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Inactive Member
This isn't quite finished, because I'm having problems with the sensors. But other than that I think it's finished.

Elysia Novus Shipyards
El-S1-1a Crataeis

1. About the Crataeis

The Crataeis is a unique ship, certainly a first for the Elysians, in that it is an organic ship. Whereas many ships in the past relied heavily on organic components, the Crataeis is a single organism, with its various organs denoting systems.

2. History and Background

The Crataeis was developed as the first ship of the new Elysian Empire, and is also a showcase of much of the new mentality and new technology of the Elysian Empire. It was designed to be a powerful ship, capable of both protecting the newly independent empire and striking back at those that would go against it. In addition it was designed to have in mind the expansion of Elysia's Western border, and as Elysia's most advanced and survivable ship assigned a position of command. As a showcase it is also designed to be aesthetically pleasing, graceful and pretty to look at.

3. Dimensions and Crew Compliment

Organizations Using This Vessel:
Elysian Celestial Navy
Type: Command Ship
Class: Crataeis En-S1-1a
Manufacturer: Elysia Nova Ship Yards.
Production: Very low at the moment.

Crew: A minimum of one operator. The standard crew is 9, with two shifts of four and a captain. Maximum Capacity: 12 Arch-Angel Anthedon Pilots, 6 Seraph S11, 2 Seraph S14. This totals at 29 crew and pilots when fully manned.
Appearance: The Crataeis is a long and sleek ship, with the best word to describe it as Sleek. The bow of the ship comes to a definite point, albeit a rounded one, followed by a rather sharp incline before turning in to the majority of the length of the ship, which is a gentle incline towards the Stern, where the Bridge and Captain's quarters are. The entirety of the ship is very smooth, and lacking of hard point or lines. The ship covered with silvery scales that glisten like that of a fish, with the surface occasionally turning into gentle bulges which contain weapon systems.

Length: 230m
Width: 60m
Height: 30m

Decks: Number of floors.

4. Performance Statistics

Speed (STL): 0.77c.
Speed (CDD): .20 to 210,000c using Combined Distortion Drive.
Note: The CDD can still function (although at reduced efficiency) even in the presence of anti-FTL fields.
Speed (Hyperspace Fold): ~100,616,014.8c (9LY/min)
Speed (Aerial): Mach 6 in atmosphere (When using shields to maximise aerodynamics). The Crataeis has the ability to produce landing gear and possesses full Vertical Take Off and Landing capability.
Speed (Water): Up to 55 knots underwater. The Crataeis is able to ‘float' on the surface by increasing its buoyancy using its anti-gravity systems.

Range: Limited only by the lifespan of the vessel. Life-support can support the crew for 20 years without restocking.
Range (Support): The Crataeis' recycling systems means that food, water and oxygen will not run out, with a full crew, for 20 years.
Lifespan: The regenerating nature of the ship means that the Crataeis is designed to last forever.
Refit Cycle: Upgrading the Crataeis is a rather difficult procedure. The upgrades are not routine, and may well require a recall.

5. Inside the Crataeis

Bridge: The control centre of the ship, the bridge of the Crataeis is a spacious affair, despite only having four consoles and the captain's chair. The Bridge is a ten metre by ten metre circular room positioned at the top and rear of the vessel, following the ancient principle of the steering and command centre of the ship lying at the stern of a ship. The bridge is a rather attractive room, with a black marble floor decorated with patterns in what appears to be gold. This is of course simply a creation of the ship. Immediately in front of the door is the piloting station, which takes the form of an organic reclining chair which the pilot sits in, and which then interacts with the pilot using a complicated combined SQUID system and telepathic interface, allowing the pilot to feels as if the ship is an extension of himself, and thus pilot it with an enormous amount of grace. The pilot also takes care of navigation. There are only another three consoles, one to the left, one to the right, and one directly opposite, all built in to crevices in the walls, with an organic reclining seat. These can be manipulated both manually and by SQUID/Telepathy interface. The console to the starboard is Tactical, and to portside is Sensors, with the console at stern is variable, being whatever role is required at that particular point. In the centre of the room is the Captain's chair, a seemingly non-organic throne like seat formed from what seems to be marble, which is on a slight dais and surrounded by floating display panels, both of normal datapads (of large size), supported by the ships internal gravity systems, or Volumetric Projections. Despite appearing as marble, the seat is organic and although mostly retains the consistency of marble, the seat is more comfortable than a marble chair would be.

