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Combat stimiluents and other primitive but effective drugs

Le Blue Dude

Inactive Member
A sad truth but chemicles are useful in war to give people that extra little edge... Ranging from the fancy, like artificial adrenalin, and labrotory stimulents like Amphetamines and Methamphetamines (Both of which saw use in WW2) to a simple cup of coffie before battle. These are not the fancy ones I found in the wiki which are pherome baised, but simple chemicles in a cheap, somewhat brute-force trick. These will likely also be sold on the black market to people who have gotten addicted... they are more likely used by Neplesians, and can probably be manufactured with a simple chemical laboritory. I'm just going to list some real world ones for now, and make up ones later... I doubt people will stop using them in the future see.

Amphetamines and Methamphetamines: Cheaper then a dose of Calm, Clarity, and Focus and also likely slightly more addictive Methamphetamines, the more powerful of the two, were used by German pilots and tank-crews in WWII. Amphetamines were used by both Japan and America in the same conflict. Amphetamines work by effecting the part of the body responcible for producing dopamine, Norepinephrine, and seratonen, with the primary effect being on dopamine. The increase in dopamine productiveness increases attention and concintration "focus and clarity", the increase of Norepinephrine increases energy, and the increase on seritonen improves mood and happyness to a certain degree

Caffine: works directly on the brain, unlike the other two, crossing the blood brain barrier, and decreasing the body's resistance to dopamine
I like where this is going but there is a need for further explination.

  • 1) Specific drugs have specific names and ususually a specific manufacturer or a history which brought the drug to the public cheaply.

    2) Explain what the drug does to the body and how it improves. You don't have to go mad by getting chemical chains right but by saying it (for example) bonds with a blood cell to increase the oxygen load it can carry to increase the efficiency of the circulatory system (thus the overall stress a person can take) would be a good level of detail to shoot for.

    3) How is the drug administered and what are the safety limits? Safety limits can include anything from basic side effects (nausia, dizziness) to risk of heart-attack in a circulatory enhancer or parkinsons in a neural enhancer.

    4) Any after-effects? Psychological or physical (chemical) addiction?

I think things which would work well in the RP would be stuff that nulls pain receptors without a loss of alertness (which is difficult to achieve in the real world but very awesome when it works), something to decrease a person's reaction time and make them sharper and more alert and (for the love of god) something to reduce sex-drives among Yamatai soldiers.

Please feel free to PM me if you're confused at all.
Heh; they wouldn't work to well on the androids in Yamatai... I figure they would be quite big on Neples

Kaperamphetamines: "Big K" Kaprin is a small whitish pill produced by the Moiseiwitsch drug company. Big K is a fairly basic amphetamine originally sold to the star Army of Nesplian for use on their solders prior to combat. The effects were powerful, and they entered the body through the mucus membrane of the stomach, taking about ten to fifteen minuets to kick in. The pills work like most amphetamines, but were tailored to work "faster and better". It is addictive however, and tolerance to it builds slowly, but steadily. With the advent of better drugs on the market Big K was largely abandoned by both Moiseiwitsch and by the Nepleslian army. However enough people were addicted to it already to fuel cheap ripoffs, often with lower purity. Seeing this happening the board of directors voted to ramp-up production and sell at cut-throat prices, burying their competition overnight. Though better drugs now exist, "Big K" is still a common performance enhancer used due to it's "bang for your buck". It was never officially made illegal. Common side effects include sweaty palms, dry mouth, and increased heart rate. Common overdose effects are vomiting, nerve damage, and heart failure

Cloqual: A beverage, somewhat green in coloration, that holds chemicals that are related to caffine, though of alien origin. Cloqual tastes fruity, and sweet, and it is made by boiling the dried skins and seeds of the fruits of the plant that is used. Cloqual is hard to overdose on, but it can cause jittery, and hyperactivity. It is unknown how, but it increases the speed at which nerve impulses travel through the nerves some how, as well as effecting dopamine to increase focus.

Klempsomorphirine: "Clem" or "Brother Clem". This pain killer works by blocking the discharge of certain signals in nerves, specifically pain signals, it blocks them by blocking the receptors. The person who takes it remains clear headed. Clem is produced by the Moiseiwitsch Drug Company, and is strictly controlled. It has an usnusual side effect, however, of making a person's other nerve signals slightly more clear, and is often abused recreational via cut-quality imitations, and stolen/black market versions of the real good. Overdose leads to numbness in other senses, with hot/cold going first, followed by touch, folowed by hearing, followed by taste, sight and smell are the last two to go, and which one goes depends on the individual. however the enhancement of the remaining sences continues to ramp up as senses are lost, and this side effect is sometimes shot-for. Paralysis folowes shortly, voluntary muscles, then involuntary muscles. Once out of senses a person can goes insane from sensory deprivation. Klepsomorphin is psychologically addictive, though not chemically so. It is taken by injection, and appears to be a clear liquid. Only registered medics are supposed to administer it.

