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Creatures in spaaaaaace!


Inactive Member
As an applicant of the Aeonic race, something struck me as odd and that is the ability to travel though space by non technological means. If a ship does not have engines, how does it leave the planet?

Furthermore how do they live in space? I never quite understood how the Zerg have space creatures, unless I missed a book someplace explaining that, though I think the Starship Troopers did have a ship that sort of explained it (The Tv show that is)

So the main questions are,

How does it travel and take off? Does it push off the ground really really hard? Or does it have a mutant ability? (like floating beholders)

How does a small creature live in space? It could be considered that larger ones would have its own ecosystem (like a small bio-sphere) but a smaller one which would be unmanned has little excuse, unless it is not required maybe? (Like Mynocs and space worms in Star wars?)

Space combat is another factor, what space weapons would such a creature have? How would it work?
This isn't quite an answer to your question really, but the bugs in the Starship Troopers book used technology to get around.
Reactions: Wes
In starship troopers, the bugs had a mothership that had organic thrusters, and it used plasma bugs for space combat. also, the bug soldiers seemed to not need oxygen, as shown by their ability to easily survive on an ansteroid. Apprently they used some other material to 'breathe' or just didn't need one at all.
Perhaps they utilize completely different mechanisms to survive, and respiratory systems are not necessary or present. One of the few basic ingredients life needs to keep on living is ATP, and that doesn't need necessarily to be manufactured through respiration.

I'm no biology buff, but there's got to be some way for organic life-forms to exist in the vacuum of space. One might have to get a bit bio-savvy in order to shed some light on this conundrum, but I do think it's possible.
As we have been learning, life can exist in many environments that we once thought were inimical to life.

However, for an organism to develop in space naturally would have a very esoteric physiology. Most likely any space creature would be the result of some other species creating it. Like the Organic ship the Elysians built Crataeis-class Command Ship

It would be conceivable that an advanced culture created a type of creature to perform certain tasks in space, and over time the creatures evolved.
Reactions: Wes
Yes, however, often remind myself of the Zerg who somehow manage to travel without energy means, I swear they don't need to breath either.

I suppose " a source of energy " is all that is needed for spaceflight creatures, though an advanced race can mix it around to influence it's behavior (have it crave energy for anti-sarp ship creatures).

How does one move in space without a sort of engine? Would the motion be the same if one was flying (with wings for instance) or swimming (like Jellyfish for instance)?
Would depend on the method of propulsion. If it somehow could generate plasma internally, then the jetting like a squid could be the norm.

Wings or such could be some sort of energy collection system while in a system that could be used by the creature for other propulsion methods.
So no using like wings in such a way that could work similar to a jet engine? I still wonder how zerg air actually travels in space.

Mind you I don't have problems with engines, just it sounds like the easy way out of thinking, and would not really work with some smaller creatures that would benefit from a different mode of transportation. Such as a butterfly like creature that in mass could act as a shield for a ship, or primitive long range scouts.

Thanks for the discussion btw.
Well your butterfly's wings would not be for propulsion, but if they are meant to work in harmony with a ship, then they could use some sort of attractive force to move about the ship. The ship could produce a magentic field for example and the flutterbys would creating fields with their body or wings to move within that field.
A good example would be Tyranids. I still don't know how their Leviathan Travels. I'm sure it's somewhere, but I can ever seem to find it. Given it itself is a fully organic creature though, I would assume some form of exhaust.

Methane... They use Methane =D Fart Thrusters to maximum!

I actualy dont know what they use >.>
There was a planned super-Mishhu that might have been able to travel through space:

If it weren't for the Kuvexians being the current big bad, I'd consider making one. Perhaps we could report some sightings in deep space and perhaps a few mysterious disappearances of colonies that is blamed on the Kuvexians.
Reactions: Wes
Well you can create space creatures like a large kraken or other creatures that live in space. So not per definition an intelligent species but an animal level? Space whales
Just wanted to bump this thread because cool space creatures could and perhaps should be a thing in SARP.
(Havent read the whole thread but~)

a lot of this seems based around "organic ships" and the like. Like gigamishu, etc. (also super scary giant mishu art there, wesman!)

I think if there are actual creatures in space tho, And ignoring the reasons they cant exist (like microscopic dust cutting through them like a bullet or intense heat or radiation or cold killing them) what kind of creatures might we have?

If we stick with the elements of the setting at hand i thing it should revolve around Aether somehow. Being that kind of just pass through our detention and are either crystalline beings that are based off energy and not basic electrical impulse or aetheric beings (i don't mean they damage you with aether i mean they are from the same place aether is from and like aether they bleed into our realm).

Like little crystal bugs on a ships hull that can grow and cause infestations. Or creates that kind of bleed through when a lot of aether is thrown around (like when fleets of ships are present, Or while fighting with aether weapons.)

This also means installations with aether, or entropy causing power sources like nep, yamatai, and origin might kind of effect their ecosystems as more and more transdimensional beings kind of pop up near their facilities, stations, ships, etc. I don't know much about the NDC but I'm sure we can involve them in that too as just our FTL and power systems effect our surroundings more than just aether ships arent healthy to use in a planets atmosphere

Also the idea of crystal based infestations on planets is a nice RP idea when some Aether thing or large scale powersource goes critical and you gotta deploy the NSMC, Star Army, Dusk liegon, etc. just to clean it up because they are siphoning power from the bleed out and spreading like kudzu and people are power in a sense so they arent ignored by these creatures or growths...
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