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Confederate DD3 Class Stealth Escort Destroyer

Derran Tyler

Inactive Member
DD3 Class Stealth Escort Destroyer - "OTOMO"

I. Background Information

The destroyer has always been the mainstay naval vessel of the Confederate naval forces given their versatility, ease of construction, and relative cheap cost. The DD3 class stealth destroyers have swiftly become the mainstay of the Confederate fleet, serving as escort vessels for larger capital vessels or operating independently as scouts or hunter-killer vessels against enemy convoys.

As the first ship to utilize Zanarium alloy in its hull's construction, the DD3 is a sleeky stealthy vessel that can defeat most known sensor systems passively, giving it that crucial element of surprise in any conflict when coupled with its array of active countermeasures. It's potent arsenal of energy projection cannons, plasma beams, and disruptors makes it a threat to light and medium cruisers. Because of this, the DD3 class considered the premier escort vessel in the galaxy.

II. Historical Information

The DD3 destroyers are the replacement for the aging DD1 (Kyushu) destroyers that had served with the Confederate navy since it's formation in the mid-21st century. While not a revolutionary improvement over its predecessors, the sleek destroyers were in every way superior, in both speed, firepower, and sheer processing power.

Gendo Nishida, chief research officer at CONTRA, was the architect of the destroyer's revolutionary propulsion system - the Swiftwind series gravimetric drive. The gravimetric drive was a reactionless drive that utilized the zero-point field to manipulate superstrings to push and pull the vessel where it needed to be. The end result was a vessel that was every bit as agile as a starfighter and could close distance between it and its foes very quickly.

The DD3 class (more commonly known as the "Otomo") made it's operational debut during the Battle of Tau Cygni, where they performed exceptionally well in leading the charge against the Jaaq'tah Crimson Fleet, sustaining a 17 to 1 kill ratio of enemy escorts.

III. Statistical Information

Manufacturer: Neo Star Macrotechnologies
In use by: Nerimian Galactic Confederation; Draconian League Alliance
Unit Type: Stealth Escort Destroyer
Class: DD3
Codename: OTOMO
Production: In service with all NDI Spacy Fleets and the 344th and 576th Draconian Navies

Crew: 120
Marine Compliment: 1 Regiment (1,000 marines)
Mecha Compliment -
2 squadrons of XF-14E Tempest Superiority Fighters
1 squadron of XF-15D Maverick Medium Assault Fighters

Length: 250 meters
Width: 127 meters
Height: 167 meters
Mass: 57,600 metric tons

Speed (hyperpulse): 100,000c
Speed (conventional): .99c (can accelerate from motionless to this speed in twenty seconds)
Speed (interphased): 78,900,035c

IV. Weapons

Type 20 Energy Wave Projection Cannon (6): The primary anti-warship armament of the destroyer are six turreted energy wave projection cannons. Using hyperspace tap technology to generate large amounts of energy, the cannon focuses this energy along a linear path, unleashing a blast equivalent to a 250 gigaton fusion detonation. Against warships, continuous fire quickly breaks down defensive shields and penetrates armor. Against planetary targets, the weapon is absolutely devastating to planetary populations and installations.

Primary purpose: Anti-warship
Secondary purpose: Orbital bombardment
Damage: Moderate to heavy damage against all targets.
Range: 1 AU (93,000,000 miles)
Rate of Fire: Once every five seconds.
Payload: Effectively unlimited. Will function as long as hyperspace tap is operational.

Type 75 Condensed Plasma Beam Cannons (32): Designed as the destroyer's secondary beam weapons, the condensed plasma beam uses magnetic fields to shape and direct superheated plasma in a tight, penetrating beam. The superheated stream of ionized matter has properties of a pure energy weapon and a physical impactor, allowing it to more readily penetrate most classes of defensive shielding and deal significant damage to armor. These weapons are not nearly as effective as the main cannons in damaging planetary targets due to plasma's tendency to cool rapidly in an atmosphere.

Primary purpose: Anti-warship
Secondary purpose: Assault
Damage: Moderate damage against all warship targets.
Range: 350,000 miles
Rate of Fire: Varies. With a full plasma charge, a continuous stream can be maintained for up to a minute. After that, it takes twenty-five seconds to build up another plasma charge.

