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Concerning cloned characters


Inactive Member
Is it posible for a cloned person to experience flashes of memory belonging to the person they were cloned from? I'm thinking of creating a character like that.
First off, Happy Birthday dawg.

Second off, it would depend on the cloning process, but there are varieties where the clones come out of the vat with pre-integrated skills. These skills may have originated from the memories of another person (for example via Soul-Transfer or Brain Spider tech).

So in short, yes it is possible, but if I were the factory manager I would have taken steps to prevent such a thing from happening, as it would give rise to complications (Like flashback seizures during combat). Your character would be a little out of the ordinary indeed.
I'm not so sure. Memory isn't genetic, so why would it appear in a clone? Unless we're talking about a molecular clone, a person reproduced exactly, which should retain the structures that encode memories. But in that case you'd retain ALL memories, barring reproduction errors, and the brain spiders wouldn't be needed in the first place.

Brain spiders and soul transfer tech take information recorded from the original brain and plant it in the cloned brain. It's like copying info from a hard drive in one comp box onto an external drive, then constructing an identical box. It'd be impossible for that second computer to have the same information on it even though it's a copy, so you'd take that external drive and upload the info from the first computer into the second one. Lab techs shouldn't worry about memory resurfacing at all.

Note that there's no way to prove memory drift until someone flash-clones themselves. And we also haven't proven that anything beyond simple instincts survive through genetics. C-Man, maybe your character might find he prefers a certain food or favors his left hand over his right, but that's no more than preferences his source was predetermined to have in the first place. He's not going to suddenly remember the origin's first date.
Or perhaps this character experiencing 'flashbacks' was victim to a faulty memory transfer. If it's Nepleslia, than this could be easily possible, since our technology is, as MissingNo said, simply to take a picture of the brain and copy/paste it into a new brain.

Some things could get garbled and/or lost in the translation.

For the sake of STORY, I could see this happening on occasion. Just don't play it up too much if you intend on using it, C-Man.
If you can pull it off , as Moonman said, I am willing to give the experiment a test shot.

Go for it.
I've been having problems creating the wiki page of my character Avel Sitkeas, all I get is "<input type="hid". Every time I follow the link I create I get a blank screen. Could someone create the page for me and I'll do the rest.
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