Corridors: For an organic ship, the corridors of the Crataeis do not actually look organic. In fact they appear to consist of primarily slivery-white metal, with LED lighting on the ceiling and a carpet on the floor. This is in fact an illusion, since it is all organic, even if it does not look/feel/smell/taste like an organism. The ship can have a display panel, or a console grow out of the wall when required. The Corridor's are also equipped with a complex set of Volumetric display projectors, which can create sophisticated three dimensional and extremely convincing illusions inside the ship. The actual purpose of this is not one for defence, although it can be utilised as such, but to fight off any sense of claustrophobia the Elysians might have. As the Arch-angels at least are used to wide open spaces, even flying, being in a confined corridor might well be uncomfortable to them, and as such the illusion is created that the halls are much larger than they are. The ship can also make use of force-field projector organs built in to the walls to give these illusions form if required. As a self-defence measure the corridors can actually form tendrils and assault invaders. The Corridors are 2 meters wide, by 4 meters high. While not using zero gravity as the Sakura does, the Crataeis does preserve energy by keeping gravity at a low 0.2 G. For the purposes of climbing up corridors the ship actually quickly ‘grows' handles when they are needed.

Captain's Quarters: The most ornate room in the Crataeis, the Captain's Quarters lie directly above the Bridge. This isn't formally called a deck. This is assisted by one of the two ways to getting to the Captain's quarters is by using his Chair as a lift. The other way is by way of a simple corridor, but which isn't quite as impressive. The Captain's Quarters are very large, being in a twelve metre by twelve metre circular complex, consisting of the central bedroom, a study, an en suite bathroom and the Captain's armoury. The study consists of a 3m by 6m room, dominated by a great and extremely ornate writing desk. All around the walls are book-cases stacked with leather-bound tomes, and held in place by a selective force field. All of the furniture and decorations in the Captain's quarters are not formed of the ship, but are actually imported from outside, which is what makes it so special. Inside the Study there are three large leather-bound arm chairs, one positioned by the writing desk, and the other simply next to the walls. The floor of the study is paved with marble, as is the rest of the Captain's Quarters. In the bedroom the main piece of furniture is that of a huge four poster bed, again actually made from dark wood and not simply an extension of the ship. There are also multiple chests of drawers and wardrobes, pictures and murals, and the ceiling has a depiction of a famous scene from Elysian myth. The Marble on the floor is designed to represent the Elysian flag. The armoury, to portside, is a 3m deep, 8m long room, although since it is at the side of a circular room it's size does not quite live up to those proportions. The armoury again has a marble floor, black in this occasion, and is filled with multiple showcases filled with weapons. These range from a large array of swords and other archaic weapons, to an Anthedon's Transphased Plasmatic Pulse Rifle and a variety of other advanced weaponry, the specifics differing from captain to captain. On the starboard side there is the en suite bathroom, with identical dimensions to the Armoury. This bathroom includes a large Jacuzzi/bath, a bidet, a toilet, a hand basin and a large mirror.

Crew Quarters: The eight members of the crew sleep in relatively comfortable rooms, each having a room to themselves, which although might seem a little extravagant on a war ship, is vital when dealing with creatures as proud as arch-angels. Each room is 6 metres by 5 metres in dimensions, and has a single comfortable, although normal sized bed in the centre of it. This bed is in fact part of the living ship, although it feels, looks and smells just like a normal bed made of wood, fabric and duck down. For ease of growth a duvet was chosen over blankets. Other features in the room are a attractive armoire and chest of drawers, and a small writing desk, again all formed out of the ship, but not obviously. There is also a book shelf (ship formed), and books (which are not). The décor is pleasant, and can be modified by the ship growing new furniture, decorations or simply changing the colour of the room. The Crew Quarters are on Deck 2 along with the Bridge.

