Star Army

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[Corporate Relations Conference] Meet and Greet


Inactive Member
NAM Proving Grounds, Nepleslia Prime>

The Corporate Relations Conference’s initial meeting was already under way, taking place at ‘the testing range’, a bar inside of the NAM proving grounds complex. What had been a well loved room used by pilots and workers had been fixed up. The walls were refinished in a glossy, cherry wood color and the bar had received a new granite table top. Manning the bar was a nepleslian woman with bright pink hair and smooth tanned skin. Her normal attire had been replaced with a classy black suit vest with a short black tie that left her arms, and a plunging neckline visible. Her hips were being hugged tightly by a short, ruffled, black skirt while her hands were working a mixer over, pouring out a specialty drink for the first arrival.

That first arrival was Norman Wheelwright, majority share holder of NNN and one of the big players in Nepleslia’s chemicals sector. His suit had far more parts than the bartenders, and certainly cost far more. “What is in this drink anyways?” He ended up asking.

“Oh, now that is a secret!” The bartender said with a smile as she leaned forward against the bar. Her arms had folded under her breasts just enough to accentuate them, “But the pilots out here swear there is nothing quite like the ‘Marine Landing Force Tonic’, it is guaranteed to make any combat landing seem like a walk in the park.”

“Certainly smells like it, I think this is mostly cleaning alcohol….”

Of course with NAM matters, Drei wasn’t too far away. The young female was watching the door from a seat at the bar. A small display had been set up with nametags but for the time being all she had to do was wait.
Another bartender, this one with shoulder-length blonde hair, streaked with light blue and dark brown, strode up to Drei. She was dressed in a white blouse with a knee length, dark blue skirt. "Hey sugah, name's Ellie Mae. What'll be yuh pleasure? Name yuh poison, I'm at yuh full service, if yuh know what ah mean," she said smiling sweetly.

In one hand, she had three shot glasses and in another, she held three bottles of strong liquor. "Ah'm all ears, honey," Ellie Mae said, still smiling sweetly.


Pan-Union Company Delegation

Director Illian Harsia stepped out of the shuttle door into the hangar in which his shuttle had been led into. Behind him, Director Kisha Ernan followed. A slight breeze brought the smell of her fragrance to his nose. She had added some perfume, the smell of which attracted him but the thought of which repelled him.

The two of them had been sent by President Palmatar to attend the conference. They were allowed to speak for him, but they were not allowed to make a decision for the Pan-Union Trading Company. Their job was to assess the plans and other companies as well as the Company's ability to meet the new standards. In addition, they were also allowed to offer Company services to aid the promulgation of the plan. In short, Harsia reflected, everything up to saying "Yes, PUTCo. will change to a standardized munitions set."

Harsia's role was to assess the usefulness of the plans and its effect on the Milaros Wing while Ernan was to analyse the technical feasibility of the proposed plan for the current Company equipment.

As the two Directors exited, they were flanked by tough-looking, well-built Troopers in dress uniform. One group of eight wore a dark red with gold trimmings whilst the other group of eight wore black with gold trimmings. Each Trooper carried a sidearm and their Gladios carried a sheska in addition to a sidearm. All of them wore a cloth cap, sort of like a caubeen, in the same color as their uniform with a green.
“Hop on in!” A Marine shouted from the driver’s seat of his six seat buggy. The Air-con was cranked up to max, mainly to help deal with the marine having to wear his full uniform despite having to work in the desert. The big wigs were insistent that everyone look their best…

He was only one of the many drivers that were here to help ferry people from the landing area down to the bar, and there were other buggies already on the way to pick up any people that wouldn’t have a seat open for them.

“This is my first time getting to see a gart. Do all your people look like that? I heart the garts uniforms had a lot less fabric than our own. Must be nice to have something more breathable than this thing, after all its like a billion degrees out here year round. You can cook an egg on the roads during winter.” The marine said, rambling on about uniforms, clothing, and ‘that gart festival where the women dance in the street’.


Meanwhile at the bar Drei was still waiting for other people to arrive.

