwhile his power armor returned the Palace and returned to its place of resting. A few Rag-Mercs looked at the Armor waiting for Raphael to exit. But he didnt exit his armor. The Armor tech approached the armor and used the remote to override Raphs commands and opened the suit up. They was worried when there was no Raphael inside.
Flash Forward.

Raphael just laid there. He was furious at himself. How could he be this fucking stupid. He should have never let Julie go. Shit he should have let her sleep and this would have never happened. He just laid there. His arm and leg both completely broken in multiple places. A bird that was clipped and trapped in a cage. "They will never let me live this down..." He said as he kept tugging at the chain around his neck.

Old lady had returned and saw that Raphael had calmed down and was on his bunk. She entered into the cell and settled on a stool nearby. She began to change out his bandages. Cleaned the wound and rebandaged them up again. She crooned softly as she worked in helping Raphael wounds to heal clean and without infections. Once that was done, she held out an apple to him. "Eat. you got to keep up your strength." If he didn't take the apple. she would set it on his bed near him.

"Just kill me..." He stated firmly, not taking his eyes off the ceiling.

As Cyrus was finishing his breakfast at the Manse he had built. One of the Ragmercs without armor entered following one of the Maids. "Raph disappeared. His armor returned without him. Boss."

Cyrus stood. "Dear gods no..." He said dropping his glass to the floor. He was close to Raph, pretty much a younger sibling. "Moblize everyone. Find him!" He yelled slamming his fists onto the table.

"We have the techies accessing his Power Armor Databanks as we speak." We need to get you and Errowyn back to the Palace. Uso raising a stink about that kid of his finally got him into big trouble."

"That fucking fool." He muttered. "Get the chopper ready and my armor preped for combat yesterday. Call everyone." He said storming out of the dining room. As he climbed the stairs he stopped and fell to a knee as emotions ran through his mind at hypersoinc speeds. He shook his head and moved to retrive his things.

Errowyn came gracefully down the stairs with another Rag-Merc. She tossed him his stuff. "Come on. you go to palace and get the troops ready. I will get 5." She strode passed him, her newly repaired dress brushing across his skin like a cool breeze. She made her way to the helicopter and ducked under spinning blades to board the noisey craft. She made her way to the cockpit and yelled at the pilot to drop her off at the lake to retrieve her Kawarime. Then she sat in her seat, near one of the open doors. waiting for Cyrus to get his act together.

Cyrus was hot on Errowyn's heels. He quickly boarded and pounded on the bulkhead, signaling the pilot to take them up. He just sat there uncharacteristically silent.

The helicopter took off, making a slight detour to let Errowyn get her kawarime. He didnt land, just signaled her and watched her step out of the helicopter and fall to the Island where her Kawarime sat under the watchful eyes of Rag-Mercs. The pilot zoomed off to the palace. with Cyrus and few of the Mercs.

Errowyn controlled her decent and slowed to a gentle landing on the ground and rushed to the cabin to change into her flight suit.

The helo landed and let out Cyrus and his troops. "Get everyone ready for full combat! Get the techies here now and get that bird in the air flying search and rescue! NOW!" he ordered as he rushed down to find his men.

As the techs worked on Raphs power armor to figure out where he went with it. Errowyn showed up in Kawarime. and landed neatly next to the F6 "Queens Slave and near the Ragcopter. She climbed out and flosted to the ground and walked over to the group. She slipped aboard the F6 and made her way to where her Daisy was still secured in the ship. She unstrapped it and opened it up. She climbed inside as she powered it up.

Cyrus sat in the CIC as he waited for his men to show up, or news of the armor. Anything... He just sat there, with his head in his hands, just being useless.

Errowyn grew tired of waiting for the Techs to show up. She accessed Raph power armor with her superior Daisy AI busting through the armor security and access the data. "Four hour flight on vector 186." She transfered the Info to Cyrus datajockey.

His eye lit up with the information. He bolted up and pulled up a map in the CIC. "All right. Delta and Gamma companies head out there and secure the perimiter. I want the chopper running my men back and forth across that fucking mountian. Alpha company to the CIC on the double." He barked as he began searching the map for clues. Come hell or high water he was getting his soldier back. No man left behind.

Errowyn left the where ever Raphs armor was at and moved it to Kawarime. She exited the armor and used the remote to get it settled in the backseat of the Kwarime. She secured it there. Once Ragcopter had cleared the area on its first outward bound trip with fully armed Rag-Mercs. She took off, to fly fast responce attacks to help protect the Helicopter.
Once Raphael was alone again, he looked over his wounds. His hand was bloody and wrapped tight. His arm and leg also were actively bleeding and the broken bones felt like fire. He tried to stand again on his one good leg, but stumbled and fell. "Shit!" He groaned as he pulled himself to the bars, attempting to get a good look at his surronding. His wings softly flapped, testing how bad he had injured them. His right wing was bruised but he would recover, though flying was out of the question.

