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Approved Submission [Corporation] Ken-TEC


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Corporation
Template Used: Corporation Template? IDK
Submission WIP URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:corp:kentec
Submission Destination URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=corp:kentec

Faction: Independent / Nepleslia (they're technically based there)
FM Approved Yet? @Gunhand4171 @Ametheliana never stopped me all this time, but they can chime in if they want.
Faction requires art? Dunno bawse.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes (It's a product list, which would go against the "no stub" thing due to how little would actually be on it currently. @Wes had told me to avoid doing so, so I did not make the page yet.)
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No


Mystify me.

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Heya please and thank you.

Get rid of the red link and maybe make YE 40 bigger on the logo? That last one is up to you.
Edit made to remove the Red Link. YE 40 will remain small and unbearably impossible to read, due to the fact it is only on the logo in the first place to protect their corporate holding. Think of it like fine print.
Following up on a transaction between Zen Armaments (@Soresu) and Ken-TEC after the wake of its Warlock sales, I've updated the primary page with a section named "Assets". This currently includes the "Ken-TEC: Fleet Kennewes" and lists the ships under it. In the future, anything that is different from a working facility (such as a station or ground base), will be listed here. The link relating to the transaction between Zen Armaments and Ken-TEC will be listed in a source-stub. Considering this is simply an addition/update to match RP, I went ahead and did it. If it requires approval (despite being RP'd), then I will gladly revert it until the change has been approved =3=/

Thread of transaction and stated intent that brought the edit: https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum...uel-baptiste-from-ken-tec-ashton-acres.61137/
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