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Creed of the Nepleslian Empire


Inactive Member
Author Message

Shôshô Posted: 25 Aug 2005 04:34 am Post subject: Creed of the Empire


Creed of the Empire

In accordance with the establishment of the Empire of Nepleslia, the new government recognizes the need to establish the core principles that will guide the citizenry.

The Nepleslian Pledge:

I pledge allegiance to the Nepleslian Empire, founded in YE 28 by the people, for the people and bound by a unity of ideals--forged in belief and strengthened in blood.

I honor the men and women who fought and died for our independence, those whose memory shall never vanish.

I pledge to support the Empire, to obey its laws, to respect its symbols and to defend it to the last breath against all enemies.

We of Nepleslia believe:

That all citizens have inalienable rights to their own lives, their own defense, their own thoughts and opinions and their own religious expression.

That all citizens have the right to pursue a life they see fit, free of fear, hunger and despair.

That a citizens’ possessions and property are his own, unless he should trade or sell it.

That all citizens are equal and have the same rights and privileges in the eyes of the government.

That all relations between citizens should be carried in good faith and promote unity.

That all citizens are accountable for their actions should they violate laws or bring harm to one another.

That all citizens should work together to promote the greater good of the Empire.

That the government, in its actions, represents the best interests of the people.

This we do believe in the year of independence YE 28.
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