Type 111 Particle Disruptor Cannons (48): The particle disruptor fires a volatile particle charge that has a specific, distruptive effect against enemy shielding systems. In conjunction with the ship's targeting system, the blast is fired at the destructive frequency of the target's materials, shattering molecular bonds on impact. While particle disruptors are considered absolutely devastating against enemy shields and armor due to their shield disrupting and matter disintegrating abilities, their notoriously short-range due to the weapon's volatility make them an up-close-and-personal weapons system.

Primary purpose: Anti-warship
Secondary purpose: Assault
Damage: Heavy damage
Range: 120,000 miles - the weapon can deal damage out to twice this range, but its damage potential is halved.
Rate of fire: 1 shot per second.

Missile Launchers (4): The destroyer's missile launchers fire from an auto-loading rotary magazine into a linear magnetic accelerator. The launchers are specifically designed to fire all standard NDI Spacy anti-warship missiles - including the Firestar Anti-Fleet Missile.

Rate of Fire: Up to six per second. Usually fired once every two seconds.

Missile Type: Phoenix Arms XRM-1 Starhammer
Warheads: directed-energy fusion (600 GT) x 6, aetheric shockwave x 3
Primary purpose: Anti-starship
Damage: Extremely heavy
Range: 1 AU delta-v
Payload: 120 missiles per launcher. Maximum of 480
Notes: No hyperpulse sustainer. Multiple warhead

Missile Type: Phoenix Arms XRM-2 Moonraker
Warheads: directed-energy fusion (450 GT), aetheric shockwave
Primary purpose: Anti-starship
Damage: Extremely heavy
Range: 4 AU delta-v
Payload: 60 missiles per launcher. Maximum of 240
Notes: Hyperpulse sustainer + single-use interphased drive

Missile Type: Phoenix Arms XRM-4 Firestar
Warheads: cluster aetheric shockwave x 2,500
Primary purpose: Anti-fleet/strategic
Damage: Total destruction in a 1 AU sphere
Range: 10 AU delta-v
Payload: 1 per launcher. Maximum of 4
Notes: Hyperpulse sustainer + single-use interphased drive

Type 15 Point-Defense Laser Cannons (120): Installed in micro-turrets across the hull, these rapid-fire, fast-tracking pulse laser cannons deliver 50,000 terrawatts of energy to a target four times every second. Used primarily as a last-ditch defense against incoming warheads and strike craft.

Primary purpose: Point-defense
Damage: Light to moderate
Range: 1,500,000 miles
Rate of Fire: 4 pulses a second.

V. Systems Data

Armor: The DD3 class destroyers are primarily constructed of the super dense metal Xentronium, which is prized not only for its resiliency, but it's relative cheapness. Nearly half of the DD3's entire mass is made up of its Xentronium hull. Over the hull is a seven centimeter thick layer of Xintium-B armor that serves as the primary protective layer against enemy attacks. Over the thin layer of Xintium is a thirteen centimeter layer of Zanarium stealth armor that gives the ship it's inherent stealth properties.

Advanced Damage Control: As ships of war, the NDI Spacy's warships are designed to maximize their offensive capability while using their defenses to defeat enemy offensive power. However, damage is inevitable, and the only way to prevent massive ship losses to consecutive enemy attacks is to have adequate damage control systems. Unlike previous versions of damage control, where men and women had to go to the site to repair critical damage, Adv. Damage Control systems use automated nanolathing units to patch up holes in the hull and repair vital systems during the heat of battle. In addition to this, the ship is compartmentalized so sudden decompressions do not affect the rest of the warship.

Escape Pods: In order to preserve personnel in the event of an 'abandon ship' order, twenty-four escape pods, capable of holding up to seven humanoids, are located in various sections of the ship. The pods are capable of sustaining life for up to one Earth standard week (7 days) and contain enough food and water to sustain seven humanoids for up to twenty-one Earth days. Each pod is equipped with a weapons cache containing enough weapons to outfit a seven-man infantry squad, accompanying survival kits and medical kits. Each pod contains a homing device, but it must be manually activated. The pods will automatically put themselves into a safe descent if there is a planet nearby (rather than burning up in the atmosphere).