The old crone would come by and see him out of the bunk. She would glare at him. "Get back to bed, deary birdman. time to change the bandages." She would order him. She carried her herb basket and a sack with bread in it. She had a water skin on a strap over her shoulder and a bucket.

He looked up at her, glaring. "Make me you old hag." He said slumping aginst the wall. His body was racked with pain, but he was attempting to hide it. Every twitch of his body felt like agony.

She sighed, "Fine." Set the stuff she had in her hands on the floor away from the single cell he was in. She opened a pouch and poured some powder in her hand and toss it on Raphael. When breathed, it would put him to sleep.

Raph held his breath. He mentaly slowed his heart rate and sat there, attempting to wipe away the powder.

while she watched him, prepped another handfull of the same powder. Having dealt with prisoners before. She waited till he was forced to breath and tossed another hand full of powder at him.

"Fuck..." He said as he was forced to inhale. He had been trained in the IPG to fight being drugged. He struggled to stay awake.

As he felt the effects of the powder, not only he fell asleep. It numbed the pain. She waited and just to be safe, threw another smaller handfull. Once she was sure he was asleep. she opened the cell and gave a sharp whitle. Two more females showed up and they got him back on the bunk. Working as a team, they had him stripped, washed, and clean rags just to make feel modest. They treated the wounds again. using mixture of healing herbs to help heal and prevent infections. One of the females began plucking his feathers and putting them in a sack.

He began to stir as they started plucking feathers off his wings. "Gah!" He said attempting to throw his arm at the girl assaulting his wings. To bad that was his broke arm. He gritted his teeth and groaned. "Leave my wings alone!" He yelled grogily as he tried to wake himself up.

The old Lady, tossed more sleeping powder on his face to put him under again and shooed the girl away. She fashioned a sling to keep his broken arm immobile. She saw the bloody area of his wing. She plucked the feathers there to expose the broken wing bone. She set that bone carefully after breaking it to set it properly. When Raphael woke, they was gone and his broken wing had a lesser pain to it. But it was bound to keep from moving so the bones could mend properly.

The sack of bread rolls were on the floor next to his bunk and a clean piss bucket was there in place of the old one. A water skin glistened with waters hung on a peg.

"Ugh I hate that bitch..." he said as he looked down. "And where the hell are my clothes?" He asked no one in particular. He looked down at his simple loin cloth and cursed. His wing was wrapped up thightly. "Great, now I really look like a damn pet bird..." He said pulling on the chain with all his might, which wasn't much... He could only use one side of his body and he could feel it. "Why? Why do I have to care so fucking much..." He muttred thinking about Julie.

Julie was miles away fully on the other side of the mountains at her Aunts place. Being pretty much a prisoner there under Aunts dominion. She was back to her school lessons and being a proper young lady. To be groomed as a queen as soon as the upstarts were kicked off planet.

Meanwhile in Tweks Lair; it was pretty much the same for Raphael. He was cleaned and wounds treated by the Old Lady. She would cackle about those monsters from the city had came, searched the area and left.

Raphael just laid still, staring at a small crack in the ceiling. He refused to meet anyone's gaze or their jeering. He just stared. Reflecting on how stupid he was. He forgot the one rule, look out for yourself. But, he just wanted to help Julie. He felt like he was her brother. And, yet this is what happened when he attempted to help her. He ended up in shit situations, and Julie probably didn't even care... Raph finally rolled his hed towards the bars.

The herbs that the old ladt used were semi-fast acting. The pain was soon replaced by the healing itch. His wing bone was the first to be fully mended with the Herbs she used. A fresh set of down [small feathers] began to cover the exposed skin of his wings.

He sat up testing his wing. He fluttered softly at first, then he began beating both of them as he rose a few inches off the ground, only to be stopped by his leash. He beat harder and harder pulling on it.

The old lady would watch till he tired himself out as she passed by on other chores till it was time to check upon him. She would have fresh bread rolls, fresh water and a clean bucket for him to use. Plus the powder to put him under if he refused her treatments in aiding him to heal.

Hey just laided there on his bed after he wore himself out. He just gave up. He wasn't getting out of this one so easily. He just laid there, refusing to eat or drink anything.

A few rodents found the untouched food and gobbled it down and they would stagger off and disappear into their hidey holes.
Meanwhile back at the Palace, Errowyn was tearing the place apart looking over documents from the Pervious Regime that Uso upsurped. Even looking into Julies diary. Everyone had scoured the area looking for Raphael. They had found a few small holes, but nothing that would allow Raph to enter. So while the troops were out scouring the countryside for Raph. She was busy looking over documents.

