Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: 188604 Creature Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date


A cold splash of water woke Creature from his slumber. "WHAT THE FFFUCK I AM GONNA FU---ah where am i? " He said coming to life and rolling around on the ground out side. It was his "Page" The little Iromakuanhe child he had rescued a few weeks ago back on Vice. "Miss Sute is in bed groaning a lot." The little girl said.

Creature, wiped the soaked rags on his face and slowly hobbled to his feet. He swayed, and walked around and back into his tent where he'd see Sute laying on his "bed". The bed was just a collection of carpets, pillows, and cushions, with some nice blankets. Her clothes were apparently no longer in assistance. "Huh. Heeeey sweeety. How are yooou." Creature said trying to make his voice sound soft and sweet. It just came out as still raspy, and more drawn out.

"Sore...." She groaned, only barely-covered by a blanket, laying face down, showing off her bright red ass and the light claw marks across her back.

"... I think.... EGhhgg...." she had to pause for a moment, "I'm going to be coughing up hairballs for a while... I think I'm going to have to not take on any more Kodian clients..."

Creature rested a hand on the Thigh. "Eh well. I offered to let you be my fucking concubine and strictly run Sute's Creature Comforts so you wouldn't have to but. Oh wait. No I never fucking said that. I think I was fucking imagining saying it to you." He said pensively. "But I saw your advertisement on the net, and my boy needed some stress fucking relief. So I let him dump his pay on you." Creature said soon growing silent. There was a soft click, then the smell of mint and smoke filled the tent as Creature lay on his back, smoking a small filtered cigarette with his Kiffeyeh pulled up.

"Not to get all fucking emotional. But I'm glad you came. I needed a fucking friend. I started like....fuck feeling shit." he muttered, turning to lay his Amber eye on the nude Neko. The chill in the air signified this world was going through its Autumn. Sute would feel eyes gazing into the tent to view here as not many Neko came through this region of space. Sute could smell the crispness in the air, it was like a hint of spice. The sound of the river trickling, and the bio-luminescent animals coming out in the dusk gave this world a very magical appeal. "How the fuck is Anne by the way?"

Sute laughed and laid her head down on one of the pillows, looking over at Creature, "You say a lot of things..." She reminded him, not seeming all too put off by it. "I enjoy what I do, I don't think I would know what to do with myself if I was waiting up every night for you to get home." She chuckled,

"As for Anne..." She paused for a bit, "Maybe... it is best not to talk about that right now? You... she... Uso... pretty much offended everyone on that planet... burned down a large swath of slums... took a bunch of kids... and uh... I mean did you have to send in that video?"

Creature's Amber eye flashed with intensity as Sute spoke. He did not remember much from Vice, but what he did remember left a kind of burning in his soul. He wanted to go back and teach those slaving Pink skins something. He wanted to give them something to fear. 'I was a little fucked up at the time, I don't remember much. I remember when I needed help you were the first one I called. That's why I invited you here. Thought you might want a fucking vacation since this shit hole world...isnt such a shit hole. But that world as a shit storm what was eventually coming to Uso's door step one way or a another. I just wanted to know if she bounced back is all..." he said turning from Sute and growing quiet.

He hated it really. This sober state he often woke to. He always had to deal with the fact that he did give a shit about people. But when ever he tried the situation was always left to be that much fucking worse, and he did little to fix the universe. Sute would feel a Syringe enter her leg. "Fuck it. No point in feeling sorry. May as well feel good for a few fucking hours!" He said as he stabbing his arm with the syringe sharing the liquid. "oooooou....fyyyyuuuuuck....."

"Yea. I do say a lot of shit. But I got fucking feelings to ya know? Spend enough time alone babe....and you start to hate your self rather than others." He slurred sinking into the pillows on his bed, the needle still hanging from his arm.

"Anne will be alright. She just needs a little time..." Sute laid back down, relaxing a bit as the chemiclas started to take effect. "Ngggh.... Creature.... what was in that?" She asked, "Youu... you know we can talk about how you feel if you want you don't have to.... I mean.... wow that is coming on kinda strong...

This place is... kinda niice... I do like the tent, its comfy... but I haven't really gotten out to see the sights you know?"

"Oh it is some kind of big bird tranquilizer. I got it from some fucking weird aliens twenty miles the other way." He said turning once against to look at her. "Hah. Universe don't care about how we feel. Hardly notices us. Best thing to do is feel what feels good.." He said with a slur. He lay, looking up with his Amber eye past her mound. She was as noted, rubbed the fuck raw and bruised - which the neko form would be healed in a few hours. Onikuma clearly too it easy by not clawing her to ribbons.

"Buuuut....I was thinking about expanding our Operation. Starting a Creature comforts here....or if the girls want they can come....when this fucking beast tranq wears off...i'll take you to the river....Anne cane come and rest here too. I just gotta get a fucking ship." Creature said throwing his hand up. "Nothing fancy just some fucking POS. Then I can go to 188604 on the daily. Maybe find Hilda....what about you what do you want?"

"Like Uso would say, 'I do what I want!'." sute laughed again, half rolling onto her side, the tranq really feeling nice, "I work for myself, got a few nice places in my name... enough in the bank account to keep me happy... the rest... I just like making other people feel happy too. I like keeping it simple..."

"... So is that your dream? Running a... I guess I don't really know what you run here?" She asked.

"Uhhhh...' Was all Creature could muster. "This wasn't a dream of mine. This shit started up because I fucking lied to get some pussy." Creature said point blank to Sute."

