Star Army

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RP [Crew 32] Job 1 - A Short Term Investment


Everything Is Magical
RP Date
Mid YE40
RP Location
Inn - Downstairs

Samaphire, Ruby and Emmathyst had each taken up a position in the downstairs bar to wait for their hired crew, Sam leaning on the bar, Ruby on a stool and Emma in the centre of the room with arms folded. It appeared their new help liked to sleep in despite their ample warnings to leave early, they weren't completely late yet but the leaders scowl had already grown a little.

"I didn't think we'd hired another group of you Sam, seems they like to show up a little late as well." Ruby said with a grin, taking another bite of her breakfast burrito with a happy murmur. While Emma stood by with an eye on the stairs Sam stretched out and headed for the backdoor, "I'm gonna go ready our rides, let me know when they all show up."
In his room, Raspooten began powering up again - a faint hum of electronics that built up as the 'spacer's various lights over his armoured frame began to light up and confirm he hadn't infact gone nuclear in the night, well that was always a nice thing. Not bothering to wait for the others though he grabbed the gun-packed bag and began moving down stairs, past a hungover Nep who opted to just drink more instead of deal with the headache as steps creaked underneath the hulk of irradiated Nerimium.

"Need help with the rides?" Raspooten injected himself into the conversation rather abruptly, the tattered remains of his duster floating just above the ground as the wall of freespacer tech and a few organs came to a halt with a clunk - his blank and unfeeling visage of that single red eye being shunted aside by the cheeriness in his voice.
Lazarus entered through the front door, a pack with a few weapons on his back. He was actually wearing the armor pieces to his suit now, mostly hidden under the great coat he wore. The tall man, species still yet unknown, strode in before taking a seat at the bar. "Excuse the tardiness, was grabbing a few things from my ride. I'm ready to go now, whenever you're ready ma'am.", His augmented and electronic toned voice said, floating over the bar with a strange quality.

He simply set the pack down by his bar stool, and ordered a drink. When it arrived, he lifted it up to the faceplate and a straw like attachment popped out of a slot on it. The liquid was quickly drawn through the straw and stopped with a gulp. "Awh, will have to visit here again for the drinks.", He commented idly.
Daniel was in a rush now, he was up pretty early and was running a few last minute errands. The public data terminal had been a nightmare this morning, he just needed to wire some money to his mother but the line was unusually long. He hurried down the street towards the bar, his rifle thudding on his back. He wore the an arid climate suit as a skin, the hood pulled down, with his usual attire over it. Of course his knife and pistol were strapped securely to his thighs.

He finally arrived and stepped in to see he might have been the last to arrive, he took off his hat as he entered and spoke up, "Sorry for being late mates. Had some errands to run. What's the plan?"
"You know how to saddle up sand troucers? If so feel free to lend a hand, we got a few to get ready." Sammaphire said, nodding towards the door while looking at the spacer knows as Raspooten. In the stable area behind the inn were 8 of the animals, one rider per each with another for carrying supplies for their journey.

"Well the only ones losing out if you were any later would have been you." Emma said bluntly as Daniel and Smith entered, truthfully she was glad they had come back, and that spacer too. They'd make things much easier with a bit of luck although she had been assured the other group wouldn't be at their camp for a few days more. "Good to see we piqued your interest enough though, Sam and the spacer have just headed out to get the sand troucers ready, rest of you help Ruby and myself pack up supplies and map out the trip." The delsaurian said while placing a large and well kept map on the bar, her slightly smaller and vastly more cheerful companion having already started grabbing stuff from under the counter.

"Anything labled 'C32' is ours, should be some camping gear and medical supplies upstairs in one of the rooms too, we got plenty of long life food and water down here and it all needs to fit into those bags." Ruby explained to the two men, pointing to a collection of large rucksacks and hiking style packs in one corner of the room.
"At the very least I can keep them from running... I'll go help with the heavier cargo," Raspooten said before clanging a fist against his own Nerimium hull to make the fact he was sturdy more apparent, one final flourish of the 'spacer's wrist happened as he tipped a non existent hat and began clunking up stairs with a bag in each hand - coming back down the stairs shortly afterwards with both bags now full as seven fours began marching outside casually.

