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RP Concluded [Companion Story] Midnight Problems


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
RP Date
YE 44.8
RP Location

Midnight Problems​

Asagumo-jo: Motoyoshi-Shimizu-Kage Suite​

The talk with Yue and the mental messages between Katsuko and Yaichiro during the outburst Kaoru had on the MSS Dream of Taiie led to the need for an actual conversation between the parties involved. Moreso the party with the real push behind the issues needed to be present. Taro was the first to arrive in the Hummingbird Sitting Room, he sat down on the couch, with a bottle of Gunship Ale in his hand. He had already got a good earful from Katsuko on how things went down, and what was expected of him even if he disagreed strongly with some of what had been decided quietly in the recesses of Katsuko's mind. Yaichiro, Akina, Kazumi, Eri, and Yue had also been invited to be part of the conversation. Kaoru herself was on her way from her Midnight Pad at YTP Entertainment's Asagumo building - her refusal to live at Asagumo-jo was yet another symptomatic sign of the underlying problem.

Katsuko sat down beside him, one of her etched hummingbird glasses about three-quarters of the way filled with umeshu in her right hand, "I hope we can get this matter closed," she said to him before the others arrive. Taro's lack of an answer though showed he was still unconvinced, the conversation might not play out the way they had hoped.

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Yaichiro entered the room not long after this, choosing to arrive relatively early compared to other functions. Immediately noteworthy was that he wore a sky blue suit and a darker blue tie on top of a white dress shirt. Dark blue dress shoes were also worn. While not his normal attire, it was chosen for a purpose—both to reflect the seriousness of the matter and that he was not here as a uniformed advocate to military service. The manner in which he had a seat was less casual than normal given the present company, indicating that he was going into this expecting a fight...he wasn't cold, but there was clearly something on his mind. Yaichiro pushed past this mood to at least greet those already present and give a gentle smile to Katsuko.

"Hello, you two. I should restate that I only have Kaoru's side of the story. As frustrated for her sake as my feelings push me to be, I'm trying to keep an open mind. I would hope that both sides can give a summary of what happened from their perspectives once we've all arrived, and we can go from there?" Yaichiro requested, truly hoping that this was a misunderstanding.
With just enough time for Katsuko to savor a few sips, Akina arrived from the bedroom. Her hair was plaited loosely in the back, and unlike Yaichiro she wore a dark green spaghetti strap top with a black pleated skirt on. It all capped off with some thigh highs of the same color. She breezed in and squeezed Taro's shoulder, then made her way over to Yaichiro to kiss his cheek as if to try to get him to relax. The taisho's berry-colored lipstick did not come off on him, which was good because she stopped behind Katsuko to hug her, and plant a big smooch atop her head.

"I know this can't be easy for anyone. I feel like I should sit on the other side? She might feel like she's not being ganged up on. That's why I'm a bit more casual." The redhead was used to being in a uniform all the time, or an encounter suit. Sometimes she wondered if she ended up sleepwalking somehow like a Nepleslian if she would wake up with a helmet on her head.

Instead of sitting down right away, Akina found the bar and decided to also get herself the same ale that Taro had, carefully filling it with a little less head than desirable (but more alcohol!). It really seemed like a great time for a drink. The woman sauntered over to one of the empty sofas opposite everyone else, and sank into the cushions with a sigh, working on getting herself at least a little buzzed for the grisly occasion.

"I really want her to come with us, I've missed time with her, but if she can't be convinced..."

Midnight Problems​

Midnight Pad at YTP Entertainment's Asagumo building​

Asagumo-jo: Motoyoshi-Shimizu-Kage Suite​

Yue was a fit of nerves as she’d prepared for this meeting, nerves and discomfort both. For this meeting, much like the board meetings, and meetings with other corps. Yue had chosen to overlook her discomfort and preferred state of dress (nudity) so that she could prove that she was taking it seriously. She was wearing clothes which because of her preferred state of dress were itching for the blue skinned girl.

Yue glanced to Kaoru and thought back to the conversation with Katsuko. She really hoped she’d been of help to Kaoru and not a hindrance for her, but time will tell.” Hey... after this, depending on if I screwed things up or not, but I’ve been thinking there’s a place in the capital that I want to go.. Would you like to come with?” she’d asked her.

Yue took the time to breathe and relax, Kaoru might be nervous as she was maybe even more so. It wouldn’t surprise her. Thinking this Yue tried to calm herself and project confidence, and also keeping her hands from scratching an itch for the billionth time. “Ready?” she asked Kaoru and everyone probably knew of the hoverboard race. Yue had explained to Kaoru why she’d did that and of the conversation she’d had so that Kaoru wasn’t thrown under the ship so to speak.
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