Toilets: There are two sets of toilets on the Crataeis, not including the en suite bath-room of the Captain's Quarters. The first set of toilets is in fact only a pair of toilet cubicles which are on opposite sides of the corridor between the Crew's Quarters and the Lounge. The other facility is a group of four cubicles, two on either side of corridor bowside from the Pilot's Cabins. These cubicles are one and a half metres by two and a half metres in size, and with a door which fits with no discernable space in between the door and wall, meaning peeking is impossible. It was decided that it was important for Arch-angel pride that this was a feature.

Showers: There are two sets of showers on the Crataeis, and on both occasions are next to the Toilet facilities. There are two shower cubicles to the bowside of the toilets on the second deck, one on either side of the corridor, and four shower cubicles, two each side of the corridor, on the third deck. The showers are one and a half metres wide by two and a half metres deep. Clothes are removed and placed in to a shelf in the wall, which is then covered by a sliding panel. Walking to the end of the shower the actual shower begins, with soap, shampoo and conditioner being provided at various points through a nozzle in the wall. Once finished both the sliding panel slides back to allow access to the clothing, and another panel slides across revealing a towel which can be taken with you.

Lounge: This is where the crew and pilots are intended to spend their free time, of which there is likely to be a good deal for the pilot's in particular. The room is a large circular one on the opposite end of the corridor to the Bridge on the Second Deck. The room is twelve metres by twelve metres, and is floored with a thick carpet depicting the Elysian flag surrounded with various images from legends, each in a one metre by one metre depiction in great detail. Around the walls there are eighteen chairs that appear to be reclining leather chairs, and three sofa's. These chair's actually help provide a SQUID/Telepathic link with the organic computer, allowing for images and other stimuli to be transferred directly in to the seated Elysian's mind. This allows for the Elysian to effectively watch movies and so forth simply by sitting in the seat. It also allows for the creation of incredibly vivid illusions, almost indiscernible from reality. What happens in this reality is up to the seated, although he can interact with other seated people through a complex telepathic network. The area in the centre of the room is left clear for room activities.

Seraph Quarters: The Arch-angels do not particularly care about the comfort of their organic weapons, and do not waste many resources on keeping them comfortable. As such the cell of a Seraph's Quarters is a small rather Spartan fair consisting of nothing more than four cocoon like objects which the Seraph rest in, standing up to be enveloped by the cocoon. The Seraph are supplied with all the nutrients they require while in this state, and it usually in this state which they are stored. Given that they do not require anything else, like clothing, or personal effects this can be the entirety of the room. The means that the room is only four metres by four metres. There is only the need for two of these quarters on the Crataeis, and they are adjacent too each other.

Pilot's Quarters: Although in most vessels the Pilot's would have less space than the Crew, when dealing with Arch-angels one has to use a slightly different approach. This can especially be the case when it is actually the Pilot's that are risking their lives more than the crew. Rather than getting caught up in petty semantics over room size and decorations, the Pilot's Quarters are exactly the same size as the Crew Quarters, thus ensuring that neither is clearly dominant over the other. The 6 metre long by five metre wide room's central feature is a bed, this one having four posts (a feature which comes as standard in the Pilot's but can be added in to the Crew's through simple request). The Pilot's quarters lie, with six rooms either side, in the corridor on the third deck, immediately before the medical bay and the Power armour Bay which lies beyond this.

Medical Bay: As befits an Elysian ship, the Medical Bay is both an advanced room of healing, and a laboratory. The bay consists of two rooms each 10 metres by 10 metres, and lying on opposite sides of the hall adjacent to the Power Armour Bay.