"Fill me in when I get back, m'kay?"
"I'm happy to help however I can," Daniel said as he stepped over to the packs and sacks. As an avid outdoorsman he was adept at properly packing a large amount of goods into a small easier to handle bundle. He was a little jealous though that he did not get to tend to the trouncers, he had a certain affinity of for caring and training animals and the local fauna were perhaps some of the hardiest beasts he had encountered.

"Smith, could you work on packing away the food and water in to the rucksacks and I will stow the gear," he suggested to the armored faceless figure.

"Right then, we've got a few of these lovely creatures to get ready, make sure you put on the heat blankets first these poor fellas aren't built for long trips above ground where its hot like we are so we cover them up for most of the ride to keep them cooler. Also means we have to stop for breaks to let them go below for a bit if we cant find any mines or some of the new caves to hide in for a bit." Sam explained to the hulking spacer as he moved over to one of the large creatures, easily the same height as the two men and looking at them with curious eyes. "Also, no loud noises, they have excellent hearing and we don't want to hurt them or spook them just yet."


Popping back up from behind the bar, Ruby was holding a couple of bags in each hand which contained several typed of canned food she quickly transferred to the bigger rucksacks they'd be taking on their trip. "Make sure to pack efficiently and safely, while we won't have to carry them the whole time we don't want to make it any harder on the mounts or ourselves when we do have to carry them." The chipper girl said, bounding up the stairs after she was done. "Follow me boys, plenty more to carry and I'm all by myself with no one to help me." She called back down to the floor they were on with a chuckle.

Meanwhile at the bar Emma was going over the map she'd laid out just prior and making small dotes with a marker, mentally and physically marking areas to avoid and places they could stop to rest the beasts and themselves.

"You got it, cap'n," the hulking figure of Raspooten whisper-yelled as he began following orders and saddling up the beasts appropriately, though some part of the 'spacer's slowly degrading organic brain did want to to yell and just see what happened... he fought that urge, for now.

"I guess I'll be walking though, huh? no worries with that... not like I can exactly get tired like you squishy folks," he continued, the words made it seem like he was talking to them though the tone was more akin to internal musings~ what an odd creature Raspooten was, built like a tank and more twisted than a driveshaft through a black hole though he'd held his own so far.

It was the so-far bit that should have them worried if anything.

Daniel nodded at Ruby's guidance because he knew all to well that a poorly packed bag could be hell out in the deserts of Delsauria. He finished the bag he was currently working on and began to head to the stairs when he glanced over Emma's shoulder and stopped.

"Ma'am, just a little change, that resting spot you chose, it actually got covered on the last sand storm. The water source is muddied and distilled, so no good," he smiled warmly at the local and kept moving as he mounted the steps to carry more goods.

Emma looked up and flashed the local a tooth filled smile, "Thanks Daniel, it's been a while since we went out like this so our map is a few months out of date, here's hoping we can update it on our trip." The smile was genuine though her lifetime of work and the series of events that had led her to the present hadn't been kind, smiling stretched her scars out along her weathered scaly face, her voice far deeper than it should be and carrying a myriad of experience with it.

Satisfied with the last change the gruff leader of Crew 32 rolled up the worn paper and carefully placed it back into its weather proof carrier for safe keeping. "We'd best help Ruby get the last few bags down, it doesn't seem like the others will be joining us after all, but hey more haul to share between the rest of us." Emma spoke with a small shrug, this was Nepleslian territory and a frontier to boot, if you snoozed out here you didn't just lose, you hit rock bottom in a manner of hours.


Meanwhile in the upper part of the Inn, Ruby as bouncy as ever had already begun to sort items into each pack they had with them, most bags containing the same sort of item be it tools, food or clothing and bedding. Some had a mix of each which would serve as their personal packs. Emma appeared at the landing and looked into the room where her companion was packing items, "Daniel, can you handle the medical supplies? Get most into a single bag and distribute the basic items between our personal packs. I'll finish off the camping gear."
"You're right, and that's a shame, but such is life. I'll take care of that load for him." Smith said with a chuckle before heading to collect the medical supplies. He gathered the containers with ease, finding the weight inconsequential to his enhanced muscles and the suit's boost of that. Carrying the supplies, his gear now fully donned, and weapons where they needed to be, and a pack on his back to top it off. Placing the bag on the counter, he began to divide up the minor essentials as requested with quick and efficient ease.