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RP: YSS Rave Cornering Naraku

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ON: Nepleslia

"SAINT Team, this is Yuuko, we've got an area right by an recent mass-murder that we should check ASAP," a radio transmission said, coming from Kikyô's communicator device.

Kikyô pulled out the communicator and sent a message back to Yuuko, "Thanks Yuuko, send me the location and we'll check on it immediately, you're welcome to come if you feel like giving the Mindy some exercise."

"You bet!" Yuuko said. The coordinates followed, downloading. As Yuuko suited up, she continued, first through the ship, then through her armor. "It's under some...low-cost housing."

"Alright, send messages to the rest of the SAINT team and tell them to meet me outside." Kikyô switched off the communicator and made her way out of the ship into the thick smog that covered the city, "I hate this place..." She muttered to herself.

Tyriel perked a brow at t he communication, having just got out of the bath and rushed to get his equipment together but soon enough made his way out of the ship. He spotted Kikyô and nodded in respect of her rank. "Looks like someone found her...or she found someone..." He muttered. ~stupid rain.~ He thought.

Yuuko gave a quick "Roger," and complied. A short pause followed. "Hmm Mordachai hasn't responded."

Frowning, Kikyô responded to Yuuko, "I'll go find him." With a quick nod in Tyriel's direction she made her way back into the ship and opened the door to his quarters.

Mordachai lay where he had fallen. A small bit of blood leaked from his mouth, but it was just from his biting his tongue as he hit the floor. His gun still rested half under his bunk, just a few feet from the mirror leaning against his footlocker.

Kikyô crossed the distance quickly and kneeled down next to him, she reached out a hand and shook him gently, "Mordachai... Mordachai wake up..."

Yuuko's armor floated around outside waiting, like a giant humanoid bumblebee.

Tyriel turned his attention to Yuuko and half closed his eyes...another high ranker.

"Hello." he said to her with forced polite nod.

"Hello," the armored Juni waved down at him.

Mordachai groaned softly, bringing a hand to his head. He reached for his gun, but it wasn't there, his knife, not there either. He slowly rolled to his back and got up, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Kikyô, I overslept." He hurried about, pulling on a shirt, grabbing his gun and knife and turned to her. "What did I miss?"

"Are you alright?" Kikyô put her hands on her hips and observed him critically.

"I'm fine ma'am" Mordachai replied, holstering his gun, and putting his knife on his other hip. He hadn't noticed the bloody taste or the stain it had made from the corner. of his mouth.

Tyriel sighed and pulled out a KS coin and flipped it idly as he waited for the other two to show.

"You are bleeding." She smiled, "Obviously you are not fine."

Mordachai pulled himself up to his full height, wiping away the blood. "I'm fine ma'am....Now what did I miss in my tardiness?"

"Mass murder has been committed, are you alright to come?" Kikyô asked.

Mordachai's emotion didn't change, inside he was still beating himself down over missing the briefing. "Yes Ma'am, I am fine to join the team to investigate." The Elysian grabbed his coat, putting the strap of his rifle over his right shoulder, under the coat, to protect it from the elements.

Kikyô nodded, "Alright. Lets go." She allowed Mordachai to walk ahead of her, she wanted to watch him and make sure he was fine.

Mordachai nodded once, and hurried out of his quarters, and then the ship. His step faltered once or twice, but he picked up the pace to compensate for it. In his mind, he was not so sure he would be all right; his confrontation with death had shaken his mind, which the angel figured would have been the intent. Where before he hadn't feared dying on a mission, now, there was a twinge of doubt, and fear, gnawing at him.

Tyriel heard them coming and caught the coin and pocketed it, fluttering his wings a bit; a few thoughts scrolled through his mind about the mission and the past couple hours, but he kept those from the nekos around him. "We ready?" he asked.

Kikyô nodded as she started to exit the ship, "Yeah, lets get going."

As soon as Kikyô's foot hit the bottom of the landing ramp, a small ball of light flashed behind her from the ground. Suddenly, that spot was the center of a giant cloud of smoke, and a fraction of a second later the deafening CRACK shattered the air. A thousand little metal balls spread through the air, with Kikyô's back directly in their path.

Not being able to react in time, the Taisa was hit with all the little metal balls speeding at her, luckily for Mordachai she was acting as his shield by standing between him and the metal. A surprised expression formed on her face before she fell to the ground quite dead, in a very bloody heap.