In the portside bay the walls are lined by nine large capsules on each of the walls (seven on the wall containing the door), for a total of thirty-four capsules that look like a combination between glass, metal and a living organism, a transparent container filled with pale-green thick liquid. These pods serve several purposes, the most significant being that of healing whoever is placed inside. The medium is a generalised healing substance, but after completely scanning the occupants DNA stem-cells are created for that person, not normal-stem cells but engineered stem-cells designed to work far faster than normal stem-cells and repair almost any wound. The capsule can heal almost any wound which is not loss of limb or organ within five to ten minutes. The regeneration of limbs and organs may take several hours. To get in the capsule you simply step in, the panel which is normally as hard as glass offering no resistance, once inside the liquid causes the occupant to float in the centre of the tube and induces unconsciousness unless ordered no to. The liquid creates a constant bubble of oxygen in front of the occupants mouth and lungs to allow breathing. The Capsules also have Soul Transfer system designed incorporated in them, and in normal procedure automatically scans the occupants mind, saving it in multiple locations around the ship for extra security. The capsules can completely create a new body based on scanned DNA, or genetic data given to the computer, and can create a completely new body in around half an hour. This is actually often a faster way of being fully healed, since growing a new body is quicker than healing a very serious wound. These capsules can also be used for the creation of Seraph's if required, with the production of one lasting around ten minutes (a Seraph's own regenerating and healing properties speed up the production greatly). Taking up the centre of the room are four comfortable three person couches (designed for when someone emerges from the capsule and may need to sit down for a bit), and five medical beds each with its own medical equipment attached. The capsules can be used as a brig if required, not only will the occupant be sedated, but the outside of the capsule can be hardened to the same strength as steel, and the ship can project a force field around it if requiring further protection.

Across the corridor lies the room used for more general medical studies and treatment. This room contains a number of medical beds, each of which is a rather large piece of equipment filled with complex sensor equipment. A panel of ceiling can descend from the ceiling, containing both a variety of medical equipment and a forcefield projector designed to restrain the occupant while allowing the doctor to operate. Around the side of the rooms are cupboards filled with medical equipment, all of which is in fact composed of the ship, but which can take on the properties of nearly anything required. If required the ship can erect walls which can allow for privacy.

Power Armour Bay: Lying at the stern of deck three is the Power Armour Bay appears to have a black marble walls, as well as black marble walls and a black marble ceiling. It is all made from the ship, but it feels like marble, and is quite an impressive site. The 20 power armours are stored in alcoves in the walls, which are covered by the walls when access to the armour is not required. Each of these alcoves is exactly the same size as the Power Armour contained, although it is cubic, not form fitting. When access to the Armours are required the wall simply seems to slide to one side. The stern side wall again seems to be formed of marble, but this is actually only a thin section of hull, and a Volumetric display to make it seem more significant. When the Power Armours need to be launched the organic wall withdraws quickly, and the volumetric display is disposed of, leaving only a powerful forcefield. This is ‘selective' by way of them using a large number generators to create an effect where the shield will allow only the armour through, nothing else, resulting in almost no atmosphere loss. The Medical Bay is next door.

Wardroom: On a such like the Cratataeis, crewed mainly by arch-angels, it was impossible to have a Wardroom and a mess hall, since no-one would accept a lower rank than anyone else on merit of being pilot or crew member, and the intricacies of social etiquette just weren't worth the bother. As such the Crataeis has a single large Wardroom made to seat the twenty one arch-angel occupants of the ship. The wardroom is a long room on the fourth deck dominated by a long table of what appears to be ornate mahogany, with twenty one seats, ten down each side and the captain's chair (which is the most ornate), at the furthest end. Seating is at first placed by length of stay on the vessel followed by alphabetic order of second names. After this every meal they move one seat to the left to make sure there isn't any favouritism in ranks. The room is fifteen metres long by six metres wide, and around the walls are various cupboards filled with cutlery and china all of what seems to be highest quality. As which almost everything on the ship however, it is simply composed of organic matter from the ship with all the properties of whatever it is imitating. There is also a drinks cabinet filled with what seems to be vintage wine and spirits (in truth the only alcohol originating from outside the ship is in the Captain's Quarters). The walls of the Wardroom appear to be oak panelling, the floor fine gold-speckled marble and the ceiling depicting the night sky. Behind the Wardroom is the kitchen, a five metre by five metre room boarded with sideboards and cooking objects such as cookers, microwaves, fridges, freezers and the like, all fully stocked with ingredients. The plates are actually ceramic not created by the ship, although resin counterparts can be created. All of these ingredients are created by the ship, and the ship can create a fully made meal easily without it being really possible to tell the difference, however it is usually seen as better if someone actually makes it. It also gives a job as punishment.