Cyrus staggered inside. He had been out for more than 36 hours straight searching, and his men forced him to return to the palace for rest. He looked over at Errowyn. "Any luck E?" he asked tiredly.

"I may have found Kin to Julie. I may go pay her visit." She looked over at Cyrus. She stood up from the desk and moved over to him. "Sit down before you fall down." She ordered one of the peasants that now worked in the palace to go fetch food and drink for Cyrus.

"No Errowyn, I am coming with you... She has to know something." He said attempting to shake the tiredness out of his eyes. "I can nap on the helio now lets go." He said attempting to make a move for the door.

She easily tripped him and watched him crash to the floor. "Yeah right. Now get in bed and get some rest." She returned to her seat. Picked up the radio and gave commands to ignore Cyrus till Sunrise. Or she was going to pull her air support from the campaign. "And eat" As the serveant returned with a tray of food. The aroma of the food was enough drive a person crazy with hunger. The Serveant set up a table with food.

Cyrus hit the floor hard. He just laid there for a moment, deciding what to do. He slowly rose to his hands and knees, then stood up. "I can eat and sleep once he is found. Until then I need to do something..." He said as his eye softly glowed. He was attempting to cycle through maps and scan all he could. He sat down by the food by just sat there as he cycled through data. The toll it was taking was heavy though. He brought a hand up and covered his other eye, shaking slightly. "Gotta find him..." He murmered.

"We will find him. Just gotta be smart about it." Errowyn spoke softly. "Eat. And then get some rest. You are setting a poor example for your troops. They work in shifts to get rest. Let them do the grunt work for you. Till it is time to mount the rescue." Errowyn watched him. "He knows the risks. It will give him time to think and get his head screwed on right. He will survive like he did in the past."

Cyrus sighed and his eye powered down. "Damn it..." He said as he let his head fall back. He looked up at the ceiling. "That stupid fool..." he said looking up. "Why would do something so damn stupid?" He asked no one in particular as he pushed the plate away to make room for his head, laying it down on the table.

"Because he has heart." Errowyn sighed and moved over to Cyrus, using gravity manupilation and her neko strength, lifted Cyrus up like a mother cat would a young and carried to the bed and tossed him on it. "Get some sleep or I'll have a few goons of yours to sit on you till you get some sleep." She returned back to her desks with maps and journals and various other documents.

Cyrus groaned. "Wish you would stop that... I have legs you know..." He mummbled as he was rolled onto the bed. As she walked away, he asked. "Errowyn?"

"Mmmmm?" After she would stopped chuckling at his predictiment. She looked over at him as she sat down.

"What would you do if I was in Raph's position...?" He asked with his eye closed, but his eye faintly glowed.

"Same thing I am doing right now. Intell gathering. Making sure I was well rested and fed." She looked over at him. "I would let my troop do all searching out there as I am here looking for leads."

He sighed. "I just feel so useless." He said drapping an arm over his eye. "I have searched high and low, yet I can't turn up shit... I am failing..." He replied softly. "For all I know he is dead and I wasn't there to pull his ass out the fire... Or worse..." He added rolling over.

"With the troops out there, Whomever has him, cant move him." Errowyn spoke as she looked through anothe bundle of documents. "If he has any brains, he will keep up his strength. Unless he copping out. Then he deserves his fate." Sounding a bit coldhearted as she flipped another page over to look at a new document.

Cyrus shook his head at her. though before he could retort, sleep gripped him. He began to snore softly as he drifted off. When Errowyn turned to look at him, he was clutching something tightly.

Errowyn curiosity got the better of her and moved silently over to the bed and slipped the picture out and looked at it. She smiled at seeing them together. They both could have passed for brothers, except for the wings on one. She put the picture on the dresser next to the bed. She turned down the lamps in the room, letting him sleep. She slipped out of the room, carrying her datajockey with her notes.
Cyrus was up way to early in the morining. He slipped his "guards" and had snuck into the CIC to see the progress of the search. He plugged his eye into the holo board and sat down while his mind raced through the assorted data. He sat back sipping on what these people called coffee and began to work.

Errowyn pre-flighting her Kawarime which was parked in the courtyard near the F6 Queens Slave. She was looking a bit unhappy at the latest results. After this rescue of Raphael, she was going for a long cruise to the space station to have her craft worked on. These Kawarimes needed a lot of attention.

"So have you found my Elysian yet?" Uso asked, barely paying attention to Cyrus as she walked into the makeshift command room on the Queen's slave. She had on a tight fitting dark blue tank top and black running pants. Her hair was smoothed back and in proper order, not a thing was out of place on her. She was carrying herself mugh more tightly than before, her normal casual gait replaced by that of someone who had somewhere to be.