That caused Tyriel to jump and pull out his GP-12b1 and soon was looking for the assailant, having wing jumped back a little and off to the side instinctively. "That wasn't..." he said and barely caught sight of the balls whizzing through the smoke. "Taisa look OUT!" he shouted to her. Of course, it happened so fast the words were useless.

Mordachai spun at the first crack, his rifle coming up with lightning quickness to find the origin of the sound. Seeing the balls hit his only friend, and watching as she fell, the angel stood dumbly, not believing what he had just seen. His rifle was still pressed to his shoulder, and his mouth stood agape.

Yuuko recovered from the shockwave fairly quickly; it was more in her mind than in the armor. "Shit!" was the first word out of her mouth, but luckily the ones that followed were bit more helpful. "Kikyô's down!" she said, her voice full of adrenaline, "Tyriel check Kikyô! Mord! Are you alright?"

Tyriel ran over coughing a bit and checked Kikyô's vitals. "Dammit...she's gone..." he muttered. Sure he had hated her but was slightly respecting her too, at least for her tenacity.

Mordachai slowly lowered his rifle, kneeling down beside the fallen body of his superior, and his friend. His jaw clenched to fight back the tears, as he whispered, "You may have taken her, but I'm still here." Then, he stood up, and carefully walked back to the place that the claymore mine had gone off.

Looking over his shoulder, the Elysian nodded, but there was something different in his eyes, something more hardened. "I'm fine." Mordachai said.

Tyriel glanced up at Yuuko with "Oh come on," expression. He was still checking Kikyô over and looked at her back. "shrapnel grenade?" He wondered and looked at the wounds. "Let's at least get her back into the ship, can't leave her here where the enemy can get her body and analyze her." He said and scooped Kikyô's body up into his arms.

Slowly turning, Mordachai walked back to Kikyô's body, taking out her communicator. "Where was the murder? I'm going to check it out?"

"Shit, shit, shit, shit..." Yuuko whispered over the radio as she looked around. Thermal scan, radar...she had to be somewhere...stealthed. "THERE!!!" Yuuko shouted suddenly, pointing at a hole in a concrete wall about 200 meters away. The water running out of it into a ditch below was split in half around an invisible set of feet. The Juni took off like a gunshot and the surprised movement in the stream of water confirmed Yuuko's spotting.

Mordachai looked where Yuuko had pointed, and watched at the armor took off like a shot. The Elysian wasn't too far behind, running at his full speed as he pulled his rifle, and fired a shot at the fleeing steps.

Tyriel carried Kikyô into the Rave's medbay. "Rave, can you run a scan on these balls please?" he asked the ship as he stood in the doorframe after he laid Kikyô on the table.

"Common metals," Rave said. Meanwhile, outside, Yuuko halted just outside the drainage pipe. "I can't fit!" she said. It was obvious Naraku had chosen the spot deliberately. It was up to the Elysian to crawl in after her. Yuuko began trying to track Naraku through her radar, moving up and across a street above the pipe. Car horns blared and vulgarities flew as she ran across traffic following the blip.

Tyriel nodded. "Does she have a backup on file?"

"Yes, dated several hours ago." Rave said.

Gritting his teeth, Mordachai wasn't about to let the person get away, and as he ran, he threw his rifle back onto his back, and slid out of his coat. With a bit of maneuvering, he got his wings folded so he could fit into the pipe, and quickly followed after the stealthed person.

Inside the pipe there was he could hear her splashing in the "water" ahead as the stench of soap and urine hit him hard. The sounds of the street above and the rush of water reverberated with the splashes, making it difficult to place, but for now there was only one way to go.

Tyr decided that it wasn't important right this instant and they could get Kikyô back later and exited the ship in a hurry hoping to catch Yuuko and Mord. His expression shifted to half lidded eyes and a slight frown. "great...." he said and pulled out the datapad in his coat pocket and tried to see if he could track Yuuko or Mord.

Mordachai didn't stop, crawling and maneuvering himself further into the pipe. His mind was too focused at the moment to notice the terrible smell around him, he had to keep up with the sounds of the feet. There was a lightheaded feeling coming to him, and he suddenly felt like his brain was going to explode. He shook his head, backing out of the pipe, coughing and gagging. When he was back out in the light, he fell to his knees and spit the bile that had risen into his mouth. "Damn, mustard gas...." He replied between spits, and rolled away from the pipe.

Tyr noticed and head over to Mord. "Hey. you ok?" he asked, kneeling down to talk to him.

The Elysian took off his shirt and threw it away from him, rising to his feet and moving away from the pipe, gasping for clean air. "Get....Away from the pipe."