“How about you suggest something suitable for casual conversation.” She said, looking over at Norman Wheelwright who was chatting up a bartender through some drink that looked like it could kill a horse. “I mean…” Drei had suddenly realized she could relax a bit. After all she didn’t have to worry about handling diplomacy with the bartender. “… I could go for a country girl, no ice.”
"I swear, you'd think they would have this meeting in a more...temperate clime," a feminine voice grumbled in Abwehran as a trio of individuals left the confines of the next shuttle. Dressed in a more business-casual attire involving a brown pencil-skirt and loose blouse, which thankfully wasn't white. Her chocolate-brown hair was chin-length and straight, although it would probably start dampening with sweat shortly. Fanning her pale skin with both hands, the woman couldn't help but grimace under the oppressive heat.

" I more hope they appreciate the care we took when coming to this world, her masculine counterpart replied testily. Easily identifiable as an Abwehran male, the four-armed individual had chosen to wear a rather expensive business suit. He was already removing his jacket as his bald head began gleam. "I was poked and proded for days on the way here. Vaccinations, decontamination, the works! the man continued to grumble.

"Think of it this way. We're the first representatives of our respective corporations to travel to a foreign nation," the third individual, another male, exited the shuttle in what could be explained as holiday attire. Placing a wide-brim hat upon his equally bald head, the eldest of the trio couldn't help but chuckle as his goggled eyes surveyed the salt flats. "Besides, we can meet other corporate representatives and form a little analysis on the markets."

The other two groaned as they followed the elderly Abwehran. These three individuals were representatives of the most powerful corporations in all of Abwehran space. The elderly Abwehran leading the group towards the nearest buggy as Karl von Littenheim, who was not only representing Kaiserlich Waffenerbauer, but also from the founding family of the Corporation. The man following on his right was Detlev Ansbach, representing the Northern Manufacturing Corporation while the woman on Karl's right represented Abwehran Imperial Yards, Lieselotte Moder. Both of the younger Abwehrans didn't look any older than a Nepleslian of their late 20s, while the elder man seemed to be in his late 80s appearance-wise. A very fit man in his 80s at that.
Yamatai sent an unannounced surprise visitor: Empress Ketsurui Yuumi arrived with a flotilla of Star Army ships and was brought to the surface in a red and white Plumeria-class gunship, leaving it through the cargo ramp with an entourage of seven samurai Nekovalkyrja, a personal assistant, a SANDRA news correspondent and her camera-neko, Star Army Logistics admiral Kawahara Opal, and the admiral's two infantry escorts and yeoman.

Two "Troll" type tanks, each escorted by a TASHA tank robot, provided the ride to the complex. Minutes later, the group of fourteen Nekovalkyrja entered the bar.

The Empress have a nod to the Abwehran delegates. She had a perfect, almost porcelain face and was dressed in a shimmering white slik kimono inlaid with gold thread and colored gemstones that made up the shapes of Yamataian landmarks. Her hair was dark teal and her eyes were a bright red. As Yui's sister, she bore an extremely strong resemblance to the Star Army's head Taisho.
Another Gartagen entered the room. He paused taking in the plethora of aliens that were populating the room. Pausing in the door way for only a moment, he advanced into the room holding a data pad under his arm. He wore a grey military uniform over his body. His appearance was that of a young adult male. He had a lean body, and rather high facial features. Tailing in behind him were two Edjia armored guards, with rifles slung over their shoulders.

He did not announce him self however. He merely moved to sit at a table and wait for the official proceedings to begin.
Drei suddenly felt a bit underdressed for this occasion. The muted grey/blue color of her naval uniform wasn’t exactly silk and gold plus she didn’t have her own entourage to use in making of grand entrances.

Worse yet, a flotilla of ships from Yamatai wasn’t something that was easily missed. Security around the exterior of the base would need a few extra drones to keep an eye on things. Drei was not looking forward to the NMX trying to poke around.

Internal thoughts aside, it was time to go meet the guests,

“Welcome to Nepleslia Prime,” Drei would say after moving herself up to the new arrivals. “My name is Drei, and I will be representing Nepleslian Arms and Munitions during this conference.

“NAM is looking to standardize ammunition types across several weapon platforms. We have a demonstration scheduled later to help elaborate on the common ammunition scenario we would like to put forward, but for now I would like to talk about your interests and goals for your respective corporations and militaries. Getting to know each other better would go a long way to improving relations between our organizations.”
Not long after most of the other representatives had entered the building, a lime green Advent Hovercar Approached the bar, and landed just outside the door. Despite the fact that the SS Raider and its escort had landed nearly an hour before, the owner of the car, and CEO of Origin Industries, had decided to be fashionably late. Apparently, after having only the confines of Dawn station in which to drive the high-performance hovercar, the appeals of a real planet with an open sky was one that the small woman could not pass up.

