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Computer Art Programs?


Inactive Member
Hello! Well, I just have one question, does anybody know where I can get a program like Photoshop, but for free? I know I can get the thirty day trial, but that's just not enough. Mostly I plan on doing is designs and character drawing. If there is anything that does those out there..
GIMP sucks serious balls. No masks, simplified (read: broken) brush tools, can't work in CMYK, very limited layer support, very few selection tools and a very very counter-intuitive interface and some serious stability issues.


For 3D stuff, investigate in 3D Studio Max, Modo, XGI or Cinema 4D.

C4D, Photoshop & Modo are my favorites.
Of course GIMP isn't as good as other software, it's a lot cheaper. Free, unless reality's changed when I used it last. And the question was "for free," in which case GIMP is a pretty good answer.

I must point out that, while stealing software is a solution it is illegal and thus not something to be encouraged.

Nudge nudge, wink wink.
If you have a pad (like my brother had), Paint.net is a good program that has plenty of plug-in support via it being free. It's what I've used for ages now to create artwork and do linework (see some of Ame's stuff). Admittedly, it can be a bit non-friendly to users at first though due to it being a free and openly-modified thing... but once you get the hang of it, you can use it to some pretty good effect. GIMP is pretty solid, too, but most of the work my brother and I have done was done on Paint.net before he moved to Photoshop (due to it being an obviously awesome thing).