Cyrus shook his head. "Negative ma'am." He replied drly as he continued sifting through data. It had actually boiled down to sending his compaines out in the cardinal direction to search. They enemy base was seriously hard to find. He sent men out into the townships to bribe and extort information, but little was working. "I have everyone out there... We will find him." He said finally looking up at Uso.

The whine of the Kawarime was heard and soon rose in pitch as it took off. Heading out to join the search from a different perspective. Errowyn was soon heading for the Aunts place on the otherside of the mountains.

"Do you want to go over why my Elysian ended up captured?" Uso asked, the annoyance thick in her voice.

One of the troops spoke up, "Raph took Juliee for a ride on his power armor towards the mountians, Boss Lady. His suit returned without him." He was only being helpful.

Cyrus looked to the man. "Have the techs recovered the audio and video logs from his armor yet?" He asked the man calmly.

"Its in the databanks under Raph Armor." He leaned over the console and typed in several commands bringing up the info on volumetric display so all could see. It showed him landing with a passed out julie. Then him waking her up. She ran off to be jumped by thugs and carried off into the brush, while other thugs open fire on the Armor and Raphael. Then ensuing battle. After the battle showed him outside the suit and then him diving into a well that was now very well conceal. Then showed the return flight back to the palace and armor storage place.

He looked to Uso. "He tried to go after the kid it looks like." He said cursing under his breath.

Uso tapped her fingers on the CIC table in the center of the room, calmly asking, "Where's the other kid?"

"With Ace." Cyrus replied.

"Where is Ace?" She asked firmly.

"The kid had a lead and I sent Ace with him." He responed firmly.Then Cyrus turned to the soldier. "Go find

pilot please." He asked turning back to Uso.

The soldier nodded and summoned the helicopter pilot to the CIC and have the copilot to stand by the copter. "if asking for Errowyn... she took off in her Kawarime."

Uso's silence was deafening.

Cyrus looked to Uso, but spoke to the pilot. "Take us up and begin searching grid A67." He ordered without looking. He studied Uso's expression.

The copter pilot fled the CIC and soon the Ragcopter was beating for the sky on their assignment.

Uso didn't quite seem engaged, but her expression was less than happy... she had the aura of someone who just had their coffee made wrong, but didn't feel the need to correct the barista.

"Uso?" Cyrus asked softly. He also sent a quick message out to Errowyn. All it read was "Status E?"

Her response was quite short, "Cyrus."

A minute later. :: just found the the little scamp. Exiting Kawarime. Coordinates follow if no responce in an hour. Send cavalery ::

He shot back another message. ::Be careful babe.::

Then looked up at Uso. "We will find Raphael." He said calmy opening his maps again.

"I will leave it to you then. Do let me know if something is going on outside." She then got up and headed back out of the CIC.

Cyrus looked over his shoulder as Uso left. "Hold on Uso..." He said receiving a call. "I have the kid on vid com." He replied opening the call where one of his men stood. "Sir, we have the boy and Ace is off looking." He said turning his cam to the Jacob.

Uso paused in the doorway for a moment. Then she would turn back around and walk over to Jacob's projection.

"... Jacob. Where would Julie have gone to? It looks like she isn't in the city, and she isn't at the island estate."

"What...?" The boy asked feabily as he saw Uso's projection. "I...I...don't know..." He stammered.

"You must have some other home you stay at besides those two." Uso said calmly.

Jacob thought for a moment. " We have a some family scattered about that she would go to..." He said thinking. "A few aunts and uncles." He added.

"And where do they live? Can you show us on the map?" She asked.

Errowyn autopiloted her kawarime and exited the craft. She closed the canopy and then stepped off the edge of the wing farthest from the engine thrusters and let her self fall at a decent rate to the ground of Julie Aunts estate. she hoped that none of the guards ever looked up, for she would be an easy target. Specialy without her armor and the way she was dressed.

Jacob nodded. "Yes..." He replied quickly. The soldier turned the cam back around. "We will get the info to you soon."

"See that you do." Uso replied.

Cyrus walked out to the helipad and waited for the Ragna chopper to return. He swore the pilots to secrey and took off on their new stealth run.He equiped standard body armor and loaded his pistols and set out to the cordinates.

Errowyn landed on the ground in the woods near the Aunts Keep. She looked herself over and smiled. She made her way to the keeps enterance and approached, She hoped her ears stayed concealed by the strip of cloth and her loose hair to keep them covered. She nodded to the guards that watched her approached.

One of the guards grumbled something to his partner as they both looked more alert, watching the woman approched them. They made a few crude jokes and chuckled. But was curious why a well off looking merchanter woman would be out this far from town. "Halt." One of the guards spoke.

Errowyn stopped a few feet from them. "Yes?" Sounding a bit tired as if she walked a great distance. She looked them over with a practiced eye sizing them up.

