Star Army

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Companion Story: Daitenshi no Motoyoshi


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
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🌸 FM of Yamatai
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RP Date
YE 43
RP Location
Part I - The Interview, Arranging the Fox
YCS Heion, Type 30 Diplomatic Yacht
Inbound Tokyo, Jiyuu III

The two Yugure-Class Merchant Destroyers broke off as the Heion dropped through the dark towering clouds of Jiyuu III. Flames tore up around the field of the ship blazing as it dropped through the atmosphere and then below the cloud cover. The sky-reaching lights of Atarashi Tokyo laid dead ahead and Himawari Tokyo to the west. The entire harbor of Tokyo was lit up, the colorful splay of lights and fireworks broke the usual dark streak of the Motoyoshi Channel along with the Eight Statues that stretched across the water.

Katsuko was supposed to attend the concert being put on by YTP Entertainment in the harbor, after all, it was a party in her honor. The message though from Nepleslian Command had broken her mood. One of her daughter's hearts was on the line and she was not in the mood anymore for leisure. "Bridge, Redirect to Jiyuu-jo, See if you can arrange that meeting with Miss La Rostislavovna, as soon as possible. I want to get her credentials together if we're bringing her on," she said over the comm from her office.

The volumetric screen with the footage from the concert below played on, the volume slowly returned to a normal level automatically as she cut off the communication. The Heion passed over the concert, the sound of its engines roaring as it soared over the stage towards Jiyuu-jo between the blasts of fireworks.

To: Miss La Rostislavovna At Ketsurui-Motoyoshi-sama's request, can you please meet her at Jiyuu-jo, immediately and ahead of schedule. A ferry from Fort Tokyo along with your clearance has been arranged to the island.

The Heion slowed as it made its final approach on Jiyuu-jo, the diplomatic craft settled on the landing pad. Katsuko had plans for the evening, already scheduled full with meetings and calls that needed the resources of her office there. She intended to go to Asagumo-jo the following morning or that evening if she could manage it.

It was no long before the Heion settled on the private landing pad and Katsuko packed up her things.
Sitting back in her chair in her temporary bunk she was cleaning her gun as Aida eyes went up and slowly went to the left to search the sound of bleeping that came from her personal computer. The name reflected that of Yamatai, one of the known locations that she had to send her credentials towards. Taking a deep sigh she looked back at the gun and then back at the screen and finally pressed onto it seeing the message pop-up.

To: Miss La Rostislavovna At Ketsurui-Motoyoshi-sama's request, can you please meet her at Jiyuu-jo, immediately and ahead of schedule. A ferry from Fort Tokyo along with your clearance has been arranged to the island.

Narrowing her eyes, she didn't recognize the given name, but a free right and passage was something that caught her eyes "Well I got nothing else to do right now, plus my coin bag is low so I could use this job" She pressed the green approval automatic message that would send a notification back to them that she accept the offer. Placing her gun on the desk as she stood up and stretch a bit while her tail wiggles a bit left to right "This might be the quickest interview I did, a Daur being hired by Yamatai...heh that would be a first" She shook her head while grabbing her leather jacket.

2 hours later
Jiyuu III

The ride was quite quick to her understanding as Aida looked around the place she had just arrived at and notice how clean and fancy everything was. She was getting noticed coming from an area of a particular lot of dust. She adjusted her goggles and moved to the entree of the agreed location and walked to the front desk "La Rostislavovna hailed for an interview requested by....ehh what was the woman name again, Kat something" Aida mutters scratching behind her ear as the woman behind the desk looked a bit disgusted at her "Uhm please prefer to address her as Lady Ketsurui-Motoyoshi" Aida looked at the woman who tried to keep a fake smile up "Right, Kat it is...where can I find this person? She asked for me, so doll please get me to her" The woman looked annoyed at her and just stood up.

