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RP: United Outer Colonies [Colonization] Discovering The Places Called Home

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Inactive Member
Early YE 30 – Hici'emi System – United Manufacturing Cooperative Shipyards – KHI Annex

“Ship model UMC-CLS-001 unveiling will take place in five minutes.” Came a voice over an intercom. The voice however was barely noticeable over the chatter of the small party which had assembled in one of the observation rooms aboard the United Manufacturing Cooperative operated shipyard. Housed within its latticework of a building frame was the key to the growth of a budding nation. However, the nurturing object sat shrouded beneath a massive tarp, made just for the occasion.

A ship christening party, sometimes they were grand affairs, others were quietly carried out. In this case, there was a middle-ground as the key project engineers found themselves huddled around kegs of Lorath and Helashio alcohol products. Loud voices and soft whispers murmured in the observation room as a general feeling of accomplishment grabbed hold. However, that feeling was lost to two of the people who were present. Both of those people were seated in rather plush looking chairs, their gaze fixed on the shrouded figure of the ship within the yard dock.

One of the pair, a Jiyuuan male, sat with one leg crossed over the other. His faded-blue eyes were half open as he paid little attention to the party. His mind was elsewhere, light-years away, in a place he had only seen through a long-distance scan. Despite the distance, in his mind he could taste the fresh air, feel the land under his feet, and even envision the stars overhead in absolute accuracy. He longed to find his home, it was a colonist's hope, the hope of his people really.

Beside the dreamer was a Lorath female, her dark green shoulder-length hair was a sharp contrast to the pale skin which it sat against, and the black of the leather which hugged her form. Her large pupils were fixed upon the form outside of the observation room. Her mind was not occupied with the thought of finding a home, she had one, she knew her home. Her home however was long gone, crushed beneath the grinding force of a moon and a planet. The past, it clung to her like a thick veil of smoke and dust, but she longed to break free. To break free, it was a process which she had her mind on, and that process involved the object which sat shrouded on the other side of the windows and bulkheads ahead of her. Her mind thought to the coming launch, the light-years which would be crossed, and the months which would be spent in so many places, looking for a place which her, and thousands of others, could call their home. The thought of having to set out made the Lmanel's wings twitch and flex as her thoughts were fixed on the task.

The pair were the heads of a colonization effort intended to place citizens of the Lorath Matriarchy and United Outer Colonies in new systems which made up the outer portions of the cluster which the off-shoot nation had settled. The Jiyuuan, a man of merely eighteen with the name 'Michi'. Simply Michi, his family name was something he dropped when he left Yamatai, after all, he dropped his family as well. The Lorath woman beside the Jiyuuan was another story, her family had been taken, not left. With her loss, the Lmanel grabbed the name which best suited the loss in the tongue of the Jiyuuan and Yamataian people; 'Kara'. For now, she was merely a husk, a shell of who she was, but she hoped to fill that void with the coming task ahead of her.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please direct your attention to UMC-CLS-001 Unit 01 dock.” Came the voice over the intercom again. With this announcement, the party acted as if it were simply turned off. Direction, even the attention of the drunken engineers, was directed to the observation windows. A pair of small pods drifted through the space outside. Paa-Zem, the simple working units which did ever so much, did yet another task as they towed a small web of cables behind them, and with the towed cables the veil was pulled aside. The shimmering gray of a hull was now visible. The massive form was of the 'Nir-Class' colony ship. Designed as the vehicle which would serve to grow a nation's borders.

The pair of silent observers stood from their seats, the female Lorath offering her hand to the Jiyuuan. “Come” She spoke in a soft yet hollow voice. With her word, the Jiyuuan took her hand, knowing full well where she intended to go. The unveiling was complete, they could now make the first steps needed for their journey ahead...

A Month Later – A Conference Room Aboard Nir-Class Unit 001

“It is not going to work.” The same hollow voice which had spoken the single word sounded in the office. The Lmanel spoke to the Jiyuuan which she took from the party a month ago. “We'll lose a week, maybe even three that way.” She said as she gestured to the green line which curled through the system labeled as E-8.

“And why won't it?” Came the voice of the Jiyuuan, he seemed somewhat agitated... yet curious to the same time as to why his proposed surveying course was unacceptable to the Lorath woman.

“We would be unable to properly survey the fifth planet in the system. Our scientists suspect that the gas giant will gain high-energy weather patterns which will produce far too much interference for the instruments aboard the Nir. Even gas giants have seasons, and with that course we would get there at the start of the 'summer', or when the orbit of the gas giant would bring it close enough to the star to provoke very intense storms within the gas currents.” The Lorath woman explained in a very matter-of-fact tone.