"Whot you doing here this far from town?" The other guard spoke up.

"I am here to see the lady of the house." She hoped that she didnt have to supply it. "Business."

"You re quite brave to travel this far alone from town without an escort." The other guard spoke up, looking her over with an appreciative eye.

"I guess I got lucky," Errowyn replied, shrugging. She looked back the way she had come. Then turned her attention to the two guards.

"You day got even luckier." The first guard spoke licking lips as he advance clearing looking lustful at her.

Errowyn smiled sweetly, and then struck quickly and without warning at the nearest guard, to send him into his partner. She quick drew her service weapon and cleanly shot them both in the head. She picked them up using her neko abilities and proped them against the wall near the gate like they was on guard duty still.

She calmly entered the courtyard of the keep and made her way to the keeps main building. She definitely wasnt exiting out the way she came in. She entered the keep like she owned it. She moved through the corridors and rooms zeroing on Julies voice reciting the mathmatic problems to her tutor. in a bored voice.

"Hello? May I help you?" Came a cultured voice of the aristocratic lady that owned the Keep.

Errowyn turned and looked at the lady before her. "I am looking for Princess Julie." She spoke in a calm voice and keeping her face nuetral in expression. Hoping that Julie would not hear her voice.

"She is busy at the moment with her studies. How can I be of service?" The lady pressed with her question.

"By now you have heard what had befallen to the kingdoms on the otherside of the mountains. I am part of the Resistance to reclaim them from the dreaded monsters from the sky. Since she is from there. I believe she can help us. At least give me some information about them."

The lady scowled and gently grabbed Errowyns arm and lead her to a sitting room.

Meanwhile aboard the helicopter. The pilot took a holding pattern around the mountian. Cyrus checked his leg servos and was ready for a combat drop. He looked over the rest of his equipment and watched the monitor. He had shot off a message to Errowyn. ::In holding pattern. Ready for HALO jump.:: He replied look down at the ground which was near 7000 feet down.

Errowyn without missing a beat as she was being lead by the Julies Aunt into the sitting room, she sent a message through her SACN node to her Kawarime and from there to Cyrus :: hold off, this is gonna take longer than expected. Give me another hour. Found Julie. No sign of Raph. :: Errowyn smiled at the Aunt for her politeness. She took a the offered seat and they talked for a bit about the war and demise of the her sister
s kingdom.

Julie done with her days lessons, was lookig for her Aunt for her daily afternoon snack. she heard a familiar voice and rushed into the room, "Errowyn!" She yelled delighted to her, then to her Aunt. "This is the lady that was with the Angelman that can make her small building fly!"

Aunt looked at Julie with frown at her rudeness, but couldnt help but remember the wild stories Julie told her after paying her ransome to a bunch of slavers.

She looked at Errowyn with suspicision. "Does my niece speak the truth?"

Julie looked at Errowyn, then back to her Aunt and then back again. ~~oh crap~~ Errowyn thought to herself, this wasn
t looking good at all. "All I need is the location of the Angelman, your niece calls him. And I will do my best not bring bloodshed to this Keep."

Aunt looked at Errowyn and then to her niece. She sighed softly as this predictiment. "Julie, please tell this lady what she want to know." Hoping that she would keep her word.

Julie nodded and told her tale of waking up in a place that was looked like her Aunts grounds. Then her capture and being tossed down a well into a cavern full of thugs and other women.

Errowyn questioned her carefully under the watchful eye of the Aunt. Even had her draw what she could remember of the area and exit of the Lair.

Julie nodded shyly as she ran to get the paper and her pencils and crayons. While she was gone, Errowyn stood up and paced while the Aunt sent for refreshments. :: Cyrus, stand down. Getting cooperation :: She sent to Cyrus.

Cyrus mummbled. "They are really lucky I didn't get to make my airdrop." He looked to the pilot. "Continue on to search grid A92. The longer we stay here the more likely Uso will find this place and burn it to the ground." He said standing at the tail ramp watching the mountains grow smaller and smaller as they flew away. ::You never let me have fun :(:: He sent back.

Errowyn gave a soft chuckle at the response from Cyrus, :: Just gotta have the female touch. :: She sent to him. :: I will keep you updated. ::

Soon Julie returned with her paper s and crayons and began to draw while the Aunt served up refreshment. "Can you put in a good word for us for helping you out?" The Aunt asked Errowyn for this was one of the off worlders that brought misfortune her sisters kingdom.

"I will try. Hopefully if we recover Angelman of Julies. I am sure it will look favorable upon you and your household here." Errowyn spoke hopefully that she can pull this off.

Julie listened as she drew what she remembered of her trip. the strange rock formations and terrien features such as waterfalls, Errowyn talked with the Aunt and Julie, helping her to remember.