"Then it fucking got out that I said I was a knight and all these lonely fucks showed up pledging them selves to me and shit. So..." Creature said not even apoligetic save for what happened to poor Valeriane. "I still cant figure out why they are still here. Bad pay. Bearly any weapons, no vehicles. Fuck, food is gonna run out during winter and these idiots will be crowing Oooooh for ser knight!"

"I have no idea what the fuck im doing." Creature said pensivly once more.

Sute closed her eyes and stretched out, pulling the pillow in close and crumpling it up so she could rest her head on it.

"Soooo.... you've got an army? ... and a planet full of people you hate who have a lot of money?... And you need money....

or... you guyysss got to finnd someething to doo..."

"Yea pretty fucking much."

"So what I was thinking is some of the girls can come here and set up a followers tent and make all the money these idiots get paid back. Maybe you could even put on fucking shows...bring a little life and joy to these lonely fucking dweeps and cock jerkers." Creature said thinking about it. "I'd just send em back to you on 188, but I got no ship...."

"Soo howw doo you geet arouund norrmally..." Sute asked, "Mnnn... you knooow... I coulld just loaaan youu the cassh..."

There was another laugh,

"You're goingg too maake mee a baanker!"

"Pretty fucking much." Creature said jumping to his feet. "I guess we could go ship shopping." Creature said standing and offering out a hand to Sute.

"You uh....know a guy?"

"Yeah, Uso knows all kinds of people. If you need the cheapest ship anywhere I know where to get it..." Sute would tilt her head slightly and take a look at creature, finally taking his hand and letting him pull her up to standing, "I guess you need a ride too huh?" She asked.

"Nah." Creature said letting out a shrill whistle. Sute would close her eyes, and when she opened them she'd be face to face with a massive beak that was larger than her head. Shed see bird like eyes, and a thick mangy hide with a patch work of feathers. "KAW." The Bird said placing its dry tongue on Sute. 'Got my self a horse." Creature said as he stepped out of the tent, and mounted the large powerful Kirikuu.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" Sute asked, jumping back in surprise, waiting a moment as she watched Creature get on the creature.

Creature would let Sute get dressed, the woman wearing little more than what looked like a tropical bathing suit and thin robe, then hold his hand out offering her the lift. "uh. Where we off to? Space port?"

"... Yeah, space port..." She said, taking his hand and letting him start their trip.

It would take a few hours to get to their final destination, a space port out in the middle of nowhere, and a rather worn down looking ship named the SS eyesore.

The insides of the ship weren't much better than the outsides either...

The Nepleslian who owned the ship at the time, was quite happy to get rid of it too.

"Look man... thing... Just hand over the price on the side and its yours as is. I ain't fixin the thing up anymore and it flys... its even got some furniture inside if you want to sit on it or somethin'."

"Uh." Creature looked noting the price on the side said "Whatever you got."

"Okay...Uh is this enough?" Creature said pulling out a small bag of money. "I did'nt really count it so uh. I mean its probably whatever I got." Creature said looking at Sute and shrugging. "What do you think babe?"

The truth was creature did not know dick about space ships. What ever was wrong with it was wrong with it. But it would make a good mobile home, and Help him visit 188604 to get more money and even bring the girls to and from his camp.

"This good? Mr. Pinky used ship salesman sir?

"I mean...." Sute said, leaning in a bit so only creature would hear, "It... is not a good ship... but you needed one on the cheap right?"

The man would take the money and start counting through it, "Uh... look... I ain't asking a lot for this thing... but, this is barely currency. It is like.. a bag of KS... some cigarettes... some DA... and I think a bottle of something? The ship is worth more than what is in here." He said.

Creature stiffened and took the bag back ."Wrong bag! I need the Cigarettes!" Creature said. He then reached into his leather hand bag(MANPURSE on Nepleslia. FUCK YOU. ITS AHAND BAG YOU FUCKWIT) and poulled out a stack of these rectangular gold coins with a zesuiuanium wave going through them. "Uh. This is some space money.Its a few thousands of them. Sute would note the bag had TROOP and Creature Comforts Pay Roll."

"Look em up on the web they go fmore then a KS which is a shit digital currency. This is REAL MONEYS mother fucker!" Creature said handing the heavy bag in. "Its uh got some shitty USO Dollars in there too, a few thousand."

"Also. If you like, my wife here." HE flicked his tail showing off the rose gold ring he wore. "Is willing to make you feel good." Creature said leaning in to the

The man wasn't quite sure what USO dollars were... maybe they were the rocks that were in the bag? He also didn't understand why that girl would marry that guy... or why she looked so surprised. ".... I guess that works for me...."

A few hours later Creature would have a new ship, money would have exchanged hands, and Sute would once again be sore.

"You coulda given me some warning..." She said, leaning on his shoulder as Creature tried to pilot the ship.

"Ill make it up to you I promise. An" Creature thing you want. I'll fuck around with that trans girl if you like while you watch. Or uh. Buy you something nice." He looked at the controls of the grimey star ship. "I uh can't pilot this thing...."

"But anyway looks come to Asura for a few weeks...Unless you think that transgirl will run Comforts into the ground." He then handed sute a wad of money. "plus I gave that guy mostly rocks"

"Yeah, I know," Sute said sternly, "... and you can just call him a neko. Its weird to call someone that when they just switch bodies... but so long as I'm off duty, I wouldn't mind checking out Asura..."

"Okay!" (Post here and we can do a part two im getting tired)