A small sigh came from the Jiyuuan. She was right, they would have to bump the colonization of the northern systems up to the forefront, instead of colonizing the western-border first. In the Jiyuuan's mind he envisioned the next meeting with the brass, especially the Tange members. They would ride him about how important a larger buffer between the colonies and Yamatai was. However, before the military priority came the priority of ensuring the dead-line was met, an early YE 31 deadline.

”We need to have functional resource nodes and forward operation locations in those systems. As they are now, they are simply footholds for whomever would wish to move against us.” Michi's memory spoke to him, with the voice of one of the black uniform clad Tange which he had met with. ”Our people, they long for a home. We need to ensure that we can deliver that to the people above all else.” Came the next memory, that of one of the representatives which sat upon the senate. The fact of the matter was, they could not afford a matter of weeks, they needed to colonize the available systems in a manner which would permit fluid movement of their plans.

Michi's thoughts however were soon interrupted by the hollow voice of the Lorath which he sat with. “I have a proposition.”

“Well, speak up.” Michi replied.

Kara glanced at a datapad before she spoke. “I propose we retain the material supplies which we obtain from our first colonies, and utilize those resources to manufacture shuttles and support craft which we could use to survey systems which we have yet to colonize. If we do this, we can meet our surveying deadline, and effectively concentrate our colonization efforts where they are needed, instead of using our Nir as science ships, when they clearly are not.”

“It could work..” Was the soft reply from Michi. He thumbed over a datapad display as he worked over the math for what would be available, when, and what they could do with it. “That would be a constraint against our home colonies though, since we would not be providing materials for construction and supply.”

“A worthy trade-off to be able to obtain more supplies sooner.” Kara replied as she sat back in her workstation chair. “If we debate this matter longer, all the planning in the universe won't get us those systems in time for our deadline.”

“We'll formulate a new colonization course then, based on your recommendation.” Michi spoke as he scratched his cheek. “We'll propose it to our governments. If approved, we can get our colonization efforts underway. After all, our ship has many siblings just waiting to be able to find homes.”

A single nod came from Kara as she held up a datapad. “Since our material supply issues have also been handled by this plan. I propose we focus on the matter of man-power.” She thumbed her finger over the datapad in hand before she spoke. “The fact of the matter is, we do not have the population in our colonization project to properly exploit and tame some of these planets. According to long range scan, some of these systems have planets that I guarantee will require amounts of manpower which we simply can't expend on a single planet.”

A sigh came from Michi, he had thought about that issue as well. It was a troublesome matter, but a truth none the less. “Well, what do you propose to handle the shortage? We have already touched on this some. We can't bring Helashio to do the hard work, and resource limitations would prevent us from mass-mobilizing robotic units.”

“I propose we encourage family units to expand.” Kara stated. “My people have encountered this problem before. When we first moved from underground exile, we were short on manpower. The solution was to mate, and mate quickly.”

“A traditional solution if I have ever heard one.” Michi replied with a half laugh. “But that won't help us settle those planets.”

“Not at first, but it will ensure manpower for long term goals, and if some families choose, they could enable the faster growth option for your species.” Kara explained. Unlike Michi, she kept a rather straight-face about the matter of having to reproduce at a much faster rate than usual. “I would recommend that our doctors prescribe fertility augmentation chemicals, and our recreation centers make aphrodisiacs available.”

“That is a bit much... but it does seem to be what we need. We can bring this proposition to our medical staff and get their word on the matter. I'll also make a note to discuss with our psychologist detail if it is a feasible thing to encourage families to enable rapid growth in their offspring.” Michi stated as he looked over the datapad in his hand. “With these measures, it does seem like this project can become a reality and we can meat our goals.”

“Maybe.” Kara spoke as she leaned forward in her seat to begin working with the console ahead of her. The pair stopped speaking for the night... and several days after that as they focused their attention on the logistics hurdles which existed ahead of them.

Two Months Later – Unmarked System – Five Lightyears South-East Of Miyamae

“So this is the system which our governments decided to add to our list.” Came Kara's voice as she stood upon the bridge of the Nir-Class which she held under her command. “Sensors, give me an analysis of the system.”

“Scan in progress.” Came the voice of the male sensor technician. His white and blue streaked hair hung lazily in his face as he brushed it aside to give himself a better view of his sensor console. “Seven planets... Three solid, four gas giants, three asteroid fields, the star is a low-temperature dwarf, red in spectrum.” The sensor operator spoke as he went over his scans. “Planets are comprised of many standard elements...” He trailed off for a moment before speaking. “I am however detecting trace quantities of Structol.”

“Mmm... natural or artificial?” Kara asked, her interest perked by the abnormal material presence. Little was known about the alien material, but it was a priority of the Matriarchy to investigate the origins of the material.

