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Approved Submission Combat Form Mark IV "Warfighter"

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Star Army

Hello from Star Army's wiki. This is an automated post.

An article, Combat Form Mark IV "Warfighter", was added or changed on the wiki:

See the Wiki Article for more information.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Get crackin' then!
Submission Type: "Militarized Body"
Submission URL: Combat Form Mark IV. A

FM Approval: Yes
Faction Art Requirement: No

For Reviewers:
Unapproved Sub-Articles: Yes
New Art: No
Previously Submitted: No


I've kept things under wraps for quite a while, but I think it's time that I finally started getting to work - several articles are near complete, and I feel that this is the very first which is really ready to be approved. There's several unapproved sub-articles, but I'll submit them separately to avoid making this one here cumbersome.
Could you get the sub-articles approved first, then?
So far, the approval of the parts is going smoothly - can I get an appraisal of the article? I'd like to know if it'll make it through assuming all its parts stay as-written.
Regarding raw strength and physical speed however, they easily exceed most common power armors, but completely lack protection.
Whose power armors? I don't think this works, because it makes assumptions about the rest of the setting.

Anyone have any objections to this submission?
I've went ahead and changed the line to directly compare and contrast it to the Hostile and Mindy series of armors - the biggest thing to note, after the fact that there's no armor, is that they will eventually be given protection and that this will naturally slow them down. However, should players run into these when they're out of their armor, this is what they'll face, and I intended that the scenario go down similar to Aliens stalking Space Marines in general, but vary greatly depending on GM and plot.
Well, this has been waiting for a bit. If you don't have the time to spare Wes, I'd like to request for another reviewer.
For some reason or another, my post here vanished. So I'll report it: Currently doing the review and will be done tomorrow - 4/2/2014
Eeeh took longer than expected due to being busy

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