It took a few minutes as the woman entered the office first "Lady Ketsurui-Motoyoshi, I present to you Lady La Rostislavovna" She had bowed as Aida walked past her smacking her on the ass making her jump off "Stand up straight, it wrecks up your nice figure if you bow like that" Aida spoke coming to a halt "You called me in? Sweet spot you got here, Yamatai got a good paycheck it seems" Aida put her goggles up so that her eyes adapt to the light of the office and looked slowly around.
When the clerk left, the door opened again. The woman who walked in was much different than the rigid profile pictures released by the Star Army. Her long legs that towered up only lost beneath the angular inner-thigh facing cut of the black dress that had the embroidered gold weave of a phoenix that craned suggestively along with the angular cut of the skirt base. Cowl-shaped neckline brimmed the covered mounds of her breasts held up only by delicate strings tied back behind her neck that translated downwards into a back and forth lacing that formed triangular exposures of her back that covered gracefully her SPINE interface and clung to the athletic shape of her ass. Her past shoulder-length bright blue hair framed down against her cheeks neatly bounced ever so gently with the sway of her form with each step. Her Eihei physique tight and accentuated with grace each rise and fall of her curvature. Her ears twitched back slightly within the blue strands of her hair as she looked at the Daur, she had heard every word of her exchange with the clerk but didn't seem phased by it, "Bowing is something you're going to have to get used to, but I suppose it doesn't mean you can't enjoy it a little when someone else does - just might have to apply some tact with it," the former Taisho said as she rounded the desk, the lights of Atarashi Tokyo in the distance across the water out the window behind her. The office was still decorated for the First Expeditionary Fleet Taisho, it would eventually go to Ayano as Katsuko's offices at Asagumo-jo were completed. "So welcome to Jiyuu, I have to admit I'm probably as surprised as you are that you're here. You seem like the no-nonsense type so let's cut the bullshit early," she said as she leaned against the forward edge of her desk and elegantly slipped her right leg slightly forwards as she leaned on it.

"Usually, this job would be going to primarily a Star Army Reserve Officer, but I have some of those. One thing I don't have is someone who has been out there, digging in the not-so-wonderful parts of the Kikyo Sector, not to say you're unclean or something. I just need someone who is going to call bullshit, who is used to unorthodox tactics and can protect me from that one thing the rest of my detail can't. I won't string you along, the fact you're a Daur is an intriguing bonus, but I'm not about to fill my campaign with muppets the floor licking plebians that hate me or critic my family unfairly for expect," Katsuko said as she gripped the edges of the desk as she looked at Aida, "I only want you on the job, protecting me if its something you want to do. I'll pay you well, give you more than anyone else can offer you but you need to give me the same. No bullshit, no games, no compromises. You keep the rest of the black suits in a row and their dicks out of their mouths so I can get behind a podium and talk about politics and how the Empire will be better off rebuilt and sitting strong yet amicable at the table with the rest of the nations that like to throw their cards on the table and play sly with us," she said as she ever so slightly tugged the edge of her skirt to cover the edges of the black peony tattoo on her inner left thigh. Her steel eyes narrowed towards Aida, "How doe that sound to you, Miss La Rostislavovna? You dress the part, you go above and beyond and you sit richer than you were when you got here." she asked. Her other hand left the desk, as she toyed with the crystal hummingbird that hung from her neck.
While Katsuko was talking to her she lets her hand slide over the top of the chair that was in front of the desk, she wiggles slowly her tail from left to right as she kept listening to Katsuko. The fact that the woman was direct and frankly avoided the bullshit political talk did make Aida actually pay attention. Her orange eyes reflected by the office light when her eyes diverted to look at her. Aida had already scanned the room and noticed that she was in some kind of important figure, ah political figures can be tiresome but the prestige and elegant style of this fair lady were different.

"So basically you need protection that tells you how things roll out there" She waved her ears to the right when Aida tilted her head to the side "I might be your girl, but there are a few things to keep in mind" She rose one finger "I have no freaking clue who you are, but your office and employees speak chapters by itself, you get shit done and that means you got a bullseye on your back" She rose the second finger "I am not going to bow, I am not going to say, my fair lady, I am a hired gun and I do my job but I don't like ass-kissing... well depends on the situation" Aida mutters the last part to herself with a confused look on her face until she snaps back to the point and rose her third finger "I will talk to you directly when I think you are in danger. Now while you might have an impressive record in..." She waved her hand a bit around "...whatever you did, I know the military type that is..." Aida shrugs and puts her hands up to make the gesture of quotes "...experts in their respective fields, years of experience in combat and earned many medals you know the whole circus...I don't care. If I say get down, I expect you to go down as my job is to keep you alive"

