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Constellation class boarder monitoring station


Inactive Member
Tuesdays suck... this is what I do while blizzard preforms server mantinence.

Constellation class boarder monitoring station:

About the Constellation:
The Constellation is a simple sensor platform mounted with a generator and small drive system inside of a torpedo casing. The monitoring station was designed to be quickly deployed in mass numbers over a large area and to be upgraded with weapons as needed. Because of the Constellation's size it can easily be produced as needed by starships during their missions and be used by any ship capable of carrying standard sized torpedoes.

Organizations Using This Vessel: Star Army
Type: Sensor Probe
Class: Constellation
Designer: Qel'noran Fleet Systems
Manufacturer: QFS

Height: 2 feet
width: 2 feet
length: 24 feet

Appearance: The constellation uses the normal torpedo casing used by Star Army units so before deployment it looks like an ordinary torpedo.. The internal components are highly compressed and a lot of the systems are stored as bricks of raw materials. Once released the Constellation deploys, splitting along the center as the ZPE powers up the nanomachines to assemble the drive, power, and shield systems. (the sensor and computer control module is then connected to the rest of the probe) When this is finally complete the Constellation looks like a puffed piece of popcorn with four large budges coming off the main torpedo casing, three below the horizontal axis of the probe in a triangle configuration and one pointing directly upward relative to the probe.

Ship systems:

Drive System: The drive system of the Constellation is a simple vent off design using energy from the ZPE reactor to stabilize and move the station short distances. The vents studded all over the constellation only channel a small amount of energy, making it suitable for orbit keeping duties only.
Nano-paintjob: The leftover nanomachines from assembly can be used to generate any paintjob the user desires, from jet black space cammo to corporate logos and insignias.
Orbit Weapons: The Constellation is designed to use the normal Star Army weapon pods to augment its defense in case of combat.
Power System: The Constellation carries a small ZPE generator inside of its casing. This provides a vast amount of power which is used up mainly by the sensor package and shield generators of the probe.
Sensor Package: The Constellation is designed to originally use a PARADOX based system but in order to increase the ease of production and decrease size that was changed to a simple sensor pallet that includes partial, gravity, subspace mass, and scalar sensor systems.
Shield System: The Constellation projects a simple kinetic energy barrier as well as a subspace distortion field which bends space around the probe, making it harder to detect and hit from outside of the bubble. The shields are ment to only protect against small weapons.
I like it so far. How big is it and what does it look like?
This looks like a good probe, but I would hardly call it a "station."


Which size torpedo it is designed to be like? Nowadays most Star Army torpedoes are 2 feet by 24 feet.
2x24, I didn't know the exact size for the standard torpedo so I did not put it on there.
I know this thread hasn't been responded to for a long time, but I was just wondering what was stopping it being approved since nothing negative has been brought up in it.

Admittedly the NovaCorp Kante works as a bordering monitoring station as well as a defensive force greater than the one this has, but I'm sure this does have some role it can play.

Or is there some problem with it that hasn't been brought up?

Zack, perhaps if you actually put down the physical data, and a little more detail about its other sensor systems, a slightly more detailed of its weapons etc. it would get approved that much easier.

*is conducting a review of unaccepted technology to see if he can help*
I still don't think it can be called a "station."

Also, it's BORDER.
Is this still being worked on?
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