6. Ship Systems

Hull: The ‘skin' of the Crataeis is covered with thousands upon thousands of scales, overlapping and each consisting of a super-durable plate based in a regenerative base. If these plates are hit with a highly concentrated energy attack or projectile they ‘ablate' by actually ejecting this plate, largely nullifying the force of the attack. The Scales do in fact grow back fairly quickly. The hull itself, against composed almost entirely of a single enormous organism, extremely tough and capable of both regenerating itself but to ‘grow', sealing off damaged areas.

Shield Systems: The Crataeis' primary defence is its combined defence shielding system, using an oval network of spatial and electrograviational distortions to warp space and alter the trajectory of energy weapons, missiles, projectiles and so forth which are headed towards the ship using both dimensional warping and the wave negating effects of scalar EM interferometry.

The most outwards of these, and the main one, is the elliptical dimensional distortion (EDD) shield, which folds space using electrogravitic fields, wrapping the said space around the ship, encasing it in its own bubble. Once in this bubble objects are sheltered from both solid matter weaponry, less solid matter weaponry (such as plasma or a particle weapon), as well as energy weapons (such as a beam weapon), because they simply pass through the curved space around the ship, in effect the ship is not there to hit. The ships are automatically and constantly modulated by the Organic Computer, covering almost all frequencies and planes, but more energy is channelled to the bands in which the enemy's energy weapons operate, making it significantly less likely the shields will overload, and rendering an opponents energy based weapons close to useless. The EED extends in to subspace and hyperspace, and provides the same protection their as in normal space. The Crataeis' EED can protect against up to 4.5 YottaWatts worth of damage every square metre, rivalling more advanced ships through using a significantly larger shielding device. That is sufficient to survive within a standard star, a popular hiding place.

The second system, deemed a FDS or Forward Deflector Shield, but usually refereed to poetically as ‘The Lance' or ‘The Horn', which only cover the front of the ship in a giant cone shape coming to an extremely ‘sharp' point. Beyond protecting the ship from collisions in flight, the Lance also serves to ram other vessels, the tip of the spike sufficient enough, with the force of a starship behind it, do enormous damage to both shields and hull, slicing through most matter with the incredible ‘sharpness' of the lance, combined with the strength of the forefield combined with the tiny surface are of the contact zone (initially a fraction of the size of a pin. The combination between these two shields makes the Crataeis' bow side the strongest on the ship, and very hard to destroy. The FDS is capable of absorbing 13.5 Yottawatts per meter.

This is however not the only shielding system on the Crataeis, the second being the Interdiction Shield a powerful new defence designed to protect Elysian ships from some of the most devastating weapons used by their potential enemies, such as the Mishhuvurthyar or possibly even Yamatai and Nepleslia (stranger things have happened). All of these races possessed weapons which could annihilate a ship instantly, and often annihilate more than one ship at a single time, and it was this in mind that the Interdiction Shield was designed, a defence where none had functioned before.

The defence came in the form of a refined and modified interdiction field, which prevents hyperspace, subspace, normal space or any of the plethora's of other dimensions from being warped in any way, in an area surrounding the ship. This effect is far more powerful than the standard Interdiction field. This protects it from Transposition beams, due to Transposition beams warping space, the very thing this shield prevents, and so the area the shield covers is unaffected. This shield also functions against weapons that use other dimensions to function, such as those that travel through hyper-space, draw energy from hyperspace directly on the ship, or require a 'sub-space effect' such as sub-space tunnelling to penetrate shields, or those that use wormhole to carry their projectiles. It even provides a measure of protection against a CFS's Projected Energy Beams, given as how they draw off 'fifth dimensional energy', and this is part of what makes them so devastating.