She takes a step back and thinks for a second "I don't change my bill, so even if you offer me more I only take what I requested. It keeps my service clean as a freelancer and no bullshit of people claiming I got bribed. Give me a cabin and share all details of where you might go with me, if I am left out of the loop of important information I can't protect your sorry ass" Aida spoke and notice that she might be a bit too upfront with the situation, but to be fair she had seen her fair share of stupidity in her career in both NDC and independent space ".... as a Nesh" She paused there for a second struggling with what she was going to say and resumed quickly afterward "...As a Daur I give my loyalty to those that hire me, so when a person tries to bribe me in any kind or form I will put a dagger between their ribs" Aida crossed her arms and looked questionable at the woman, she was quite hot but there were limitations of what Aida did in principles of her line of work, sleeping with her boss was one of them as a big no-no.

Katsuko listened as the woman spoke, she couldn't help but look amused as the Daur spoke of her own accomplishments and proficiency in her previous line of work. The former Taisho was proud of her military service to Yamatai but at the same time, she didn't feel the need for a carpet to be unrolled. She used her titles present and previous to do what she needed to do because it was the bullshit that got things done, not because she had any kind of faith in it. The same people who pointed fingers at her over time were the same people who preached their greatness to benefit themselves and not their people; Katsuko was beyond that, her response to Naoko's situation proved it. She played the game of politics in hopes of a better Yamatai, not because she needed another pretty ribbon pinned to her jacket. She hung her head slightly, blue threads fell slightly over the side of her cheeks. "I'd be careful in the future about referring to any part of me as sorry; my apologies extend in the range of I'm rather sorry I didn't glass a bunch of traitors and sarcasm addressing my apologies for the empty minds of those who oppose common sense as democracy has become the pacifier for former Imperialists..." she said plainly.

"I'm running for Imperial Premier, I'm the former Empress of Yamatai; my reign was controversial and it is likely some people will be a little uncomfortable about my face showing up in politics again. There is a group of terrorists who participated in the formation of a failed nation on this planet that have it out for me called the Tange. I've found justice moves a little slower than I like with red tape so I've found ways to push karma along at a more palatable pace. My political campaign basis is based on common fucking sense; we need to fix the damage from the war and get ourselves back in the diplomacy game before we end up in some sort of backsliding that promotes the vision of idealistic self-promoters that have trouble swallowing the fact we're still an Empire," she spoke candidly, she wasn't on a stage so had no need to impress anyone.

Katsuko slipped from the desk and took a step forwards, "When it comes to security I will heed, but I'm no lamb; I'm just the wolf that survived the winter." Katsuko extended a hand towards Aida, "You name your price, you blend in with the rest of the Motoyoshi Keibi and keep them in line. They'll know you're the one calling the shots. You dress the role, black and purple - sleek and sexy, with my clan mon on your clothing. I don't expect you in the skirt the other women wear but don't fuck up the stage frame looking like you just stepped off a Dusker transport. This is Yamatai and they will be judging. If I'm elected, you stay on. If I stay alive, you'll have job security. You will know where I go and what I am doing, so long as I know; plan change quick in politics," Katsuko moved her hand slightly, "Deal?"
Looking at the woman as she tried to explain in plain words the thoughts that Aida had already figured out on her. She narrowed her eyes hearing about the suit dressing code and nods slowly “The hardships of living on the verge is to adept to occasion that is presented. I will adept myself into this job and stay at your side as requested” grabbing her hand and giving a firm grip to eventually shake it.

When she let go of her hand she continued “I will send the payment details to your secretary that I had earlier contact with. I rather not bother you with such stuff while you are going for election. If you got details on your clan and this... Tange clan I will start making observation schedule on them” placing her hands behind her back as she flink her right ear a bit “Sadly the goggles stay on, it’s a Daur thing that we are sensitive to certain typical lights

Before she wanted to leave Aida looked at the woman. The woman was direct with her and clearly states her borders to not cross “Anything else I need to know?
Katsuko looked distant for a few moments, the lightning-fast processing of her digital mind at worked as she not only read the communication she received back from the Nepleslian Admiral but replied as well. She hummed to herself for a couple of seconds and then cursed quietly, "Fuck..." She made a visible dramatic breath with the rise of her shoulders and then exhaled with a shake of her head.

"Oh, yeah, the one other thing. You start right now. Do you have any gear or anything you need to collect? There has been a change of plans..." she said as she switched out her heels for a pair of black flats for more comfortable walking.

