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Implemented Create a Database of Links


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This idea is that Star Army should have a list of links to resource sites like AI art tools, places to recruit players for your plots, free graphics/3D modeling softwares (think DOGA), affiliate RPs, tutorials, and other cool websites. My first thought it that I could probably use a struct database in the wiki to do this, which would make updating it pretty easy (like one click to delete a site that died). It's kind of weird that Star Army doesn't have this already considering that Star Army is kind of like a early 2000s Geocities fan site that has survived through a mix of innovation and our sheer willpower. I don't anticipate this to be a massive or time-consuming project but rather something that we can set up quickly and it'll grow over time. I'd like to start with a focus on art resources people can use when they're making wiki articles, and places where I can get art commissions. Honestly, I got a hodgepodge of great bookmarks I'd love to share and organize. I could also have a submission form where people could add their own, although I would need some spam filter process if I do that.

Anyway, if you think this is a useful idea, please upvote to show support. On desktop view voting is to the right of the post and on mobile it's below this post.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Any feedback or suggestions before I make it live?
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