The Hovercar rocked gently as Aerin Tatst and her lone escort, a miniscule Ex-Neko turned security guard named Dyna, exited the vehicle. Aerin was, as always, wearing her uniform, with Dyna sporting the subdued black OriSec outfit befitting her position. The two women walked in the door, briefly greeting those nearest before finding a place to sit near the bar.
Harsia and Ernan boarded, along with four of their guards. Two were the red dressed Troopers, one of whom carried a sheska. They were followed by two black dressed Troopers. After a quick bickering, it was decided that one of the Blacks would have to go without a seat.

"Why do you always pamper to the Irons?" Ernan muttered under her breath. "Because they are the best I have for ceremonial duty. Besides, I pamper to all my Wings equally. I have my two senior Wings represented here, don't I?"

After seeing their charges and bodyguards off, the rest of the Strike Wing re-entered the shuttle to change into armor. Hopefully they would not be needed.

Harsia turned to respond to the Nepleslian Marine's questions. "Our people are just as diverse as your own. To be fair, this is the first time I've seen a Nepleslian. Uniforms are what we make them to be, but personally, I prefer combat gear to dress uniform."

They reached the bar and all of them noticed the Yamataian tanks sitting outside. "Must be some really big admiral," Ernan mused, looking at the Neko guards.

The group of six entered. Harsia had not known who was coming but he wasn't an idiot either. He had chosen the entire bodyguard for their excellence in diplomacy, swift reaction and level-headednes. Decurion Marnos, Gladio Keija and their subordinates were fluent in Nepleslian, after taking an intensive language course. Harsia and Ernan, too, had taken the same course and Ernan's greater eloquence with the alien language irked Harsia.

What Harsia and Ernan saw was not what either had been expecting. "That's..." he began to say, when Ernan finished the sentence, "Empress Ketsurui Yuumi in the flesh. Thank the gods, venerable ancestors and whatever else you care to name that President Palmatar chose this time to run off with the wife... " Ernan said, still stunned to be in the presence of the Yamataian Empress. No one seemed to bold enough to approach the most powerful woman in the galaxy.

"Irons, Shadows, look smart. Time to meet royalty."

The PUTCo group walked deliberately towards the Empress and her entourage, drawing the attention of the bodyguards. "On behalf of the Pan-Union Trading Company, prosperity and longevity to your most Imperial Highness." Harsia used the old, traditional greeting when meeting a respectable stranger. The translation, he felt, was inadequate since it did not include the implied wish for personal success in all endeavors.

He and Ernan bowed deeply while their bodyguard made an immaculate salute by thumping their left breast with their right fist and holding it there.
The Neko royal nodded her head in return to the salutes and greetings. “I am Yuumi, Imperial Premier of Yamatai. I am here as the representative of Empress Himiko and the Ketsurui Zaibatsu,” she said. While the Premier certainly had an agenda, she decided to save that for the actual discussion.
The Paragon representative was late, very late. The assignment had been dropped into his lap the day before his first leave in sixth months had been scheduled to start. They'd told him it was some kind of logistics meeting with a NAM representative, something the Corporal's background in Paragon would make him a capable representative. At least that's what his Lieutenant had said before shoving a datapad and a briefcase into his arms and putting him on the next shuttle to Nepleslia Prime. Whatever bean counter that had planned his trip had opted for the cheapest route to get him on world, which placed him a day away from the supposed meeting site at a secondary spaceport.

The next twelve hours were spent navigating the planet's roads in an economy rental, after several stops for directions and at least ten hijacking attempts he found himself standing outside a bar surrounded by several exotic security teams. One of the Nepleslian Marines waved him inside, albeit under the scrutiny of a dozen alien eyes.

As he passed through the threshold he spoke as he looked around the room, "Is this the..." it took him a moment to realize how far above his pay grade this meeting was and at the sight of a Empress his eyes practically popped from his skull. "I'll just take a seat over," he saw Origin uniforms and made a beeline for the bar, "here."
~Alcohol and close quarters is usually enough to get conversation going. Looks like corporate types are more anti-social than anticipated.~ Drei thought to herself.