She was visibly annoyed, she sat down on the other side of the desk and worked out Aida's KAIMON access levels, and civilian level access to SYNC and PANTHEON. Everything that she would need. Then slid the fracture chipset and SQUID uplink assist into a black packet. "Keep this on you, it will give you limited access to computer systems for the time being; don't misuse it." She tossed the pack to her and said, "When we get to Asagumo-jo, we can have the tailor make you up some clothing to your request, we slip those inside and it should be compatible with you." In foresight, Katsuko had already cleared Aida's information with immigration and verified her credentials. It was fast work with connections like hers.

She then produced a badge with the Motoyoshi Keiba logo on it, along with a holstered Mugen Armories E1 energy pistol, and set them down on the corner of your desk, "You firearm and visible credentials, most of your credentials are visible but this will help you in other situations for quick reference," she explained. "If there is any other gear we need to request you, we can do it when we get up there." She then paused and waited to see what Aida would have to say about it all.
Looking at the quickly developing before her eyes, Aida stayed calm trying to process the idea of what just happened. A Daur, being hired for this kind of work even though they requested specifically someone from the reserve. She had watched the pack and looked at it, for a few seconds as everything was being said she finally throwback a glance at the woman. Was she for real? The idea that she was going back to NDC space was a 90% calculated chance, but here she stands on the remaining 10% that she actually got hired. Taking a deep breath she placed the package in her side pocket and leaned out forward to grab the produced badge and the new holster with the Mugen.

"First time for anything right..." She mutters a bit but still, Ketsuko could hear it "So what position do I have? Mere bodyguard for you or do I get assigned where you deem fit?" She honestly and directly spoke when looking with calm yet serious facial expression at Katsuko "Plus how do you wish to be addressed, I might be a backwatered farm girl, so I don't know the proper greetings and formal crap...but you pay the paycheck and I adept" She placed the holster on her side and adjust it a bit "I can inform your personal to pick something up from my cabin in NDC, its not much that I have anyway"

Leaning again on the chair in front of her, she narrowed her eyes a bit as Aida finally spoke once more but in her own direct style "What just happened? And like I earlier said I don't play around the bush...because your facial expression changed, your pacing around and talking quicker. Meaning that there are an annoyance and build-up of stress, if I am acting as your bodyguard I rather know the global idea of what to expect" As she taps on her side where the credentials are "As I don't tend to misuse the information access, but I rather hear it from you"
Obviously, Aida had not got the point in Katsuko's initial description, so she responded directly, "You're going to lead the Motoyoshi Keibi in my detail, you're their Cheif. You call the shots. Did you think I just interview everyone in person?" she laughed, "I've had people calling me things for years; Empress, Taisho, Motoyoshi-sama, I don't need my ass licked every time I walk into a room, so Kaachan will do in private, Motoyoshi-sama or Boss in public, Fair?" she asked as she gathered the last of her own things. "Where in the NDC is your gear? I got a ship at the Mining Guild conducting some business right now, if it is close we can arrange for them to return with it," she figured that Yuka and Yue would be ideal for picking up the gear since they were there any way it would hopefully bring a little less attention than the sending members of her own staff.

"My daughter Naoko has spent the past few years involved with a Nepleslian soldier, he was declared missing. It took them almost a year to get the information to us and now it has to be delivered through the chain of command instead of properly. The whole thing is a shitshow, the typical bard yard politics of neighbors who can't even look at each other over the fence most days - there is an in there, a possible diplomatic recourse, not that I'm seeing an opportunity in her misery, but if an in is an in then I will take it," she grabbed the duffle bag, the shoes she had changed out and tossed them at Aida's feet. "Grab that, please. The ship is waiting," she said.

The Heion, Katsuko's Type 30 Diplomatic Yacht waited on Jiyuu-jo's private landing pad, having been gone over and the interior cleaned after the trip from Yamatai.
"Boss it is..." Aida replied while clicking her belt and listens to Katsuko asked the follow-up question as she mentioned that one of the ships were there "Mmm Mining Guild, that rings a bell, is that not one of the main partners of the NDC government?" She tapped her side with her finger thinking and nods "That would be helping in regards to get the gear in this case. I will send them the information with the entry code of getting in my cabin there" She made a mental note herself as the first sentence finally sank through "Wait, you are putting a Daur in charge of your security department? I can hear some people already cringe at that idea" Aida shrugs knowing people will disagree with that if not the Kingdom.

