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Contact(Gartagen Union)


Ser Spit
Inactive Member
Message is quantum encrypted with heaviest civilian encryption available

Gartagen Data.rar attached

To: DIoN Government
(To be directed to appropriate organizations)

From: Operative Gian (Government Representative)
Origin: Shara Star System, Imperial Citidel.

Greetings Government of Nepeleslia. I am Operative Gian, representing the Gartagen Union in this initiation of first contact. We became aware of your presence through your allies in Yamatai.

We hope to pursue peaceful relations with our neighbors, including DION.

If you wish to continue this first contact please respond promptly, as I have been tasked with handling all negotiations with DION. If you wish to send an ambassadorial delegation to personally meet us on our home world, the coordinates are XXYYZZ.


Operative Gian
To: Operative Gian
From: Drei on behalf of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia.


My name is Drei, and I have been given authority to handle first contact on behalf of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia.

We are interested in pursuing friendly and open relations. A small sample of our culture has been attached to this message as an act of good faith.

We will also be sending a ship to the co-ordinates you have provided so that we may have a face to face meeting. We would be interested in discussing establishing an embassy on your main world and discussing trade opportunities between our two people.

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