“Perhaps we should go to the visual aid to get people talking,” Drei said to no one in particular as she moved away from the group and went towards an open area not to far from the bar where a junker drone was wheeling out a small table with a variety of small arms weapons on it. She’d also switch on a small PA system that would let her be more easily heard in this room.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, this is an IAW produced by Paragon,” Drei said, holding up the weapon for a moment before setting it down and picking up a different weapon, “And this is a GP-1. Origin has its type 33, Styrling, NAM, and pretty much every other organization has their own take on assault rifles that are carried by unarmored infantry.

As time has gone on, these weapons have gotten marginally more powerful up to a point. Gains in rate of fire, stopping power, accuracy, and other ways of measuring firepower are no longer contributing a real benefit to soldiers.

In order to make a superior weapon, we need to consider how to improve our weapons beyond only firepower such as improving ease of use through standardized ammunition types, or by improving the weapon’s usefulness as a tool in combat.

From a military standpoint, the implications for standardizing weapon ammunition types should be fairly clear to everyone. For example, Nepleslia would only need to stockpile a few types of ammunition. They would be more interested in purchasing new weapons rather than maintaining old stockpiles since they will not have to worry about their old supplies of ammunition going to waste. On a larger scale, the militaries of the universe will be more capable of supporting one another if ammunition is interchangeable. In this scenario a Nepleslian ship could quickly supply a Gart ground unit with ammunition from its own stockpile.

There is also the ability to improve upon the ammunition itself. With a standardized ammunition type, we can keep the incremental design improvements rather than having to design an entirely new battery or projectile with each weapon. The best example of this would be our Infantry Power Magazine.” Drei would pick up a block of four magazines stuck together to make her point. “They operate just like the BR-28A in terms of power supply however they have a built in charge indicator and a textured backing that allows them to snap together. A larger rifle scale weapon could easily be powered by four of these magazines snapped together. If a pistol is needed the magazine can be pulled apart into the individual magazines for use.” To make her point she’d quickly take apart the 4 block rifle magazine into 4 pistol magazines.

It is in all of our best interests to standardize. It makes our products easier to sell, more effective, and easier to use. NAM has already decided to use 40mm grenades, a BR-28A style power magazine, and 3 inch 12 Gauge shotgun rounds.

What we want from this meeting is for other organizations to adopt these types of ammunition, to select other ammunition standards for pistol or SMGS, for unarmored infantry rifles, and possibly for sniper level weapons. We want to discuss standardizing weapon mounting systems so various accessories can be used between different weapons. We want to talk about a standard format for fighter craft hard points so equipment can be shared between KFY developed fighters like the V8 and NAM developed fighters like the FA4 and we want to find a way to help other corporations produce equipment that is more attractive to the Nepleslian Military.”
The Abwehran delegation nodded their heads to the Yamataian Premier politely and waited for her to pass before they began speaking to each other in low tones. Time passed as they finally arrived at the bar and took a table to themselves. They ordered food and drink, but seemed to be glancing around at the groups in the bar before a young female began to speak to the room.

After listening to the speech for a moment, the trio began to talk among themselves. "Seriously, how can there be standardized components when we don't have standardized construction philosophies," Detlev grumbled.

"Most of are vessels are currently moving towards obsolescence faster than they should be because of our defense needs. I have no idea what those techies in Kaiserlich F&E are thinking anymore," Lieselotte agreed before Karl seemed to have other ideas.

"This is all very nice Fraulein," the elderly Abwehran spoke up, in heavily accented Trade, with a mild chuckle. "But you also have to think about the downsides to even approving this little proposal of yours," Karl stated as he stood up and looked at the group before continuing. "You've gathered the corporations of the known galaxy together. But while we are the industrial might of our national militaries, the similarities between us end there. The majority of us probably have different design philosophies from the other. While it may believed that such a fact doesn't matter for ammunition production, I would beg to differ. "

Taking this time to lean against the table his delegation was seated, Karl crossed all four of his arms across his torso. "I guess I should use my people as an example in this. While the majority of the galaxy ranges between chemically-propelled ballistics to energy weaponry for its basic infantry, the Abwehrans use electromagnetically-propelled ballistics. We haven't used chemical propulsion in our standard firearms for several standard centuries, so asking us to suddenly redevelop and re-purpose factories for ammunition we wouldn't even use is just a waste of an investment." the old Abwehran explained lightly.