Soon Errowyn was scanning the information into her Kawarime databanks to look over later. :: Cyrus Need you in the area to provide air cover. Landing my Kawarime for pick up. 20 minutes :: She sent it off to Cyrus.

Cyrus was scanning the country side with his eye when he recived the message and saw the coordinates. ::Do you one better...:: is all he replied as he preped for the test of his new combat drop augmentation for his legs. He stood at the ramp at the ready. "Get me over there now." Cyrus called. "One pass across and continue searching, but stay in the area." He ordered looking out the ramp again.

Errowyn recieved a map of the mountains and she rolled it up. She thanked the Aunt, she exited with the Aunt out of the keep into the large walled in gardens She pulled out her remote as her hearing picked up the faint beating of the air from the rotor blades. She activated her remote, sending a summons to her Kawarime.

She thanked the Aunt for her cooperation and Julies. Julie wanted to go with Errowyn, but Errowyn told her a flat out "No!" Then ignored her. Her Aunt smiled at the decisiveness of the lady turned her niece down, supporting her wishes. Aunt had Julie go back inside with a serveant to make sure Julie complied.

The Kawarime dropped into a dive and missed the copter, as it darted past him giving him a good view of the empty cockpit of her craft, except that the back seat was filled with her Daisy armor. Kawarime leveled out and passed the helicopter from underneath it zeroing on the remote transmitter Errowyn held. The craft slowed to a hover as the landing legs extended.

Errowyn nodded to the Aunt . The Aunt nodded back and she moved to Kawarime as it settled on the ground with the canopy opening up. She made her way to it and rose up off the ground to enter her Kawarime. Once inside it, she lowered the canopy as a guard appeared next to the Aunt and whispered something to her.

Errowyn took off in vertical flight with her craft and soon flew pass the helicopter, wiggled her wings as she flew by. "All clear, heading back to Base. to corrolate the info I gotten." She radioed to the Ragnacopter and Cyrus.

Cyrus sighed as he sat down on the ramp, letting hs legs dangle from the back of his helicopter. "Roger that..." He replied waving to her. "Back to base boys." He ordered.

Kawarime shot ahead and was already landed at the Palace. She was in CIC, when Cyrus and rest shown up.

Cyrus walked in with two guards flanking him on either side, looking much like a general. He looked about as he entered CIC. "Talk to me." He said stepping up to Errowyn.

"According to Julie, the hide out is in the mountains on this side. Maybe near here." She tapped the map she had received from Julie Aunt.

Cyrus snapped and the two guards left the room. He pulled up his Tac map and drew a circle around the spot. He then pulled up another window with his squad leaders.

"I whont be able to provide Air support if it comes to a cave system within this mountain here." Errowyn tapped his Tac map on the spot where he drew his circle.

Cyrus rolled his eyes. "I totally thought you could fly a plane in a cave." He teased lightly as he pulled upen the window for Alpha company.

"Daisy yes. But my luck would get stuck." Errowyn smiled. "Go get your Brother at Arms back Cyrus." She spoke softly.

He tuned and kissed her quickly then turned back to the map."I have to move troops around. I will let you know what they find." He replied softly.

She nodded as she gave him a quick hug and departed the CIC to go inform Uso that they were on the trail of Raphael.

Cyrus pulled up the link for his company commanders. "Report in boys and girls." He ordered over the link. He recived their updates then issued new orders. "Alpha and Beta, new orders. Gamma, pull back and stand by for QRF (Quick Reaction Force)." Each acknowelded the command and the link was terminated. Cyrus sighed and slummped down in a chair, wondering what was happening to Raph at the moment.
In the Cavern , Twek and his gang of thugs were going through the captured women that they broke into the life slavery, getting the better ones and killing off the ones that were useless and over abused by his gang. Twek spoke with the old lady that was a healer by profession and had been his captive so long that she was one of his. She was treated with respect by the gang members that she had become attached to them.

"He has lost the will to live. My Lord Twek. But his body is repairing itself and drawing sustance from the healing herbs." She spoke respectfully to Twek.

Raphael stirred from his nap. His stomach growled, but still he refused to eat. He looked over at the pair and scoffed softly. "And the Warden finally arrives..." He said with a parched throat. He had refused the water as well. He wasn't going to be there slave... This was his final act of defiance if he wasn't getting out of here.

Twek looked at Raphael. "Not so mighty without your Armor, birdman." He sneered at Raphael.

Raphael laughed loudly. "I am only 21 years of age and I am more the man than you will ever be." He replied with a smirk. "You a just an insecure "little" man, who can only have a woman if he holds a knife to her throat." He laughed.

"You are one in a cage, birdman. Not me." He looked at the old lady, "Hes recovered enough for the market. Prep him." He walked away as several thugs appeared.

