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Contacting sabr and nora


Inactive Member
Frank would sit at his desk looking at a old photo remembering a promise
So he gets up and begins sending out a message to some people

*Sabr* i need your assistance on a rescue mission 50,000 ks or 10,000 per man my daughter is being held against her will at a heavily secret blacksite we're hanos expaments take place and i need to get her out of there

*Nora* hey kid i need your help
My daughter she's in trouble and means the world to me if you could help me please it would really help
[video message begins]

A white haired man, of early twenties is in view. A long scar over the right eye, and a double helix tattoo curved around his left eye. A white goatee frames his mouth, but the most notable feature is his crimson red eyes.

"Mister Frank, I am pleased that you have chosen us in your need of assistance. I have 36 ships, 400 troops, and various support craft ready to support you. Please send the coordinates of your preferred meeting point and I will bring a ship to meet you there. Commander Pine of Section 6, out."

[Message ends]
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