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Approved Submission Computing Systems and the Lack of Invulnerability

Abwehran Commander

Inactive Member
Submission Type: Informational Guide
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=guide:computing_systems_and_the_lack_of_invulnerability

Faction: Site Generic Guide
FM Approved Yet? Maybe someone from the Site's Staff
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles?
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No


This is the actual submission of this article rather than the wiki/site generated one that was previously created. The objective of this article is to be a generic guide to information technology and the security concerns of computing and network systems in order to aid individuals that may want to roleplay as a computer tech. Since this is a generic article, specific articles for specific factions might be needed.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
So far, I've read the article over and like what I see. I naturally can't give FM or higher level approval, but I can at least approve it here and pass it up with a recommendation. I'm also sorry it had sat here for so long. I have to note however, if it's possible to get a shorter name for this article? As descriptive as the title is, it's a mouthful. Could we go with "Computers and Hacking" or something like that?
Sorry for the delay. Originally, I was referring to the title and the namespace, but I'll definitely roll with it. I'd suggest adding some observations in the article and point out that many of the examples are modern-day, rather than ones from SARP specifically. Besides having the article refer to the SARP-verse as a whole, rather than one country, I can't think of any other changes at this time, though I'm sure there's always more to be added. If you'd like to approve this article as-is, say so, and I'll give it my approval and send Wes a nudge so he can approve it as SM.
I'll ponder some examples then. Though the article is on SARP-universe as a whole, unfortunately Yamatai is mentioned often at the beginning because it's technically one of the more advanced factions in SARP. Because of this, I naturally have to start with the fallacies surrounding the technology used there.
No problem. Give it a bump when you're ready.

Post Scripture,

I'd love a Megaman styled game taking place in SARP. Hell, a Metroid styled one would be even better!
Article has been a long time in coming. Glancing over it, I can see where it gives a lot of information - mostly fancy terms and shit - that characters who know about 'hacking' can bullshit up some magnificent science fiction without their players having to be Network Engineers.

Even if this isn't approved I'd reccomend a copy remain for soft canon.

Thank you.
After a few weeks of not working on this, I've decided there really isn't much I can add to this. Especially since OsakanOne was awesome enough to add more to the article when I wasn't looking.

Thanks, @OsakanOne

Anyway, I now state this article is ready to be approved. @CadetNewb
@Abwehran Commander

I've read over this article, and find that it adds a lot more flexibility and dynamics to the setting by specifically pointing out that the security systems used In Character are not perfect - it applies to all factions equally as well, for which I'm glad. Because of that, I'm Approving the article, but will leave it up for another day or two for any others to comment on or contest it.
@Wes , would you do that? This adds a lot more depth to the setting and opens up a lot more opportunities for or GMs to use for their plots.
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