The old lady threw more of the sleeping powder onto Raphaels face, letting drift down onto him.

"You are a coward! A COWARD!" He cried as the powder hit him and he drifted off to sleep.

Twek laughed as he had heard a lot worse. He may be a coward, but he was a rich one and he had proven himself to his men. Once he was asleep, they removed the collar and bound him him up like a turkey for the oven. Carried his limp form to the Cage Wagon and tossed inside. The cage door was closed and locked. He was in with the women going to the slave market who were barely covered themselves.

Raphael fought the sleep and stired. He forced himself to sit up and looked about. Once he realized he wasn't alone, he stirred even more. "Well, this is a nice change of scenery..." He softly joked.

The women in the cage with him, were using him as a seat. One looked at him and spat at him. "You bastard! I hope you go cheap and die in the ore mines offworlder demon!"

Raphael tossed his legs up to get the woman off him, His one good wing started beating wind. "And I thought we would be good friends.." he scoofed back and wiped the spit away. He began testing his restraints. His red and blue eye catching the light that passed through the cracks.

The restraints were expertly tied, but his wrist were in front of him. The cage was covered with a tarp, yet it had holes to allow the air in. But these women were all captured by Twek and his men when they had fled to aviod Uso and the Mercs joining in the battle. They made pretty much used him as a seat for their comfort.

Raphael smiled when he saw the rope infront of him. He began biting down on the rope. It was a tight knot, but he had been trained for this. If he was to escape it was now. He bit furiously at the rope trying to undo it.

The wagon jerked and began to move out at a steady pace. The torchlight faded to be replaced by sunlight and the road was rough and there was a lot of jostling of the slaves for the market as the wagon was pretty much full with little space for movement.

Two hours into the nerve wracking and bumpy ride. All hell broke loose. Gunfire and yelling, screaming, the sudden picking up of speed as the wagon and horses began their mad rush. Hole appeared in the tarp as bullets ripped through the tarp and richoceade off the bars.

Raphael cursed. "Get your heads down!" He said forcing the woman infont of him to put her head down. "That better be the good guys..." He said to no one in particular.

A loud explosion and the wagon crashed onto its side sliding a few feet. Still the firefight raged around the wagon. What took ten miutes of intense fighting, probably to those in the tarp covered wagon eons for the firefight die down to the random gunshot. The dreaded double taps. Command voices were uyelling orders and being relayed rapidedly. Soon a yell sounded out. "Got the bastard! 10k gold coins is mine!" A cheer from the mercs rang out.

Raphael was so relived he began to tear up. "Hey Ragna boys!!! A little help here!" He called laughing with joy. He didn't care how much pain that blast caused him. He was safe now.

The canvas tarp was torn off, and exposing the near naked people inside the cage. A Big man approached, One of the Captains looked at Raphael. "Should we tell Uso about your little vacation?" Nodding to the near naked women within the cage with him.

Raphael laughed. "Hell she would be proud that I pulled so much." He said with tears in his eyes. "Now get me out this bitch I am starving."

A zap rang out and the lock metled into a glob of molten metal asit dropped to the ground with a splat and sizzle, letting the cage door fall open. A helecopter landed and medics rushed out the back to begin to treat the wounded. Several approached the cage under the direction of the Captain to recover Raphael. He was pulled from the group of women who were treated and released. Raph was soon strapped to a strecher with an IV and hustled aboard the helicoper alon with the wounded. As soon as the copter was loaded, it took off back to base....

As Raphael was ushered aboard the helicopter, he began to sob softly. He tried to stiffle them but he was so relived and thankful to be out and amongst allies. He was safe now, and soon he fell asleep to the sound of rotarwash.

The Captain radioed back to CIC " Coporal Twiddle got Twek. Birdman rescued and on the first wounded chopper back. Captain A Company."

Cyrus jumped in the air and cried. "Fuck Ya. Guess what Alphas? Drinks on me tonight. Damn fine job. Get his ass back here asap." He ordered. He turned and made sure no one was in the room. He sat down and called Errowyn and Uso. "We got him..." He said pulling out a cigar and lighting it. He took a shuddering drag and let it out slowly into the CIC.

The helicopter with the first load of wounded and Raphael landed in the courtyard, the ramp dropping to the ground with a thud. Troop rushed forward to haul the wounded inside to the Infirmary so the Merc Doctors could begin their traige and treatments.

Cyrus rushed out to the coutyard and ran right to Raphael. He began wheeling him out. "You dumb fool! What the Fuck were you thinking?" He yelled smacking the back of Raphael's head.

Raphael shugged and smiled up at him. "It's good to see you to big bro." He answered feably.