A moment passed as the sensor technician analyzed his readings. “Unknown, the deposits are very aged, and beneath several layers of geological material on the outermost solid planet. We are also detecting trace quantities of Structol in the deeper portions of the gas giants.”

“This system may be worth something... Inform the home governments that we will secure this system and settle it. Also transmit a request for a scientific team to be dispatched to analyze those Structol deposits.” Kara ordered as she turned to her Jiyuuan communications officer.

“Message contents confirmed.” The communications officer replied as she quickly keyed in the proper commands into the console which she operated.

Kara gave a soft nod before she swept her hand in a sharp motion forward. “Take us in, and begin planet by planet analysis. Give orders to trailing ships to set down on the most hospitable of those planets. Send word to the engineers that they will need to prepare the prefabricated dwellings.”

With those orders, Kara committed and her a number of her accompanying ships to the task of settling the system which they had been sent to. Her and her ship however would not linger for long, there were more systems which needed Kara's attention. However, she did know that her duty was to ensure the safety of the colonists which she sent to occupy the system... and so began the task of early colonization of the system.

One Month Later – Star System E-9 – Fifth Planet – Underground Colonial Complex

“What is the status of the E-9-I and E-9-II expeditions?” Michi spoke as his leather glove encased hands attempted to work the datapad which he held. The wide tips of his gloves being quite unfriendly to the task.

A soft sigh which rolled out as a mist came from the New Tur'lista advisor as she prepared to speak. All the while her hands fumbled about within the large sleeves of her thermal coat. “They have encountered difficulty surveying the planets due to the heat and radiation levels that far into the system. However, initial sensor scans indicate decent mineral resources.”

“Well, at least they have minerals to exploit.” The Jiyuuan spoke as he looked to the walls of ice which made up the room's structure. The entire room had been carved into the seemingly endless and bottomless expanse of ice which the colonists had come to know the planet well for. “We have not been able to even get to the crust of this ball of ice.” Michi spoke in a laugh as he got up from the desk which served as his temporary office. “The sooner the survey is done, the sooner I can return to my Nir and move on from here... such a wretched little system.” the Jiyuuan spoke as his teeth began to chatter slightly.

The Lorath advisor was silent as she simply listened, until her head raised and she spoke. “I have received a transmission from our drilling teams. They have reached the crust...” She trailed off. “It is frozen.” She spoke as she winced at the agitated expression which crossed over Michi's face. “They have broken through the exterior permafrost layer...” She trailed off again as she continued to monitor the feed. “Geological scans indicate the presence of complex molecular structures and highly conductive elements. The surveyors confirm, there is worthwhile mine-able terrain here on the fifth planet.”

“Well, this system has proven not to be a complete loss then.” Michi said with a soft chuckle as he held up the datapad which just began to stream in the information from the survey team. Then another datapad which held survey information from some of the other systems which had been scouted ahead of his Nir group. Scouts which were constructed using resources from a system him and his group were able to colonize the month before, and establish a mining and construction plant on.

Michi took in a deep and chilling breath before he let it out with the thought of; Step by step... we're getting it done.

Two Months Later – E-5 System – Nir-Colony Ship 001

Progress, progress had been made by the hard work of colonists scattered light-years through the new colonies which they had set out to make. Hardships were encountered however as hostile environments were tamed by the hands of determined men and women who fought to make a place for themselves in the universe, while also delivering a future to the governments which they served. It was a hard and rough expansion though, as colonists used the brute force of Lorath and Jiyuuan technology to break the wills of some of the most vicious and inhospitable of planets, just enough to form at least a town, or a small city, cradled in the arms of science and progress. Molten rock, toxic air, acid seas... all of which were forced to yield to the will of the colonists who did not know the meaning of giving up, as they forced a wedge into many of the planets they encountered, and carved out a space for them and their neihbors, and planted the flag of the United Outer Colonies, and the flag of the Lorath Matriarchy upon the new worlds.

One of those many worlds was nestled in the E-5 system. It was something rare for the colonists to encounter as they set down upon the surface of the fourth planet. The air was clean and healthy, the soil was fertile, and the water was as pure as one could ask for. It was a heaven of sorts. The ease of the planet made establishing a colony easy. Buildings and workshops sprung up within a matter of days as colonists were able to work freely and without fear of the sky or land as they assembled their homes.

Watching over the budding colony from the top of the Nir-Class which made its landing in a vast grassy field was the Jiyuuan who was tasked with leading a portion of the effort, Michi. As his gaze looked upon the land, he felt at ease, knowing that at least somewhere, the people he lead could be comfortable. Beside him, the soft clicks of boots could be heard as he looked to see the source, which was his Lorath counterpart.

