Look, I can appreciate the arguments here, but nothing that has been said convinces me that hacking is impossible. I've never disputed that to hack PANTHEON is an incredibly difficult task. I've been agreeing with that from square one. But it is not an imposable one.
So perhaps the method of hacking is more akin to psychological warfare then computer science. It's still hacking, and the same motivations apply. A black hat would find driving a MEGAMI insane as much fun as dropping the power grid for a continent. For that matter, depending on how you approach it, you could get the same results by driving a MEGAMI mad as by a conventional hack. And If you're looking to cause trouble, driving a capitol ship's AI into full on HAL 9000 mode works pretty damn well.
As an aside, the MEGAMI that Fred was talking about is an excellent example of the empty space firewall. It's the only 100% effective countermeasure against hacking, which is to say, not being on the network in the first place.