Hearing her situation about her daughter made her narrow her eyes "Missing in action, not very new with Nepleslians you know" Aida pointed out the obvious grabbing the shoes and followed Katsuko "But having an opening with them is something unique when it comes to political shit understandable to use the opportunity to your advantage" Walking to the landing pad seeing the yacht "You were not joking when it comes to money heh? Makes the job more complicated and honestly...more fun" Aida admits "So what is the plan, I bet you don't worry about walking over dead bodies" She kinda joked but observed Katsuko reaction just in case.
Katsuko walked along the pathway towards the landing pad which was on the edge of the artificial island, in the distance the lights of Atarashi Tokyo could be seen across the harbor. As they walked she answered Aida, "I don't recall asking their fucking opinion about having a Daur on my security force. Do I appear to be someone who cares Aida?" she stopped short of where the small bridge connected with the landing pad, the ocean gently lapped against the rocks below. "I'm sure people will say it also to open a segway back to your home Kingdom, don't think for a moment it isn't. Who in the right mind wouldn't? You're qualified, probably more than a few of the other candidates my son had in mind," she said once again without the need for a hidden agenda.

"I have money, but I earned it. Several years ago, a woman I was sisters with stripped me of every KS I had. I crawled back up out of that hole and earned all this myself; the yacht though was a gift from the Ketsurui in YE 30, It needs a bit of reformatting which is partially why we're headed up to Port Jiyuu," Katsuko said, "I hope you don't mind me saying this, I think we're going to get along just fine." She didn't respond to the comment about Nepleslians, she felt conflicted over her answer - this whole situation made her remember Corro Adlich and the brave actions of him and his crew at Murf.
"Fair point" She mutters in regards to Ketsuko caring about others' opinions as Aida received the message from the company and narrowed her eyes trying to quickly respond to it. She looked up after finally typing up the response and looked at her "So basically you were put back on the street to survive on your own to get the KS you have right now. Sounds like a life story listening to, but that is how I survived the independent worlds and NDC as well...lovely place but stay away from crime syndicates" She fairly pointed out with a shrug and looked at her side to the view of the planet.

Looking back at her "Oh we get along quite fine, the things you have seen and I have seen are not to measure...but we got one thing that is a very strong connection. Survival" Aida pointed bluntly out "You have seen the shit that has happened here in...Yamatai space and I have seen the other side of the coin, crime syndicates, wars of the underworld and such" Aida nods to herself and began to wonder what kind of enjoyment she got herself into this time. She eyed Ketsuko and rolled her eyes away from her perfectly shaped body trying to think of something else than her natural instincts "So what is going to be our first destination anyway?"
It was a strange thing to have down time, or at least not an endless manifest of reports and requisitions and other messages. She still had itineraries and the like to go through, plans for the campaign, people they needed to talk to. For sure Aida did a lot of work, but Eri was still Eri and she went through everything behind her, to make sure she knew what was going on and what needed to be done. How else could she help Katsuko as she had promised, as she promised the woman she would when she had retired. But that was the perks of retirement, of getting away from the military. She had actually started to sleep past four in the morning and that was the strangest part of it all for the Neko. But aboard the yacht she currently sat, relaxing as she read through the next few days full of meetings and events and photo ops and everything else as she waited for Katsuko to finally join her. She had come ahead of Katsuko a few days earlier to see the refit and refurbish of the ship in hopes that she could make sure things had been done up to par. It was on the ship she had waited for Katsuko to come join her, and when she had heard her wife-to-be was planet side, well that certainly had made her a little more excited to see her. Since her return, they had been nigh inseperable, but Eri had decided to come and handle the overseeing of the work herself, so the few days away had been strange, yet enjoyable.

But the alert that Katsuko was closing in on the ship made Eri finally float down to the ramp that led into the ship. Dressed far more comfortably and less flashy than Katsuko, Eri was in a pair of tight leggings and an oversized sweater that reached mid thigh. The landing pad itself was cold as her toes touched down. Taller than the Daur that had joined Katsuko, she crossed her arms and watched the two as her long green hair blew a bit in the breeze. Blue eyes looked over the woman that tagged along with her lover before she spoke up.