"Standardizing munitions also affects the design process of other corporations. There are all ready millions of weapons being produced and sold using the ammunition all of us," he paused to open his arms and motion to the crowd. "All of us have have designed for ourselves. To suddenly standardize munitions, we'd be making newly designed weapons worthless. Some of us would even have to go back to the drawing board, wasting more time and resources just to comply. Weapons that have been produced, but yet to be sold, would just amount to scrap material." Karl chuckled.

"In other words, wouldn't standardizing be quite a waste of time for all of us?"
"No," Premier Yuumi responded flatly. "While it could cause the issues you suggest in the short term, it will make things easier for all standardized parties in the future. I do not think our militaries will ever be fully compatible, but we should agree on some common standards, particularly in the areas that affect logistics. All starship makers here should be designing their ships with cargo holds measured in standard shipping containers and with internationally standardized airlocks, for example. For rounds, why not use rounds that can be used in both conventional weapons and railguns? The 35mm round used by Yamatai and Nepleslia for many years has this capability and is excellent against power armor."
“We anticipated this, which is why we invited you here. We wanted to form a consensus on which type of ammunition to use for personal weapons, either hybrid or pure magnetic slugs.

The real difference between the two is that a hybrid round will always work when fired regardless of the status of an external power source which makes it more reliable. A Pure magnetic slug would only work in coil guns and rail guns but they are smaller since they do not require propellant meaning more can be carried in a smaller space.

I won’t go into the technical details now, but I am certain that a hybrid round could be developed that could be fired from a chemical, hybrid, or rail/coil gun without modification to the weapon itself beyond being set up with the right size barrel.

Once that is decided, we can work out the specific round size.

As for making your own equipment useless, we have considered that. Nepleslia is going to retain its current stockpiles and work through them but it will also be converting key weapon platforms to the new system. Older weapons will be either upgraded of phased out as ammunition is used up. This method of phase removes many of the problems that you think would come from a standardization move.

I would think the benefits of a standard system far outweigh those from having a slightly more custom tailored ammunition size.” Drei would say.
Director Ernan fidgeted in her seat, like she wanted to say something. "Kisha, if you have something to say, say it. You're the technical one here. I haven't heard anything yet regarding my areas," Harsia whispered to her.

The female Gartagen glowered at her male counterpart. Then she stood to speak. "The Gartagen Union is new space travel. The Pan-Union Trading Company has not yet been notified that there exist standardized measurements. Our ships do not use whatever system that is being used by the rest of the galaxy. We can most likely fit many of these standardized cargo containers in our hold but the cost of refitting our transport craft to meet these standards, or design new transport craft, means that more work, and money, will have to be done before this venture becomes economically sound.

The Pan-Union Trading Company is the premier organization for shipping bulk cargo in the Union. We desire to work in conjunction with other corporations in this process but at this point, I, as the Head of Research and Development, cannot see how we can make it profitable in the short term."

As she sat, Harsia rose, earning him another glare. "From a military standpoint, it is easy enough to rework our weaponry. But to put into drydock an asset as valuable as our cargo fleet, which generates the largest percentage of Company income, combined with the cost of changing our weapon standards must give us all pause since we are profit driven. I am not saying it cannot be done by us or any others, but simply, no one has answered the question of short term versus long term profitability.

The Milaros Wing is a paramilitary organization within the Company and we recognize the need to be able to share certain commonality with our nation's allies, if only to ease logistics in times of war. But, Ms. Drei, you ask much without exactly highlighting how this helps our profit margins. My President will want to know if this is profitable, not just smart. Further, whose standard will we be using? Whoever's standard we use will stand to gain the most whilst creating a whole new standard of ammunition will result in bickering over details."
“This is a NAM pilot project to increase the amount of equipment that is suitable for use by the nepleslian military, so we are talking about using NAM’s Common Supply Chain standards.

After all, having a variety of different standard ammunitions defeats the purpose.”

Drei then moved onto second issue,”

“As for profitability I would like to point out that the nepleslian military recently spent three hundred million on the IAW battle rifle because it fit our needs for a personal scale weapon and was sufficiently well designed.

Two million was spent on acquiring Drop Pods from the garts. This was spent because this filled a need we had and it was sufficiently well designed to warrant being purchased.

