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OOC Corporate Listing Thread

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Author Comment
Posts: 7
(12/15/02 11:50 pm)
Reply Official Corporate Listing Thread If you own a corporation, list its name, the name of its CEO, and what it produces here. That is, if you want to...

Mureydo Arms
Xanthos Mureydo, CEO
Tactical Weapons and Equipment for the Special Operative and Homeowner
Corporate Headquarters: 166 Snicham Ave., Corporate Circle, Ayenee City
Research and Development Centers:
Firearms Development - Ayenee City Complex
Equipment Development - Ayenee City Complex
Extreme Cold Testing - Mureydo Field, 25 km SW of Kallenburg, Constitutional Republic of North Ayenee
Extreme Heat Testing - Sangotal Desert, Central Ayenee
Field Testing - Mureydo Island, location classfied

"Capitalism undoubtedly has certain boils and blotches upon it, but has it as many as government? Has it as many as marriage? Has it as many as religion? I doubt it. It is the only basic institution of modern man that shows any genuine health and vigor" - H.L. Mencken

Edited by: Seanobi at: 12/21/02 2:40:26 am
Sin DeFeisar
Posts: 8
(12/16/02 7:18 am)
Another entry (updated): Feisar Arms

Admiral Robert "Sin" DeFeisar, Commander of Feisar Operations
Commander Deiter Fuhrmann, Commanding Officer of Feisar Mechanized
Colonel Camaryn DeFeisar, Commanding Officer of Feisar Intelligence
Doctor Cassandra Hayes, Commanding Officer of Feisar Medical

High performance military gear, both offensive and defensive in nature for everything from powered armor for special forces commandos to heavy weaponry designed for seventy ton mecha. Technological levels on equipment range from modern-day to post-warp levels. Though availability is limited, Feisar Arms is also the exclusive source for equipment based upon PsiTech (Psionic Technology), and also supplies many other augmented technologies. Advanced cybernetic work is also available from Feisar Arms, ranging from the augmentation of the Humanoid (or otherwise) body to the creation of multi-purpose mechanical life forms.

Other technological services are available upon request.

The location of the Feisarite HQ on Ayenee Prime - if such a place truly exists - is unknown, but several small outposts are maintained in various major cities across Ayenee Prime. There is also the all-but-totally occupied first moon of Ayenee Prime (Luna Prima), though visitors to that establishment are generally not openly welcomed.

Edited by: Sin DeFeisar at: 12/10/03 9:22 pm
Kitsurugi Yui
Posts: 7
(12/16/02 10:10 am)
Corporations PNUgen Corporation
(Pagoda no Uesureya Genetics Corporation)

The Corporation has a seperate CO for each base:

PNUgen Kitsurugi No Iori Research Base and Sales Center (Geshrintall)
Dr. Kitsurugi Uesureyu, MD

PNUgen Uesureyan Fields Manufacturing and Storage Depot (Geshrintall)
Dr. Arvakr Wikkedsson, Ph.D., Psy.D., M.D.

PNUgen Capital Manufacturing and Sales/Service Center (Geshrintall)
Dr. Rafaela Neapolitana, MD

PNUgen Central Uesureyan Storage Depot (Geshrintall)
Major Mishikawa Kurasawa, GSA

PNUgen Black Sands Test Range Complex (Geshrintall)
Dr. Sugoimi Elena, Ph.D., Psy.D., M.D.

PNUgen Ice Queen Mountains Test Range Complex (Geshrintall)
Dr. Ingrid Sarasdottir, Ph.D., Psy.D., M.D.

PNUgen Ayenee 1: Research and Sales Outpost.
Dr. Shinichiro Nobumoto, MD

PNUgen Ayenee 2: CMC Research Base
Dr. Shinichiro Nobumoto, MD

PNUgen Ayenee 3: Special Research Facility
Dr. Janus Starr

Any smaller bases are attached to one of the above.

Sentient Organic Weapons (such as the NH-7)
Biological Weapons (such as viruses)
Genetic Manipulation (such disease-elimination)
Immortality (Through body-switching)
Advanced Medical Services
Heavy Construction

Further Information @ bloodycatgirl.com/pnugenayeneee

WickedArms Corporation/WickedArms Industries
WickedArms Industries Corporation)

CO: Lord-Mistress Empress Kitsurugi Yuumi, Ph.D., Psy.D.

Armament Sales
Ammunition Sales
Sentient Organic Weapon Sales (Such as the NH-7)
Vehicle Sales (such as the GAH-1)
Armament and Vehicle Design

Further Information @ bloodycatgirl.com/wickedarms

Kitsurugi Fleet Yards

CO: Kitsurugi Yuumi

Starship Design
Starship Manufacture
Submarine Manufacture

Further Information @ stararmy.com

Grand Star Army (Not exactly a Corporation, but involved)

Military Services
Construction Services
Public Communications Services

Further Information @ stararmy.com

Some of the information in this post may be outdated. See stararmy.com for the latest.