Combat Candy: A simple enough chemical produced by Nepleslian R&D it is put into small sugared candies, or gum, and given to soldiers who suck on them for something of a stim. It is related to caffeine, and is equally addictive, and while somewhat more powerful it does not degenerate in effect, and it takes a truly large dose to kill.

"Slam": Produced by the Moiseiwitsch drug company, "Slam" has many underworld varients. Slam improves the responce-time and strength of the user via activation of certain receptors which increase Adrenaline production, and the production of endorphins and similer distress chemicals. It's mixed with another drug that increases endurance by bomding to Hemoglobin, then carrying even more oxygen then normal hemoglobin could, as well as carrying away more fatigue poisons. Overdose can cause muscles to pull too hard and suddenly, breaking bones or tearing themselves in to. The heart and lungs can be overstrained. Any dossage can alter mood and attitude, making the person (Typicaly) either restless or angry. It is used by ground troops and is typically injected

"Long-night": Also known as "Stay-awake" and "Rest in a needle" Containing chemicals that break down fatigue poisons, including the ones responsible for sleepiness. It also includes a number of mild stimulants that make the user feel rejuvenated, it is no substitution for REAL sleep, but will do for up to 18 hours a use, and up to three uses in a row. Administering past that point is not safe, causing exponentially increasing degradation of function, incoherence of thought patterns, and "superman syndrome" where the users believe themselves to be invincible and or a genius. Past five uses the person's body is so worn out that they can no longer support themselves once it wears off, as they are hit with the cumulative lack of sleep from before. Six or seven times and you increasingly risk heart failure once you go off it, as well as having to deal with being too tired to sleep. Eight times and you are a dead-man walking. It is produced by Keifler Drugs, and is only supposed to be administered under controlled conditions.

Adrenal Alacrity: The newest stim made by the Moiseiwitsch drug company it's formula is a company secrite. It reduces the body's resistance to dopamine, and adrenalin, causing a restless "high" which is increadbly focused at the same time. Already showing up on the black-market as a powder under the slang name "Restless", it is still in testing in the Nepleslian army, given to solders intravenously prior to battle. Think "Slam" crossed with "Big K", with similar sources of death, and similer side-effects it is unknown how addictive it is, and weither or not it's degenerative.

"Happy-dust": An illegal drug, it is called "Happy-dust", "Fairy-wings", or "Sweet dreams" depending on it's form. Happy dust is a ruddy powder, that crosses over the mucus membrane eaisly, and is typically snorted. "Fairy wings" are tablets, taken oraly. They take longer to take effect, but the effect usually lasts longer. "Sweet dreams" is taken orally or intravenously as a liquid. This drug is a powerful hallucinagin, randoml bonding with and triggering various nerve clusters, and quite capable of crossing the blood brain barrier. Common side effects are seizure, twitching, and hallucinations. It also effects the pleasure centers of the brain, though a bad trip can still happen. Another common side effect is addiction and the eventual degradation of functioning as it does permeate brain damage that slowly damages nerve cells, reducing their efficiency, until it kills them

"Agape": Agape breaks down certain chemicals responsible for lust, and blocks the receptors for those chemicals in the brain and body. It was produced by the Star Army of Yamatai R&D. It also blocks the receptors in the genitals that causes them to respond to lust, effectively doing the opposite of viagra and causing erectile dysfunction. It is supposed to be safe for extended use, and plans are being made behind dark doors to lace it into the food supplies, especialy of certain ships....

Yes, I take requests
I like these, but I don't think the anti-lust chemical would really do muhc good for SAoY soldiers.
Oh, depending on what's in it, it may be for Yaichiro too. There are all KINDS of variations of Okonomiyaki...

In any case, this is a VERY good start...but Nekos' bodies are designed not to allow substances to alter homeostasis, so it may not effect them.

"Agape" was made on request by Oskan one. ... and it probably wouldn't effect the nekos as they are desinged to maintain homeostasis. I'm willing to cut out any that don't seem appropriate
Yet another I have come up with...

Nolern: A powerful depressent, nolern is a muscle relaxent, used normaly in situations where pain, or cramping, is damaging a pilot. It is a power-ful pain releaver, silencing the nerves in the area near where used. It is injected into the muscles, and very little is allowed to get into the veins. The little that does get into the veins loosens the person up, much like several servings of alchohal might, and makes everything seem distant, and not quite real, with emotions feeling more immediate, and real, then reality. It is non-addictive chemicaly, but can be psycologicaly addictive. It is a powerful muscle-relaxent, and injection into a main vein or artery can cause it to reach the heart... leading to death by heart stoppage... Over-dose localy can kill some of the muscle leading to necrossis and wasting. It is manufactured by Keifler Drugs
That looks fine, too.

Make sure to add these to the wiki, though.
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