"UGH!" Tyr said and helped Mord up and helped him away from the pipe. "Mustard gas.... that shit stinks bad...cough it out man." he said.

"Huh?" Yuuko said though the radio of her armor, "You behind her?" she asked. "I'm going down a manhole."

Mordachai hacked and coughed, and stumbled back to the ships to get new cloths, slamming the side of the door.

Breathing shallowly, Mordachai spoke into the communicator, "No, I couldn't follow her....Mustard gas in the pipe."

Tyriel looked annoyed. "We can't follow her unless you get her to the surface." He said to Yuuko over his.

"Hold on," Yuuko said. "Hold on..." She sounded like she was concentrating on something.

Tyr walked over to Mord while they waited. "Go to the medbay and get out of this smoggy air, it'll help." He said.

Mordachai quickly showered, and then changed, washing off the gross stuff off his skin. He then started back out of the ship, restrapping his guns and knife to his belt.

"WOO!!" Yuuko started screaming. "I've got her cornered! Meet me at the subways station 2 blocks north!"

Mordachai heard the message, and started running out of the ship, using his wings to float slightly from the doors. He landing in a run, grabbed his coat, and headed north.

Tyr smirked and took a running start and spread his wings and leapt into the air once the wind was under them and flapped a bit to hover then flew for the station following above the streets going north.

As the two made their way their, they could see Yuuko had left a little destruction, judging by the smoke rising from storm drains and manholes. "Whoa now," Yuuko said. It appeared Naraku kept trying to make a break for it. "Stop!"

"Not good." Tyr muttered and landed and took off in a paced run toward Yuuko's direction

"Which way did she go?" he asked over the radio.

"She's in the subway station...I've got her in the ladies' room," Yuuko replied excitedly. "I'm blocking the door."

"Great...we'll be there in a second." Tyr sighed and headed into the station and for the bathroom. "Why is it always in the bathroom?" he sighed to himself

Mordachai was not far behind Tyr, and waited outside the bathroom, for whatever reason. He just didn't feel right about going into a women's restroom...

Tyr got there as well and looked past Yuuko at Naraku. "That's her?"
Naraku smiled and waved like a little girl that had been caught eating dessert before dinner.

"I'm pretty sure," Yuuko said, her rifle pointed at the bouncy little neko.

Tyr perked an eyebrow. "This child?" he asked in disbelief. "Let's just catch her and get her into a brig for questioning. Can't be too cautious."

"No," Naraku said. "I don't want to come with you."

"It's not optional!" Yuuko shouted at the child-neko. Naraku sulked and Yuuko walked over to her. "Anyone have handcuffs?" she said over her radio.

"We're right here." Tyr said and checked his pockets and came up empty handed. "I don't have any."

"I don't either, Ma'am" Mordachai said from outside.

Yuuko grabbed up Naraku in what looked like a bear hug in reverse, arms firmly wrapped around the neko's waist. "Back to the ship," Yuuko said, waiting for Tyriel to move. Naraku didn't offer any resistance for now.

Tyriel moved out of the way and took a look at Naraku, he couldn't believe such a small neko could wreck what she did. "Alright." he said and waited for Yuuko to lead the way.
"Bleech," Naraku mumbled. "I hope you have some clean clothes there."

Yuuko levitated a few feet off the ground and "walked" her way up the subway station steps and towards the ship, moving slow enough that her fellow soldiers could keep up in case Naraku tried anything. Passersby stared at them like they all were a freak show.

Tyriel kept pace with Yuuko silently as they headed for the ship.

Mordachai watched the rest of his group pass, and seemed particularly interested in Naraku. This was the one he had been chasing? This is the one who had killed his only friend....The Elysian scoffed slightly and jogged to keep up.

Naraku's little voice seemed to chatter more often than not. "What's your name?" she asked Tyriel.

"Tyr." he replied shortly, half surprised she was addressing him.

"Hello, Mister Tyr!" Naraku beamed. She then turned to Mord, "And your name?"

Mordachai was lost in this thoughts, and slowly looked up at the captive, "Why should it matter? From what I understand, you are a very wanted criminal...."

Tyriel didn't let his guard down around this child. It was usually a mistake to relax your guard around someone with such a rep. "Hello Naraku." he replied flashing her a short icy smile.

"Aww," Naraku pouted, "I'm just having fun." They'd arrived at the bent ramp into the ship. At the bottom was a crater and a great deal of flesh and blood from Kikyô's body.
Tyriel sighed at the mention of this being "fun."

Mordachai followed the group up into the ship, not saying anything, and heading to his quarters.
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