Edited by: Kitsurugi Yui at: 12/3/03 2:08 pm
Derran Tyler
Posts: 6
(12/16/02 10:56 am)
Reply Phoenix Corporation Phoenix Corporation
Chief Executive Officer: Hien Kurushi Blackblade
Senior Vice President: Damien Knight
Chairman of the Board: Cameron Blackblade

Subdivisions -

Phoenix Arms (Nerima Prime)
Senior VP: Damien Knight

Phoenix Aerospacy (Nerima Prime)
Senior VP: Clarke Silveria

Oracle Microsystems (Draconis Prime)
Senior VP: Victoria Knight

Genesis Propulsion (Crius)
Senior VP: Kyoshiro Nishida

Neo-Star Macrotechnologies (Antares)
Senior VP: Anatoly Borisnikov

Wildstar Communications (Antares)
VP: Kelsey McDowell


- Weapons (Phoenix Arms)
- Robotech Mecha (Phoenix Aerospacy)
- Fleet Design and Production (Neo-Star Macrotechnologies)
- Computer Hardware & Software (Oracle Microsystems)
- Engines & Star Drives (Genesis Propulsion Systems)
- Hyperspace Communications (Wildstar Communications)

The Venerable Jai
Posts: 1
(12/20/02 4:37 pm)
Reply It won't see any use anytime soon, but...
Shas Corporation

Chief Executive Officer: Ried Shas
Senior Vice President: Nathan Ayden
Vice President of Production: Brian Wolf
Vice President of Mergers and Acquisitions: Devin Holmes

West Ayenee Cattle, Ranch, and Farms
General Manager: Michael Horde

Oinks Own Swine Farms
General Manager: Cecil Waignes

Winge and Aprair Poultry Farms
General Managers: Adrian Winge, Nicholas Aprair

General Manager: Spencer Sykes

Shas Family Foods
General Manager: Christian Dien

Heavenly Wineries
General Manager: Tobias Kirtan

Green Hills Distillery
General Manager: Ethan Coffus

Testament Treasure Hunters
General Manager: Bao Nguyen

ProtoTech Research Industries
General Manager: Angelo Caeli


Bovine Farming
Swine Farming
Poultry Farming
Plant Farming & Harvesting
Food Synthesis & Processing
Artifact Recovery/Claiming
"Magic & Technology"
"Magic & Chemistry"

Probably one of the least known (but partially important) companies within Ayenee, Shas Corporation is responsible for the basic needs of many humanoid species. It's "treasure hunters" are some of the best (and infamous!) of all Ayenee.

Unregistered User
(1/4/03 4:53 pm)
Reply Here's my two cents Royrk GunBlades

Owner - Jerrid LaRoyrk
Location - Western Ayenee
Product: Custom-Built Gunblades and High-Frequency Blades.

Posts: 46
(1/27/03 3:59 am)
Reply Blackridge Firearms Blackridge Firearms

Owner: Anthony Cornish
Manager: Anthony Cornish

Sales Representatives:
Seth Wright
Joshua Hall

#8 of 2391 Block, 46th street

Various firearms (some made in-house)

Modern day gun repair
(black powder revolvers - caseless firearms)

Webpage: www.geocities.com/phantom...ridge.html

Yeah, I know it ain't a corporation...but I felt like posting something here.

Edited by: PuroMalvagio at: 1/28/03 5:59:50 am
Posts: 24
(2/2/03 11:02 pm)
Reply Re: Blackridge Firearms Welcome back to the land of the corporate, Scott.

:shoot5 Biorifle is the Alpha and the Omega

"Capitalism undoubtedly has certain boils and blotches upon it, but has it as many as government? Has it as many as marriage? Has it as many as religion? I doubt it. It is the only basic institution of modern man that shows any genuine health and vigor" - H.L. Mencken

Posts: 105
(3/3/03 1:57 am)
Reply Whoo! Corporate Scotty is back???
Err....does a small, single floor building that sells, and services firearms count as a corporation?

Posts: 26
(4/16/03 8:41 am)
Reply "Company man" Assassin for hire. No women or children. Any questions?

Contact YPager: adam_assassin

Brandon Friesen
Posts: 1
(12/3/03 2:43 am)
Reply Re: Official Corporate Listing Thread Friesen Armaments
Brandon Friesen, Sole Proprietor

Small arms sales & purchases
Small arms repair
Misc. melee weapons sales
Body armour sales
Consignment sales
Custom gunsmithing
Custom firearm design
In-house small arms firing range
Outside long distance firing range

Approx. 25kms SSE of Ayenee Prime

Edited by: Brandon Friesen at: 12/3/03 3:17 am
Tasuki Uso
Posts: 6
(12/14/03 1:24 pm)
Beauty in functionality Qelnoran ltd.
-Qelnoran Logistics
-Qelnoran Agriculture
-Qelnoran Security
-Qelnoran Logistics
-Qelnoran Shipyards
-Qelnoran Aquisitions
-Qelnoran Technologies

Location: Qelnoran Industrial Sector, Ralifaris

Y!: the_insane_profit
AIM: GSE goon

Y!: Xaviar_Isvanez

GSA no Shoi, Uso Tasuki
Head Cook, GSS Seigi (GB-07)
Tellurian Radiance
Posts: 9
(2/25/04 7:00 am)
Field Systems Unlimited Need the impossible as of yesterday? Our outfitters have the solution to all your exploring or tactical problems.

Call x-907-2258975-o1 over a secure connection only!
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