• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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OOC Contact Info

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Derran Tyler
Posts: 51
(2/2/03 11:46 am)
Reply Contact Info (Mandatory) I need everyone to post their contact information in this thread. This is mainly done to cut down on the unnecessary OOC posts on the board.

As a start, here's mine:

ICQ #: 159821389
YIM: Cameron_Blackblade
AIM: Suzaku zx
E-Mail: NightPhoenix@theprodigalsons.com

The most reliable ways to get in touch with me would be ICQ or AIM. E-Mail isn't really that reliable since I only check my mail once a week.

"War is a fundamental part of man's existence; it is the benchmark by which we define our history and culture. Peace, while an admirable ideal, goes against everything we as a people stand for. War may indeed be hell, but for some of us, it may very well be the only path to heaven...â€
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