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RP: 188604 [Corgan's Angels x Psychopomp Crossover] Prologue



Queen's Slave>


Get over here now!



Here is the Queen's Slave at the starport.


Once Corgan had arrived, Uso went right into it.

"So I don't think Arccos is comming back." Uso said, "That means the Buttonless are without a leader and Osman City is without a lawman.

I need Cyrus doing Ragna-stuff, and Alex's skyguard isn't exactly a police force. You're the logical choice if you want to step up."

Corgan nodded slowly, thinking about how exactly to respond to that. He had tried not to think about Arccos being gone, mostly using a string of flings, some of which he saw more than once. "So you want me to take her job. That shouldn't be too much trouble, as long as I have some sort of budget to work with. I would like to have a more... modern police force, at least in structure."

"How much do you need?" Uso said, tossing Corgan a small metal starthat could be clipped to a jacket. "Also, I've got your first assignment. People are going missing and we've got crop circles showing up. I'd say aliens are harassing people... but we're the aliens so naturally they thing we're the ones doing this."

He caught the star and held it up to look at it in the light. "I don't know. I will need to hire someone to train them, then provide equipment, build a police station... We should start with Osman City, then we can expand into other regions." He pinned the star to his duster over his heart. "Is this one made from your blood too?" Corgan asked.

"Yeah, makes it more offical if I hand em out I think," Uso said, "Rent out some space in nath tower. Use your own dudes for police work for the time being. You've already got a command structure setup... just sorta... figure out how to police and such.

All that comes secondary though, you've got a case to solve... like... right now. We can't have any unrest or distrust brewing nowthat we've finally got everything settled."

"I do have.. someone that could help." He said. "You remember that salvage we picked up a while back? Well, it came with a sex droid. I finally activated her the other day and discovered she was fully sentient. She was sort of a prostitute that also moonlights as a Private Investigator. I, uh.. bought her one of those container houses in the city."

"Really isn't that important Corgi. I got that other thing that needs taking care of...Do it however you want. Hell, if you think a whored of sex robots would make everyone get along and stop abducting people then by all means lets get some more." Uso replied.

Corgan shrugged. "Okay, I will get some people and take care of the abduction thing. Any ideas where should start or is that all we have to go on?"

"I've got a few places where..." Uso sighed, "... 'weird space shit'... is going on. Usually small towns that are a bit out of the way. Someone was hoping it wouldn't be noticed... or.. well maybe they were hoping that was the case but someone got stupid and started blowing stuff up for fun, I'll send what I have to you.

I'd start with questioning the locals and maybe see if Vier can figure out if a starship was involved."

"You seem stressed. If you ever need to blow off some steam, you could always come to my room." He said with a smirk. "Oh, thanks for telling Sute about me. She helped a lot." Corgan had been meaning to thank her but hadn't had much free time.

"THE FUCK!?" Uso snapped, "You're taking a pass at me after I told you to go do a thing!?"

Corgan sighed. He had forgotten who he was talking to, it seemed, or maybe he had misjudged their relationship. "I'm going." He said, turning and heading for the door. "Forget I said anything."


Once he was out of the room, Corgan sent Vier a text.


Uso just made me High Sheriff. Do you know anything about the abductions and the crop circles? She says you can help me figure out if a ship was involved. Also any clue why she would seem... Annoyed today?



Send me the lists then, please.



A few minutes later....

Osman City
Rosalyn's House

Corgan walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. "Rosalyn! You home? It's Corgan, I have a job for you." He yelled.

After a few moments, he could hear some talking in the home, and then a pair of feet running around. "One sec," Rosalyn yelled from behind the door, before she said to someone in the house, "Yeah, I know. No, he's not just going to go away. No, he won't, he's...fine."

At that, the door opened, revealing the slightly disheveled android, with just a black tank top and matching panties keeping her from being completely naked. "Hey, Colonel," she said, smiling at him, "Mind stepping inside? Someone wants to talk to you."

The Nepleslian looked confused. "Uh, sure." He said. He walked into the house, trying to think of why one of her customers could want to talk to him.

The half-dressed customer, one of the locals by the looks of it, looked angrily at the tall Nepleslian, but his face paled as he took in Corgan's size. "Oh, uhh," he stammered, before shaking his head and putting on the rest of his clothes, "Never mind. Hope you have fun with him, Rosey."

"Anytime, Phil," the android said, walking over to him and giving him a consolation kiss. "Next time's free, okay?"

"Yeah, sure," the local said, nodding as he walked out the door, giving the Colonel one last look, then ran down the street in terror.

Corgan turned and watched the man run off. "Ah, that's what you meant. He thought he was going to kick my ass or something." He said, laughing. "Sorry about just showing up."

"No problem, Corgan. Just feel special that I'd drop a customer for you," Rosayln said, chuckling as she closed the distance and gave him a hug. "I'd kiss you, but I don't know how you feel about getting sloppy seconds."

He returned the hug, squeezing her tight. "Thanks, the hug is good." Corgan said, pulling back to look at her. "So, Uso called me to her uh.. office I guess you could call it. She made me the new High Sheriff, which is fine, but.. Then she put me on a case immediately. Someone's abducting people and leaving crop circles." He explained, pointing to the badge on his chest.

"Crop circles," the android said, looking at him like she was waiting to hear the punchline to a bad joke.

"That's the information she gave me." He said. "She wants this solved pretty bad. I tried being flirty and she flipped out. She said, 'YOU CAN TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DO WITH YOUR DICK WHEN YOU GET BACK.'"

Rosalyn chuckled and said, "Let me guess, she gave you a job and you were like, 'Hey, Uso, baby. Just step on into the Colonel's lounge and I'll show you how big my gun is'?" she asked, breaking into laughter and covering her mouth with one hand

"I said that she sounded stressed, and she could come to my room if she wanted to blow off some steam."

"Uh huh," she said, cocking her head to the side as she smirked up at him, "There a reason you're repeating what I said, Colonel?"

Corgan rolled his eyes. "You're all jokes today, huh?"

"You're the one that said crop circles," Rosalyn said, wagging her finger at him before sobering. "But if you're being serious about it, I guess you're not here for my witticisms or my sex drive, huh?"

He nodded. "I do enjoy those aspects, but this is serious. Locals are disappearing and they're blaming us "aliens". Last time something like this happened was when someone killed the Prince and framed us. They stormed the palace and there was a massacre. This could be worse than that."

"Oof," she said, frowning at the thought. "Mind talking more about the job while I freshen up?" she asked, pointing back towards the bedroom, "Don't think it'd be a good idea for me to look like I just rolled out of bed."
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