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Approved Submission Consortium Dataslate


Inactive Member
Retired Member
Submission Type: Tool
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lazarus:slate

FM Approved Yet? NA
Faction requires art? No, but I've got some anyway

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Nope
Contains New art? Yurp
Previously Submitted? Nerp

I've been writing about these things in use forever now. I thought writing it up would be good for the sake of roleplay consistency and knowing its capabilities would be good.

Its basically a very frequent prop anywhere Aiesu goes. I figure you guys might want one too.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'd try to buy one if it gets approved. A malleable, fully-customizable Computer which can be destroyed and simply be reborn in a piece of back-up material? Awesome!
Buying one won't be hard. If you're SAOY and you want one, just jailbreak it.
Poof: Suddenly, zero Consortium connection whatsoever.
When was this thing first produced?

Needs a link to structol ...

I want to make sure I understand the bits about the power pack and other hard components that are no bigger than a coin. Those components are necessary to operate the structol, the "clay?" Or are they totally optional?

Also, can the device be isolated in ways that it can't receive outside signals? If so, what happens to it then?
Sorry had a rough couple of days. Nearly got sectioned and haven't been online much.

Let me get caught up.
It looks like all of the images contain copyrighted content - a screenshot from the recent Robocop movie, and nebula artwork from Tyler Young (that's not some of the ones I own). This is a violation of the site's terms of use (and the law). Please replace the images with suitable ones ASAP.
She can't replace the images. She doesn't have a rig to re-bake them yet. It's like asking an artist to repaint you something when they have no paint.
@Doshii Jun I have permission from @OsakanOne to complete this article in their place since they are presently without internet access and can only get online via Phone Data which doesn't really allow for working with SARP.

I'll address the above points ASAP.

Link to Structol has been added.

The section talking about what it can be composed of has been updated to clarify that at its most basic it can function without any additional components. If needed I can go into more detail about what limitations this would impose.

I have the initial date of use listed as YE 34 since to my knowledge this thread is the first instance of the Data Slate in RP where it was used as plot item: https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/index.php?threads/whispers-in-the-shattered-shell.8910/

It may have appeared earlier in the RP, however I don't want to go digging through all of the mentions of "slate" on SARP, so until @OsakanOne or someone else can correct me, that date will have to work.

As for what happens if you isolate it completely from all signals, I would assume that like a normal cellphone without signal you'd be able to access anything locally stored on the device, but be subjected to the same limitations as any wireless device/communicator without signal. I'm not sure where to put this into the article, or if it is needed on the page at all. So if you want it listed I would appreciate a suggestion as to where.

If anything else needs to be addressed or improved upon, let me know.
Putting a line inside "design" about how it operates without an external signal is good enough. Knowing that it'd work like any other device is good, but a submission like this I think needs it spelled out, just in case.
Added a paragraph to the bottom of the Design section.

Also expanded upon the Jailbreaking section to clarify that the device can be divorced from Lazarus networks in line with what Osaka said earlier in this thread.
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