Landing & Launch Bays: The ship is equipped with four landing and launch bays for its auxillaries - one fore, three aft. Each is on the underbelly of the vessel. When not in use, each bay is closed off by a retractable armored door that is flush with the hull. When open, a selectively-permeable forcefield forms the barrier between the opening and the vacuum. This barrier cannot be breached unless the ship's computer allows passage through.

Shielding Systems: The force field systems of the DD3 destroyers are integrated to work as a unit rather than individually, providing a near impenetrable wall between enemy firepower and the ship itself.

Zyro Shields are conventional shields that absorb, disperse, and re-radiates energy from enemy weapons in order to sap the destructive force. At full strength, the Zyro Shield can deflect a blast with the equivalent power of a 50 terraton fusion weapon.

Hard Shields are reinforced against the ravages of incidental radiation. Hard shields are distortion shields that prevent teleportation across the barrier it creates, rendering inert transphased weapons. The hard shields, when coupled with the zyro shields are often layered together in an array that dissipates and distorts enemy beam weapon attacks to the point that only minute levels radiation will ever reach the outermost layer of armor.

Lightning Shields are powerful ionized energy field that are useful against any penetrating target. The intense plasma heating will fuse and even vaporize metallic bodies. In addition, any missile encountering the shell is subjected to an extremely intense EMP arising everywhere inside its circuitry. EM shielding is of no use against the creation of energy throughout the space time of the circuits; such shielding only helps against energy flow through space in the conventional sense. Thus, the electronics of any mecha or missile encountering the shield are instantly dudded, whether or not they are shielded against ordinary electromagnetic interference (EMI). Furthermore, explosive materials are exploded when such interference is encountered, and combustible materials are fiercely consumed or set afire. Ablative shielding suffers an interesting catastrophe: since energy does not try to flow into the shielding, but instead arises everywhere in it simultaneously, 'ablation' occurs everywhere throughout the ablative material, simply exploding it instantly. The first layer of defense can be relied upon to take out nearly 100% of all enemy missiles that have not been modified in someway to 'penetrate the envelope' (energy sheathing, phase-shifting methods seem to be most effective).

The Damper Field is a by-product of antigravity (repulsor) technology, the damper field has been heralded as the best defense against scalar electrogravitational pulse weaponry, which are notorious for their ability to destroy ammunition, electronics, and organic life forms. While scalar EM waves penetrate conventional shielding because they can travel wherever gravity can go, the damper field uses a low-power antigravity field that negates the force of gravity and consequently provides an effective shielding system against scalar EM weapons systems.

The Interdiction Field is a powerful artificial gravitic field that disrupts the operations of FTL drives of all types in a specific area of effect (minimal effective AOE is a 1,000 meter cubic area; maximum AOE is 1 AU cubic area). This is useful in preventing enemy vessels from escaping from battle. The interdiction field also has a secondary mode that can defeat the interdiction efforts of enemy forces in a localized area roughly half the size of its normal operation.

Radiation Shields are internal layers of mercurite that line the interior of the ship that prevents the penetration of harmful electromagnetic radiation. This serves to not only protect the crew, but any and all electronics against electromagnetic pulse weapons.

Time/Space Anchor: The Time/Space Anchor is a device constructed from psychoactive that firmly anchors whatever it is attached to firmly in the time/space continuum, rendering attacks that use dimensional and planar warping capability to deal their damage ineffective. The anchor must be turned off before a warship can execute a hyperspace fold, however.

Genesis Propulsion Systems Swiftwind Series Gravimetric Drives: The ship is equipped with multiple gravimetric drives that manipulate superstrings and the zero-point field to maneuver and accelerate to a far higher degree than other ships. By manipulating and "bending" superstrings, Draconian Alliance ships are able to create distortions in space/time that can be used to push and pull a ship in any given direction. An important byproduct of this means of propulsion is that the effect of inertia is also negated, allowing ships to accelerate, stop and maneuver at velocities that would crush a person using conventional ion propulsion.

