Star Army

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RP: UOC Government [Communication] Proposed Free Technology Exchange KFY/MFY


Inactive Member

Shosa Yaichiro,

You're welcome to continue to work on MFY technology while you work at KFY. In fact, what I would like to do is set up an open technology exchange, where all KFY technologies are available to MFY and all MFY technologies are available to KFY. Please talk to the UOC guys and see if this is workable, and let me know. Both nations will benefit from tech sharing both now and especially in the future as our tech becomes more different.


When I mentioned my wish to assist both nations equally to Ketsurui-Taisho, in response to an offer to come work for KFY, I was given this this something that would meet with the government's approval?

Kage Yaichiro
Whether or not MFY wants to share their designs with KFY is up to them. I was under the impression when we were told to return all of our equipment from SAoY to them, they wanted us to have nothing. So I am a little wary when there is suddenly talk of a technology exchange but it also makes me concerned that the market will get flooded with knock-offs of our own goods and products and our smaller company isn't going to be able to compete.

Just my thoughts, I am wary of the sudden change of heart after having been threatened with death by these same people for legally pursuing independance. Be careful and best wishes to you and yours, Kage-san.

- Tange-Katsura Ayana
"I agree with the Prime Minister." Mamami said, her arms crossed. "With the fabrication capabilities the Yamataian empire has, it wouldn't be very hard for them to mass produce anything you can design Kage-san. Or anything you give them."

"Speaking as a former mass produced product," Mamami muttered, rubbing a finger to her temple, "they work really fast at it."
My chief concern is to somehow contribute to KFY as well as MFY, mostly in the avenues I have been contributing in; which are ship and system design.

I guess production-wise, KFY can outdo MFY, but it is better than my only being able to be a POSSIBLE diplomat and POSSIBLY having you get a few civilian ships as a gift.

Kage Yaichiro
"I appreciate anything that you do for us, Mr. Kage. I look forward to seeing you more if you chose to be an ambassador but my concern for you would be over working yourself. But I feel that you will do whatever you feel is right for yourself and your family, that is the most anyone could hope for."

- Ayana
Fritz frowned at Yaichiro's message. "I hardly like the sound of this. What will stop KFY from simply taking our technology, neutralizing it, and then having their own systems turn against us? I don't trust the Ketsurui in the least on this matter."
Alexander frowned as he listened to all of this."Sadly I must concur with my colleague, Mr. Fritz." He replied quietly, hands folded on the desk. "While I wish Mr. Kage the best of luck this sent a chill down my spine."
"I don't know... I'm fairly open to this idea myself. I think I noted in another debate that we didn't have much of anything to give to Yamatai right now, so, really, we have much more to gain from whatever they give us, do we not?"

-Shuji Iga
Ayumi weighed both options carefully for a moment,with a nod to Iga. "While caution is warranted, we could set something up on a case by case basis. I think we should have a more lengthy discussion on this alone with Kage-san present, or failing that someone with the authority to draft something up from the Yamatai Government once we have a non-aggression agreement finished."

She took a sip of her water, then went on. "If it is undue pressure to Kage-san and his family then I suggest we let the matter rest for now. Erring on the side of caution for the moment at least, is what I would default to. We can explore options, but this is something that needs to be approached delicately if at all."
My only family is my daughter who I have just adopted, and Yui-Taisho-sama has issued me an order to return to Yamatai tomorrow, to accept a civilian position at KFY.

In short, letting it rest is not an option, unless I decide to decline her offer...I will ask for an extention...I may even leave for Nepleslian space to seperate myself from the situation, and look at it from an outside light. I am still on leave, technically.

Kage Yaichiro
I am leaving for Nepleslia to view this matter on my own future from outside, having obtained 5 more days of leave and a stay on my discharge.

Also, I would like to remind the government that MFY is a Subsidary of Novacorp, a Yamataian company. Novacorp is even situated in a YSE controlled system.

As such, I believe Novacorp and MFY may be legally obligated to give schematics to the YSE upon request...

In short, they can get our technology in that way, but chose do it in this diplomatic and mutually beneficial way when I contacted Yui-sama about SARA's order. While I have doubts about things, it does show a little more restraint on the behalf of the YSE, and willingness to work with us.

I urge you to reconsider your stance keeping this in mind...if they wanted to steal our technology, they could easily do so. This is a large step for Yamatai in a positive direction, and I like to believe that the emergence of the UOC has forced Yamatai to step toward a more progressive and mindful policy. To shut them out completely may undo the progress which has been made.

Kage Yaichiro

(OOC: I had long suspected that the YSE could do this with Novacorp, and Wes confirmed it in discussion, though I did not state the idea to him.)
MFY Satellite Office said:
Government of the United Outer Colonies and Mr. Kage,

I could not help to put myself into this discussion. As a NovaCorp Director and CEO of the Motoyoshi Fleet Yards Subsidiary Company.

First of all, anyone of you who decided to speak for me, make assumptions about our corporate policy I would like to request that in the future you refrain from doing so.

NovaCorp has a long standing position as being a neutral company who will manufacture and sell to any faction.

Motoyoshi Fleet Yards being a subsidiary of that company will continue to follow the policies of our parent company, but we will not be utilized in a game of political chess.

Motoyoshi Fleet Yards appreciates the business of the United Outer Colonies and is pleased to be their primary contractor for the UOCPF and other government projects. Our headquarters is here, as is our primary facilities we will, as promised commit to developing a unique line of ships to serve in your fleets.

Please keep your politics out of our corporation's way,

Motoyoshi Mayumi
TO: Kage Yaichiro; Motoyoshi Mayumi; GROUP:UOC Assembly Members
FROM: Tange-Katsura Ayana
Subject: Technology Exchange Proposal

I request that the representatives at Motoyoshi Fleet Yards work out an agreement with Ketsurui Fleet Yards themselves. We as a government are simply expressing our concern for MFY's equipment losing their uniqueness by sharing their ideas with the monopoly that exists with the Ketsurui. I also would like to negotiate an exclusivity contract with MFY in the future on certain equipment that we commission from them so that we as a government do have a say in what things are shared.

- Tange-Katsura Ayana
Prime Minister United Outer Colonies