“You look like your soul found rest.” Came Kara's soft yet hollow voice as she looked upon the landscape. It was hard for her to do so though, it made her ache as she thought of home at every glance. If she had not cried all her tears before, they would have flowed freely as she set her gaze on the horizon.

Michi was forced to exert a sum of will to give his attention to Kara as he pried his gaze from the land and placed it upon her. “It is somewhere that I know my people will thrive, it makes me glad... I just may make a home here.” The Jiyuuan spoke as he could not help but to feel somewhat pried from his contentment by the expression on the Lorath woman's face. “Is something wrong?” He asked, risking the question which could have so many possible responses.

“Nothing which has not been wrong before.” Kara spoke as she sat down upon the hull of the Nir. She brought her leather-clad legs to her chest and placed her arms around them as she rested her chin on her knees. “This is a lovely place, and it simply reminds me of something I can't ever have again. People I will never see. Things I will never do.”

A frown crossed Michi's lips as a memory came to his own mind. Vivid blurs of blue, the change of the sky from the light of day to the dim yellow of an eclipse when there was nothing there to stand in the way. Then the memory of what it looked like to see a star system turned into a tiny little nebula. “...Taiie...” the Jiyuuan whispered softly as he looked to the sky, and could not help but to wonder if he could see the light which still traveled through space from the now dead star. He would know come nightfall if it was possible, but for now he returned his gaze to the Lorath woman.

Kara was silent, there was nothing to say. The man knew what she had suffered, he knew what she felt, she did not need to speak another word on the matter. As the white sun traveled through the sky above there was silence from the pair until Kara's lips parted and she spoke. “We need to survey the fifth planet still, would you like to accompany me?” She asked as she remained seated for the moment.

“It is part of the job, and I would like to get a look... Alright.” Michi replied as he got up from his seat.

It took a moment for Kara to summon the will, but she soon stood up and made her way along with Michi to the Nir's vehicle bay.

Hour Later – System E-5 Planet V – Journey Shuttle

“Activating gravitic decent...” Came Michi's voice as he worked the controls of the shuttle. Sensors had taken a reading of the surface, and the pair concluded that the planet was safe to set down on, and the air was good enough to breathe, even if it were a bit dry.

Kara spoke as she monitored a console before her. “Shields holding, decent is steady.” She informed Michi as she watched the sensor readings instead of looking out of the transparent durandium view port.

Minutes passed as the shuttle made its slow decent. Layers of atmosphere passed as the tiny vessel of metal came from the sky above to the land below. The decent ended with the touching of landing struts against an outcropping of rock which jutted out from a featureless sand dune. The sky above was clear as well polished glass. The single moon of the planet loomed in the sky above, its massive surface shining dim purple-white light upon the planet below it. Pale dunes shimmered like amethyst seas as gentle whispers of wind churned the sandy surface ever so slightly.
The stark silence of the planet was ended as the Journey's hatch opened to allow the pair of passengers out of the ship. With the exit, something happened which had not happened in many months. The soft sound of a gasp of joy came from the pale lips of the Lmanel.

Kara stepped from the shuttle as she looked at the sky and sand before her. Her lips were parted in what was the onset of a smile as she looked out upon the marvel which was the surface of the world she had placed her feet upon. Now, now tears came from eyes which could not shed a tear in sadness. The tears which came were those of joy as she looked out into a landscape which touched upon her heart like nothing had in so long. She had found the very place which presented itself as a place which her soul could know and understand. It was something that the Lmanel in her longed for, and she had rediscovered it. Once, it was lost in the cataclysmic fires of her home being torn asunder, but now, it existed before her in the form of the pristine terrain. “Home...” She whispered softly as she clutched at a necklace which she wore. Her hand clung tight upon it, within her grasp she held bones of those departed, and at that moment she could feel that this was where they wanted her to go.

Oblivious to the revelation which took hold upon the Lorath woman, Michi simply looked to the stars over head. His synthetic mind played over the points of light, studying them and understanding them as he identified each one. Surely enough, he managed to spot the point of light which came from the past itself just as the Lorath woman beside him spoke of home. With that, he understood what was taking place around him. They had each found a place to call their home, and they would make sure that they would find rest in these places, or die trying.

Those thoughts of home, they resounded through the space for light-years around as colonists each found their moment like that which held the once grieving Lmanel. Many places which could be called 'Home' were made through the many points of light which dotted the sky surrounding the Yugumo Cluster. With time, those points which were 'Home', became extensions of the home which the Jiyuuan people had made in the UOC. With the coming of the 31st year of the Yamatai Empire, the colonies were able to report their completion, and within months, people and supplies coursed through those new ports, bringing new blood to the nation which they were part of.
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