Genesis Propulsion Systems Eteria Series Ion Impulse Engines: Long the standard sub-light engine of the Confederate military until the widespread usage of superior gravimetric drive systems, ion impulse engines ionize a gas such as xenon and accelerate the ions using a magnetic accelerator to near the speed of light, which produces thrust. While ion engines provide a decent amount of acceleration, they soon became relegated to auxiliary engines as newer technology became available.

Nishida Inter-Phased Hyperspace Fold Drive: The biggest and most important discovery of the past 2,000 years of Human history is the ability to travel faster-than-light, which made interstellar travel possible. Professor Kyoshiro Nishida developed the first FTL drive, which pushed a vessel into a dimension adjacent to our own dimension but where distances are far smaller. With this device, speeds in excess of 10 million times the cosmological constant (hereby referred to as 'c'), were possible. Kyoshiro's son, Gendo Nishida, expanded upon his father's work and developed the inter-phased drive, which created a series of asymmetrical dimensional fields around the ship as it traveled through hyperspace to allow it to achieve even higher speeds in excess of 50 million times c. It has been theorized that the Nishida Inter-Phased Drive can propel a vessel through hyperspace many times faster (speeds up to 1 billion c have been achieved utilizing small probes) than this, though the higher the speed, the more perilous hyperspace travel becomes.

One of the prime disadvantages of the inter-phased drive is that in the aftermath of the Great War that wiped out the ancient Draconian race, hyperspace in the Draconian Sector (the area of the galaxy in which the Draconian League and Jaaq'tah Alliance inhabit) has been severely damaged, with only firmly established 'star lanes' that allow speedy FTL travel. Traveling outside of these star lanes is not recommended.

Argus Macrotechnologies Kalmedia Class Type A Hyperpulse Drive: The hyperpulse drive is a relatively new addition to the Draconian Alliance's warships. Using layered asymmetrical warp fields that can envelop the entire vessel, the ship can move at superluminal velocities during combat. While nowhere near as fast as the interphased drives that allows ships to move from planet to planet, it allows for extremely rapid travel during combat.

D.E.I.M.O.S.: The most advanced combat computer suite available to Confederate military forces in the field, DEIMOS is a highly advanced computer system with near-infinite processing power operating on yoctotronic computer technology. All communications and electronic sensor systems are under the direct control of DEIMOS.The processing and information load capacity of the DEIMOS system is near infinite, using a combination of high-powered electronic components coupled with psychoactive crystal arrays that allow for incredibly high volumes of data to be processed simultaneously on practically limitless separate and complex tasks (an upper limit has not been theorized).

DEIMOS, like its predecessors Oracle and GoldenGate, is completely self-aware within the parameters of its core operation principles. DEIMOS exists solely for the purpose of defending the Nerimian Confederation and all of its citizens and will perform whatever operations are necessary for that task. Because DEIMOS' loyalty rests completely with the Confederation and the NDI, it will never turn against them under any circumstances. Onboard the ship, DEIMOS manifests itself as a cybernetic female humanoid with distinctive features and personality traits. Holding the rank of Lieutenant Commander, DEIMOS is second only to the ship's commander and his executive officer. DEIMOS oversees all operations of its parent vessel and can instantly access the operational systems of every ship subordinated to it. In this way, the DEIMOS can coordinate the operations of entire squadrons, battle groups, task forces, and even fleets seamlessly and without delay. All information from subordinate ships immediately moves through the Tactical Information Web where to DEIMOS, who translates all data into a form the ship's commander can understand.

D.E.U.S. Sub-Unit: The DEUS Sub-Unit is an advanced hardware and software platform that is completely compatible with the DEIMOS system and the SCRIBOL programming language. Originally developed and deployed during the Chaos and Hive Wars, the DEUS System allows the functions of a NDI Spacy warship to be completely controlled by the DEIMOS system with minimal input from humans.

CH-8 "Hermes" Hyperspace Communications Array: Based on the same technology as the space fold system, the hyperspace communications relay allows near real-time communication between NDI Spacy starships and other vessels or planetary bases. As with all NDI communications, the hyperspace communications array utilizes a proprietary set of signals that changes periodically, allowing secure communications between NDI warships without the fear of enemy interception.

