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Neshaten Information Network Council Permits Foreign Business

Pub, Netoshen

A group of My'leke are sitting around a table which has several cards on it, each person has several cards in their 'hands', as they play the TV in the corner of the Pub has the current news on it; for a moment the group just ignores it, but something catches their eyes and they turn toward it.

"In other news, the council has chosen to permit foreign business," the camera woman looks off screen, the camera pans to show several members of the Citizens Oversight Commitee. "Excuse me sir, can you tell us any specifics?"

The committee member, who at first looked at the reporter, then looked into the camera. "I can, first off, while the council has approved this measure it is .. what some people might consider to be something of a prototype, a test to see whether or not allowing foreign business to open up shop will really benefit both us and them. In order for the council to allow this, any foreign business must get approval from the Citizens Oversight Committee, this also means that they must adhere to the same laws and procedures that businesses here operate under. In short, they'll need to send a message to the Oversight Committee Foreign Business Office."

"I have to ask, but the requirements for foreign businesses going to be different?" Asked the reporter.

The commitee member stood there, folding thier arms over their chest and appearing to be thinking. "We'd prefer not to put any other requirements on them except for those that already exist. Such as doing business in our currency, accepting oversight from the commitee, and not doing business with our enemies, amongst other things."

"The normal stuff then," The reporter nodded. "So, what says the citizenry? Is this the right move? Or are we opening ourselves up to foreign influence? There will be a meeting about this later tomorrow in the capital."

As the news lady began to drone on about other things, the My'leke returned to their game. "What do you think?" one asked.

"Let them, we have a few monopolies going on right now, maybe this foreign business will help that and make things more competitive."

"And cheaper," another pointed out with a smile on their face.