"I had hoped to break in the bedroom tonight just you and I... But I don't mind. Could be interesting..." She spoke up off handedly as her eyes never left Aida. It was an interesting tag along, but she wasn't sure just what was going on.
Katsuko shook her head slightly, "This is not a guest for our bed, darling. It is my new head of security...the Motoyoshi Keibi I've selected to lead my detail. This is Miss Aida La Rostislavovna," she introduced and then did the same "Aida, this is Motoyoshi Eri, my fiancee. One of them, anyway," she made a dismissive gesture with her hand as she transmitted the information about her communications with the Nepleslians and about Naoko's fiancee. "We're headed up to Asagumo-jo, our palace in the green sector of Port Jiyuu. I intended to get a feel for this new home and get some planning done. I've arranged for the rest of your standard-issue items and equipment to be brought to you there, Aida," Katsuko said before she planted a quick kiss on Eri's lips.

"Why don't you go onboard, Aida? We will meet you there in a few minutes," Katsuko said as she motioned to the lowered ramp onto the Heion.
Looking at the woman that wildly presumed to be her sex toy, made Aida narrow her eyes. This woman might had to looks, but her cocky attitude was going to be her downfall one day, she blinked once at the comment that this woman was the fiancee of Katsuko and blinked again that there were more? Aida stayed quiet and just gave Eri a friendly slight nod while Katsuko kept talking. Aida wondered what she was getting into, but a contract is a contract in her own experience.

"Thank you, boss, I will make my way to my new quarters at once and get the new uniform and gear sorted out" She replied as Aida eyed Eri for a second "Miss Motoyoshi" She respectfully replied until Katsuko placed a quick kiss on Eri lips. Aida simply walked to the ship and did not even glare back at the two, what possible could happen in this area of danger.
Eri kept the same air about her as Aida narrowed first, then gave her a friendly nod. She let the two talk and stepped aside for to allow the woman to pass, returning her greeting with a "Miss Rostislavovna" and waited until she was aboard before she turned to Kat with an incredulous look of embarassment, complete with wide eyes and a slight tug as the ends of her hair.

"Kat! Sweet Yui I'm sorry I feel like an idiot... I didn't know I'm sorry." It seemed that away from the protection of her rank, and knowing what she said and did could have an adverse affect on Katsuko's plans had actually worked some sort of shame or regret into the Neko. She frowned a little as she spared a glance over her shoulder to where the woman had gone as she rubbed her forehead.

"I gotta figure out a way now to say sorry where it doesn't seem like you made me do it... fuck this is tough." Fingers wrapped around her forehead to rub her temples as she looked back to Kat again. "Asaguamo-Jo? We are stopping there? Easier to write and figure out what's going on with Nepleslia I guess?"
Katsuko looked out over the water, and took in the scenery from the beautiful artificial island that Jiyuu-jo sat on, "I feel for Naoko, I should probably reach out. It reminded me of what we went through when we had to notify the Nepleslians that Corro had died in the line of duty. His entire family moved to Jiyuu only so they could end up stuck behind another border. Hopefully, I win this election so that we can work on making things easier for people like her and their children," she said, as her eyes followed the dark expanse between the lights of the old and new city.

"I can handle things from just about anywhere, just I wanted to see this new home of ours. Jiyuu-jo is traditional, but sharing it with the Star Army means it is more of a place for the Taisho of the family; it's why I requested the home in Port Jiyuu," she replied to the inquiry about the stop as well. "It took you a while to get here. How did retirement go? No resistance?" she questioned.

She didn't want to keep Miss Rostislavovna waiting, so she sauntered up the ramp onto the ship since had gotten the part about Corro out in privacy.
"A few protests, questions about taking a desk job, one where I can slip away as needed. Even tempted me with the possibility of a promotion to keep me around, but I told them no." Eri explained as she followed Kat into the ship, though nodded with the understanding behind the change in scenery for their housing. It made sense in her mind as she fell in a step behind her love and spoke up. "I almost think there were a few sad faces in the group when I handed in my resignation. Regardless, I think it was about time anyways, let a newer generation climb the ranks and make the decisions right?"

Even as she absentmindedly spoke behind Kat, she still began to do what research she could on the woman that had joined them. She wanted to find out what she could about the Daur, to see her interests and see how she could make up her latest goof.