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Implemented Combine "History & Background" and "About the ship" sections in the starship template, or tweak explanations.

Alex Hart

Well-Known Member
The "History & Background" and "About the ship" sections in the starship template both address the history and design of a starship, and it can be hard to differentiate between the two from the explanations given in the template.

===== History and Background =====
<Who came up with the idea, and why?>

===== About the Ship =====
<What was the reason for designing the ship?>
It feels like these sections both talk about the same thing, and I think that we should either tweak what they're asking for, or merge the two into one section. If this is tough for a long-time member, imagine how it must be for newcomers.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Absolutely, it should be all combined into "History and Background" which @Wes has specified should be one of the top headings on almost all Wiki pages!
I totally disagree with combining them, because the history section is about history ("Designed in YE 43 because..") and the about section is about the ship ("It has big engines") and contains all the stats. It makes zero sense to put the nomenclature, speeds, and other "About" stats in the history section.

I agree that the example question under about needs to be in the history section.

If we want to bring this in line with the standard most wiki articles are now using, we should change About to Description.
Suggestion implemented! Template updated.
Given this, I think we need some other example text under the about section, how about replacing
<What was the reason for designing the ship?>
<Describe the basic characteristics of the starship.>
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