Integrated Sensors Suite: The integrated sensor suite of the Nerimian Defense Initiative is actually a subsystem of the Oracle and DEIMOS computer systems on the ship in question, tying directly into the computer's vast resources and processing power to facilitate operations. A wide array of sensor systems are supported, the primary of which being the WydeSCAN hyperwave radar array which operates like standard radar and like a hyperspace communications array, sending intensely powerful radar pulses as far as five parsecs away. The speed at which these hyperwave pulses travel is many thousands of times faster than even a inter-phased drive, which means that even at the instrument's maximum range, the operation takes only a matter of microseconds. Other systems include a dual tachyonic/neutrino wave sensor system that serve to detect ships who are cloaked or phased and can also detect vessels who are traveling through hyperspace with relative ease. The ISS' passive sensors include: full-spectrum optical and electromagnetic spectrum sensors, zero-point field distortion and interferometry sensors, magnetic resonance, gravitic distortion sensors, and sub-quantum particle wave sensors. All of these systems work in tandem with each other and propagate and process data far beyond the speed of light.

Integrated Countermeasures Suite: The Nerimian Defense Initiative's integrated countermeasures suite is another subsystem of the Oracle and DEIMOS computer systems, tying directly into the computer's vast resources and processing power to facilitate operations. The primary purpose of the ICS is to defeat enemy sensor systems using active electronic countermeasures—primarily using jamming techniques. The ICS can successfully jam all forms of radar, tachyon, neutrino, and quantum-based sensors, though it is not 100% efficient at this operation.

Fire Control System: The Achilles Targeting Unit is a subroutine that coordinates all the warship's fire, giving the commander a detailed report on the charge status of its beam weapons and how many of its ballistic munitions have been expended. During combat, it processes information provided to it by the ship's sensors to select the proper weapons system, rate of fire, and the optimum output and targeting data to deliver the most damage to the target. Missile and torpedo guidance systems are automatically updated by the Achilles to defeat enemy countermeasures and better track enemy units.

Fortitude Point-Defense System: The Fortitude PDS is an active defense system that has its own feral targeting subroutines that operate as its own separate FCS outside of the standard weapons systems. Utilizing the fast-tracking laser turrets as its primary weapons, the Fortitude has its own sub-quantum Class V AI controlling its operations. The Fortitude automatically engages functions usually performed by separate, independent systems such as search, detection, threat level evaluation, target acquisition, target track, weapon firing, target damage assessment, target destruction confirmation, kill assessment, next target detection and / or cease fire.

Argus Macrotechnologies Orlando Series ZPF Hyperspace Tap: The Zero-Point Energy Reactor is the most advanced form of reactor conceived of, and is the theoretical basis for power plants used by advanced races such as the Draconians. Essentially ancient races tap into the tidal forces of Hyperspace its self as a power source. Having been compared to the galactic equivalent to a hydro-electrical power system, the Hyperspace tap operates by some how using gravimetric fields to create a constant and stable access point between Hyperspace and real space, which is open at all times.

Argus Macrotechnologies Reno Series Quantum/Gravitic Generators: Quantum/Gravitic reactor is the primary power plant utilized by the Nerimian Confederation. This system uses a complex series of graviton beams to mimic the destructive power of a black hole on a local scale, creating an artificial quantum singularity. This self sustaining reactor system destroys all matter introduced into the singularity, creating a 100% energy release. Efficiency of a given ship to exploit this energy release varies. Process begins with a series of high-energy fusion reactors, which are used to manipulate zero-point energy to mimic gravity and create the singularity. Once the singularity is formed, any and all matter introduced into the reactor is destroyed, creating a massive energy release.

As any form of matter can be used as fuel for the singularity, this form of reactor has a near infinite run time - so long as there is matter to be used as fuel, the Quantum/Gravitic reactor will continue to produce power. In addition, a key byproduct of this form of reaction is antimatter, which can be used both as a weapon or a secondary power source .Key advantage of the Quantum/Gravitic reactor over a matter/antimatter reactor is system is efficiency and stability. The Quantum/Gravitic reactor only uses half the fuel of an antimatter based system and, unlike a matter/antimatter reactor, should this form of reactor breech the singularity will simply collapse with almost no adverse effects. Once the singularity is shut down all form of mass compression will cease and, with the exception of one final burst of antimatter, energy production stops almost instantaneously.
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