Nepleslia will buy anything that is of sufficient quality and that meets their needs. It makes sense for the smaller corporations to design equipment that the major militaries will want to use since they tend to buy in numbers far greater than civilians do.”
"Origin doesn't have a problem with any of this. We can generally retool anything we need to within a few days, and doing things that makes it easier to serve our customers- Especially large ones like the Nepleslian and Yamataian militaries- Is a long standing company policy." Aerin responded, taking a sip of the wine she had ordered. She seemed to be quite at ease on her barstool, and even though it did not appear that she had been listening, she had most definitely heard everything.


Aerin's Protege, The tiny, childlike Dyna, was taking her time eying the Paragon representative. Something about people from different security companies not liking one another, even if Paragon and Origin had a fairly good relationship, considering the large deals the two companies had recently made. The dark-skinned, purple-haired ex-Neko was acting like she didn't trust the Raragon representative. In truth, she was looking to see if they could hold their liquor.


After her sip of wine, Aerin continued "The only reason we've had to develop our own munitions as of late is because until recently there were not many available types that fit our needs. One of my cohorts, Rob Robertson, has recently developed a line of Gauss weapons using common ammunition and parts amongst a number of models to meet the same purpose for the SAoY, in the form of the Type 33 rifles and it's 12.7mm ammunition, which I believe in Nepleslia would be .50 caliber." She finished her glass, before setting it down. "I believe the rounds are currently Gauss-only, but I'm sure I can set Rob to the task of developing a hybrid round that can be used in the same rifles. Yamatai's Fifth fleet has been inquiring about the rifles and their ammunition, and I believe the Type 33 has been adopted for use by the Star Army at large, so I can foresee at least somewhat widespread use in the future."
"Here is a list of ammunition commonly used by the Yamataian military," Yuumi said, presenting a volumetric display:

  • 7×15/20 mm boat-tail tapered dart (Armor)
  • 7.62 x 51 mm Rifle*
  • 8 x 20 mm Caseless Rifle
  • 10 x 25 mm Pistol*+
  • 12.7 x 30 mm Rifle
  • 13 x 100 mm Gauss Cannon (Armor)+
  • 25 x 100 mm Grenade (Armor)+
  • 35 x 228 mm Heavy Machine Gun (Armor)*+
  • 50 mm Mortar*
  • 105 mm Tank*
  • 155 mm Artillery*

* Currently a historic international standard in Nepleslia and Yamatai
+ Weapons we would like to see used in the new international standards

"The Star Army uses many energy weapons. Conventional rounds mean easy-to-manufactuer weapons, while gauss weapons mean easy-to-manufacture ammunition. Yamatai is interested in moving towards more kinetic Gauss weapons for armor combat. We should also standardize mini-missile sizes. I suggest using the type found on the Mindy power armor."
“I think the consensus is to use a hybrid round. Here is what I’ve come up with so far.” Drei would convert one of the walls of the bar into a display to show off her quick rendering of the proposed round.


The round would have two main parts, a caseless propellant in the rear connected to a metal projectile in the front. The sides will be flattened slightly to provide a good connection surface for rail gun users. The propellant will be shaped like a casing so it is easily used in current firearms and the indention in the center of the round will help the expanding gasses shape the round into a more circular shape when fired so the railgun shaping does not affect the performance in current firearms.

The metal upper section, or a metal bracing through the round, would allow it to be used by weapons that propel a round with electromagnetism.

The caseless design means that railguns can still use the round without having to be designed to eject a casing.

The round would be effective against unarmored targets, or against armored targets when launched from a pure rail/coil gun or hybrid cannon.

Hybrid weapons designed to use the round would have extreme reliability, since even under low power conditions or if part of the weapon fails, it would still be able to fire short of catastrophic mechanical failure.

Soldiers would be able to swap ammunition between pistol cale, SMG scale, rifle scale, armor scale or crew served scale weapons.

Rounds with these specifications could be made for different roles, such as low velocity, high velocity, and anti-armor.

And finally, one bullet for everything would greatly simplify logistics.

The drawbacks is that they would be slightly larger than a pure rail/coil round, however current railguns seems to be firing rounds about this size anyways.

Along the same lines, the round is slightly more complicated to build.

Current firearms would also have to deal with increased heat buildup issues that go along with using caseless rounds.

As for mini-missiles. We would need to know the size, hot or cold launch type, and data connection port method in order to standardize a mini-missile between platforms and I do not have this data for the Mindy weapon.