The shield is extremely effective in protecting the ship, however it comes with some disadvantages when active. The first is that, despite the ship being able to create a certain amount of 'calm' within the shield to travel within, the ship's capacity to travel in FTL or use a warp or distortion based form of travel is significantly limited. Another disadvantage is that the ship can not fire any space-warping effects of its own, including projected energy beams or weapons of this variety. Thirdly it requires a great deal of energy to run. Due to these three factors the shield is not kept on as a default measure, but only when it is needed.

Damper Field Generator: Defending a ship composed of organic matter against scalar electrogravitational weaponry was a great priority for the ship designers, and as such they worked to completely negate their effects. They did this through creating a powerful anti-gravity effect around the ship, which more than negates the force of gravity actually turning a Scalar EM wave back on itself, and completely protecting the ship. The field is designed to cope with even the most powerful scalar weapons. The Field is on as a default, and has the added advantage of allowing the craft to float above water or the ground by repelling the ground with anti-gravity. The power is also sufficient to significantly reduce the power of solid based weapons that are fired at the Crataeis.

Airlock System: When the Crataeis connects to other ships some of the scales on the hull slide apart, and part of the hull latches on to the other vessel, creating an airtight passage. The hull then parts, allowing access to a passage of the Crataeis. This system automatically creates a series of air-tight organic ‘seals' or thin walls in order to stop the ships atmosphere from escaping or for the occupants of the air-lock to acquaint themselves to another environment (either another atmosphere or potential a vacuum). Independent shielding protects the insides of the ship while the air-lock is open. The shield is ‘selective' meaning that it can allow objects through without damaging the, while maintaining the strength of the shield. It accomplishes this through using multiple shield generators. The two Airlocks lie two-thirds of the way down the Crataeis, but are not visible from the outside. They connect to the fourth deck, lying behind the Escape Pods.

Escape Pods: The escape pods on the Crataeis take the form of small organic craft, which consists of a small enclosed area filled with what seem to be horizontal cocoons. Each escape pod has 12 of these cocoons, which are only a little larger than a lying down Elysian. There are three levels of cocoons, two rows on each side. The occupants of the Escape pod lie in these cocoons and their bodies are put in to a form of stasis, where they require almost no nutrients. Only the captain, or next highest officer remains in a form of half-stasis, where there body requires very little nutrients, but their minds are active and capable of interacting with the organic computer of the escape pod. The escape pods are removed from the ship by the hull parting away from them (this significantly weakens that area of the hull for a while), and after it leaves the Escape Pod can rely on its shields (of moderate strength), and CDD to keep it safe as it flees the area. The escape pods of the Crataeis seem to be almost miniature versions of itself, 6 metres long by 2 metres wide. There are two Escape Pods on the Crataeis, lying on either side of the fourth deck.

Organic: The Crataeis is, in effect, a single large and extremely advanced organism. Flowing throughout the organism are various ‘veins' carrying sustaining fluid, although this is also simply passed through the cells themselves. This sustains everything in the ship, but is naturally extremely resistant to tampering with, due to the damage that could be dealt. Given that it is organic life support is simply part of its makeup, built in to the walls of the ship, and the organic computer is really the ‘brain' of the organism. The ship can easily create objects out of itself, its cellular matter taking on the properties of whatever substance is required, including food, furniture, or even creating new rooms in the ship. The ship regenerates quite rapidly, sealing off damaged areas and simply growing back the areas that have been damaged or destroyed.

Environmental Systems: The Environmental Systems of the Crataeis are the ship itself, as it takes in excess carbon-dioxide through the corridor walls, splitting it back in to water and carbon and also regulating all of the other Environmental factors, including moisture density and temperature. The Crataeis is extremely efficient at this.