Once the helicopter was empty of the wounded, it lifted off and flew to get more wounded, kicking up dust as it lifted off and disappearing in the direction of the battle.

Cyrus and a corpman wheeled Raphael inside and set him up with another IV. Cyrus sat down by his little brothers side.

Raph looked up at him. "Did you find Julie?" He asked feably.

Cyrus scowled. "Errowyn knows where the kid is, and you aren't allowed to go after her. You are done you idiot." Cyrus stated sternly like an older sibling.

Raphael tried to protest, but was way to weak. He began coughing, and a corpsman brought him water. He gulped it down eagerly.

The corpsman smiled as that was an easy way to put Raphael to sleep by adding a little sleep draought to the water. "He will sleep for several hours. He will need it sir."

Cyrus looked to the corpsman. "Thank you. How bad is he?" He asked

"Starvation took its toll on him, lacerations to the hands, broken arm and leg. Looks like one of the wings been broken also. Lost a lot of feathers also. He whont be flying anytime soon, unless it on a copter or ship, Sir." A Doctor arrived and began treating Raphael. "possible concussion to. And laceration on his neck also. I would say a metal collar... Iron that was rusty. Got a lot of work on him to do."

Another corpsman ushered Cyrus out. "What are you all doing?" Cyrus asked calmly, but urgently to the young nurse.

"Prepping him for surgery, sir. Xrays for internal injuries and what ever else sir." Deftly shut the door between them. Him on the outside, nurse on the inside.

Cyrus sighed and walked away. He found Errowyn's room and entered. He fell onto her bed waiting till she got back. He was so emotionally exhausted...

Errowyn was at her desk in the room, and watched him crash on her bed. She shut off her datajocky. "How is he?" She spoke just loud enough to announce her presence to him.

"He is bad E... Those fuckers chained him to a wall. Like an animal..." He said shaking with sadness and anger. "His arm and leg was broken, so was his wing. He is suffering from starvation and dehydration." He said cupping his one good eye in his hand. "He is lucky he is alive... If we hadn't gotten lucky..." He didn't dare finish that thought.

Errowyn nodded, she knew. "He owes his life to Julies Aunt. If she hadnt paid the ransom, we would be still looking for him." She stood up and moved to the bed and sat on the edge near Cyrus. "I have deleted all information on the location of Julie.From the Databanks and computers."

Cyrus sat up and rested his head on her shoulder. "Good. He is going to be confined here until he dies." He said only half joking. He tuned his head into her shoulder and stiffled a sob. The sight of the leash marks tore Cyrus up. His emotional state was piss poor at the moment, and he was lucky he was able to hold it in as long as he did.

Errowyn just sat there, unsure how to respond to his breakdown. "Tomorrow, I am heading out for much needed repairs on the Kawarime. Will be gone for several weeks." She spoke to Cyrus, letting him recover from his emotional weakness. "Anyways Uso is going to need a chaffuer.

Cyrus stopped and picked his head up. "I'm sorry you had to see that..." He stated softly. "I have just been holding that in for to long." He said running a hand through his hair. "I haven't driven you away have I?" he half joked.

"Not yet. Just need to get 5 back in top shape. Need to bring in a few ship techs to have on hand." She gave him a soft kiss to his cheek. "I having a meal brought up for you and me to eat here."

He smiled softly and pulled her close and hugged her. "Thank you baby. For being here for me..." He said softly pecking her on the cheek

A soft knock at the door, brought Errowyn to her feet and she moved to the door, opening it and receiving the cart with the meals on it. She joked with the palace guard for a bit and then closed the door. She picked up the tray of food that was Cyrus and brought it to him. Setting it on the bed near him. She got hers and moved to the desk to eat.

Cyrus thanked her and ate. He looked over to her as she sat at the desk. "If you want, I will get out of your hair. I will go wait down in the waiting room if you want your space." He offered softly as he ate.

Errowyn looked thoughtful, then spoke. "You need your rest. You will probably have to sit on Raphael to prevent him from looking for Julie." She smiled at him lightly. "Just dont get crumbs on my bed. They have free roaming rodents in this place."

Cyrus smiled back at her as he finished and wiped the crumbs away. "Keep me company then?" He asked yawning as he laid back on her bed.

"Just take off your clodhoppers. Your dirtying up my bed." She smiled at him, as if she was spoiled Yamataian princess.

He smirked. "Yes ma'am." He said as he threw his clothes and boots in a pile. All that was left was his drawers as he laid back down. "Better now?" He asked as his head sunk into the pillow.

"Much better," She stood up and put her tray on the cart, then his. She shoved the cart from the room, shutting the door. She slipped behind the privacy screen and changed into a long loose flowing gown. Done her hair up in a braid. She put out the candles in the lamps and the only light was from the fireplace. She moved and crawled into bed beside Cyrus...