Air Recycling System: The Air Recycling system functions much as the Environmental systems do, consisting of the ship absorbing carbon-dioxide and using highly efficient process' splits it into carbon and oxygen before putting the oxygen back in to circulation with effectively no loss.

Sensor and Computer Systems: The Crataeis possesses' the most advanced organic computer the Elysians have ever designed, capable of controlling a ship of such complexity, and regulating the entirety of such a huge organic system.

Mnemosyne: The computer of the Crataeis, the Mnemosyne is an enormously powerful organic computer incorporating features of both organic computing, telepathic systems and quantum computing. Mnemosyne is not based in a single place in the Crataeis, but in a dozen modules around it, each communicating through telepathy, hyper-fast nerves and organic superconducting networks. Mnemosyne itself uses both DNA systems, evolutionary ‘genetic' programming and the biological trinary system in some of its calculations, which allows it incredible adaptive abilities, and also quantum storage and calculation using high specialised organic components to store quibits and take advantage of the fact that quibits can have nigh-on infinite configurations rather than a trinary bits three. This allows for incredibly speed of calculations and storage capacity which appears to be effectively limitless. Mnemosyne can almost compete with a system like MEGAMI, although it is not quite there. Mnemosyne is in fact a completely sentient computer AI, but it is very quiet. This means that the crew could be on the ship for the entirety of their careers without guessing that it was actually anything more than a highly advanced computer. But it is sentient, and it does have its own personality and it can act in an autonomous fashion if required. It does seem to be something near on a game for Mnemosyne to, while not compromising its efficiency of duty, to conceal its sentient nature, if not to direct request simply not giving hints. Mnesoyne is capable of controlling dozens of other ships and hundreds of smaller objects such as power armours or fighters. Accessing Mnesoyne is not possible, given that it is built heavily in to the ship, each of the modules protected by the same material that makes up the hull, and it is extremely resistant to be re-programmed by anyone other than the Captain or his superiors, and will always consult the Captain (if available) before carrying out an order it feels uncomfortable with. In certain circumstances it has the right to not carry out an order from a member of the crew.

Conformal PSC: This is very much a part of the Mnemosyne, since the organic computer is actually naturally psionic, used both for computing, sensors and communication (the ship using offensive telepathy has never been explored). However it was deemed that a psionic ship should have psionic protection, given that all ships seemed to have it, and encountering the psionic Mishhuvurthyar, the idea of having their ship possessed was not one worth entertaining. As such the Crataeis is equipped with a powerful Psionic Signal Controller, a device protecting against psionics and telepathy, and of nullifying any and all such activity. Useful for a ship which is telepathic, and which is crewed by telepaths, it is selective and can allow certain ‘channels' of telepathy to remain open for secure telepathic operations and communications. As such the Crataeis and its crew can use all the telepathy they require even while under psionic assault. Not only does the PSC protect against psionics, but it also protects against ‘magic', and extended use does not cause detrimental psychological effects (like the ADN device did), and so is operating most of the time. The PSC's effect only protects the ship and one metre past the hull, and as such does not create a noticeable "dead zoneâ€
How can they be more versatile when the orgnic furniture can simply be reabsorbed in to the ship and the matter used to create something? I think that the organic substance that makes up the ship will be more than strong enough to make furniture out of.

If there is furniture which is not part of the ship, and so can not simply be reabsorbed, this impacts seriously on the ability for the ship to alter itself, given that it has to work around it. For example if you count the fake-marble of the Captain's Quarters floor as being furniture, it not being part of the ship would impact greatly on the ships ability to close off that corridor, given that it would simply be in the way.

As for food - doesn't it make sense for food to be created by an organic system?
Why would it take any longer to absorb a desk made of wood than to absorb a desk made of the ship that had the properties of wood?
I'm just assuming it would, given that the table would be made out of cellular matter which can respond to the ships orders, rather than a table which would have to be absorbed and broken down.
Lol. *Puts one of the ship's plates in the microwave*

This ship will be rare.
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