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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Hinomaru Sunrises II Crew Chronicles: Soggy Hole Shenanigans Aboard YSS Mazu (Open!)


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RP Date
YE 46
RP Location
The Soggy Hole
Mazumi, the diligent little sister of the Starship YSS Mazu, continued to manage the ship's lounge with efficiency. The Soggy Hole buzzed with activity as Mazumi, accompanied by her trusty android assistants, ensured that the crew's beverage preferences were promptly delivered. Her dedication extended to prioritizing those within the lounge before dispatching androids to other sections of the ship for refreshments.

Understanding the importance of maintaining a balance, Mazumi made a conscious decision not to serve alcoholic drinks to those about to go on duty. It was a thoughtful gesture that reflected her consideration for the well-being and readiness of the crew.

As she surveyed the lounge, Mazumi's smile revealed her satisfaction with the smoothly running operations. "Okay, I've got refreshments sent to the other crew who couldn't leave their stations, so I think I can just focus here," she said, expressing confidence in her ability to manage the lounge efficiently. The ambiance of the Soggy Hole was filled with the hum of conversation and the clinking of glasses, creating a welcoming atmosphere for the crew members taking a break from their duties.

Mazumi relished the positive atmosphere in the Soggy Hole, finding comfort in the fact that the troublesome crew member, Chikara Tachibana, was no longer on the ship. The memory of Chikara's past actions, particularly the attempts to hinder Mazumi's access to repairs when she had an android body, briefly crossed her mind. Mazumi's new flesh-and-blood body, accompanied by her larger sprite AI, stood as a testament to her growth and resilience.

Closing her eyes, Mazumi consciously redirected her thoughts, choosing not to dwell on the negative memories associated with Chikara. "Okay, girl, let's not think about her!" she declared, determined to focus on the present and the positive energy surrounding her. With the lounge under her capable management and the absence of the troublesome crew member, Mazumi could fully immerse herself in the joy of her responsibilities and the camaraderie of the crew. The Soggy Hole continued to hum with activity, providing a haven for relaxation and camaraderie among the Starship YSS Mazu's crew.

As Mazumi turned her attention to the approaching crew members, she seamlessly shifted into the role of a capable hostess. With a warm smile, she greeted each individual and efficiently began taking their orders. Her eyes scanned the group, and she made mental notes of those who were about to go on duty, ensuring that their drink choices adhered to the ship's policy of abstaining from alcoholic beverages before duty.

Mazumi's multitasking skills were on full display as she juggled various orders and preferences, effortlessly managing the influx of requests. Her meticulous notes reflected her commitment to providing personalized service to the diverse crew. The atmosphere in the Soggy Hole remained lively, with Mazumi at the helm, orchestrating the flow of orders and ensuring that everyone felt attended to and valued. The lounge continued to be a hub of activity, with Mazumi's cheerful demeanor contributing to the overall positive vibe onboard the Starship YSS Mazu.

It was about time for some quality relaxation of some form. Even if that meant going somewhere that risked a level of social interaction. Alina was not necessarily opposed to such things, but she deeply valued her alone time. Also, she figured her blunt sense of humor and sarcastic demeanor might be off putting to some. As she made her way to the Soggy Hole she ran her fingers lightly over the latex like material of her all black skater dress. The soles of her matching thigh high boots padded softly through the entry way carrying her into the ship's lounge.

The warm atmosphere created a pleasant background which would drown out any individual conversations that might happen around her. Indeed the perfect place to settle down for a drink and perhaps some passive observance of others around her. She greeted Mazumi offering the caretaker a kind smile in return. As she made her way through the crew already gathered her white hair billowed gracefully behind her. Selecting one of the momoshu wines she ordered a glass and made her way over to one of the more private booths in the sitting area. With a long drawn out sigh she took a sip she relaxed her shoulders, peacefully relaxing after the chaotic events of the recent pass.

Mazumi's eyes briefly flickered with recognition as she saw Alina enter the Soggy Hole, her white hair standing out in the lively atmosphere. With a warm smile, Mazumi greeted her and took note of her order, making a mental note to remember Alina's preference for the momoshu wine.

As Alina settled into one of the private booths, Mazumi continued attending to other crew members, ensuring that their orders were promptly delivered. However, her gaze would occasionally linger on Alina, recognizing the look of peaceful relaxation on her face.

After attending to a few more crew members, Mazumi finally found a moment to check on Alina. Making her way towards the private booth, she approached with a friendly smile. "I see you're enjoying the momoshu wine. Is everything to your liking, Alina?" she asked, her tone filled with genuine warmth.

Mazumi's attention to detail extended beyond efficient service - she genuinely cared about the well-being and comfort of the crew. If there was anything Alina needed or desired, Mazumi was ready to assist, ensuring that her stay in the Soggy Hole was as enjoyable and relaxing as possible.

As Mazumi awaited Alina's response, she couldn't help but appreciate the quiet moments of tranquility that the lounge provided. It was a place where crew members could unwind, mingle, or simply find solace in their own thoughts. And for Mazumi, it was a testament to her dedication and hard work, knowing that she played a part in creating this haven of relaxation for her fellow crew members.

Slithering into the Soggy Hole.

That’s what Sithian Chapinophis had on his agenda. Slithering- for he was a Separa’shan, and slithering was his mode of personal conveyance- into an establishment named, for whatever reason, the Soggy Hole.

He’d been in here more than a few times since he’d first been assigned to the YSS Mazu, but each time the name of the place lit up a secret and juvenile part of his sense of humor. It also made him grin, and though he of the more human-like of the two sub-species of Separa'shan, the expression still caused his face to open up just a little too much. He willed his jaws closer together, his forked tongue subconsciously flicking out to taste the air. People... Minkan and Nekos and a few of the other Yamataiian races who crewed the YSS Mazu. Perfumes, perspiring skin, uniforms, hints of engine grease and fragments of electrical wiring and remnants of strange industrial chemicals. Drinks... The nose-wrinkling scent of alcohol, and the myriad mixers that inbibers stirred and shook their cocktails with. Lemons and limes and cranberry and orange, mint leaves, rose petals, dairy creams, bubbling sodas, sticks of cinnamon. All this laid on top of the usual bed of metal and more flexible materials that made up the ship herself. She was a young ship. Much of her crew was young. Sithian didn't feel as young as the ship did.

He was forty-six years old. He hadn't yet transferred into a new, younger body... and he wasn't sure when he wanted to. He'd found that he rather enjoyed the years he had earned, and how they'd left a mark of maturity in the salt-and-pepper coloration of his long, tied-back hair, or in the mature shape of his jawline and the confident look in his eyes. Would he lose these signs, the signs of a father of two grown children, the signs of a divorcee, if he slipped his consciousness into younger flesh? He was healthy, strong, his muscles had fibers trained by years of work, despite his more academic profession. No... he'd stay as he was for a little while longer. Let the young be young.

Across the chest of his sleeved uniform was the color of 'Medical Teal', and a delightfully pink circular insignia identified his role on the vessel; Star Army Counselor. It wasn't a typical kind of occupation for a Separa'shan Pythus, who were often thought of as being aloof and relaxed. But here he was, a sub-lieutenant with a good few years in the Star Army, and more years spent in education institutions and in therapy sessions with clients both civilian and military. Whether Sithian was 'working' here, in the Soggy Hole, who could say? Was a counselor ever truly not working? Whether he was or wasn't, he found a spot to coil up in near the bar where he could chat with the android caretakers who staffed the place. He figured the Lounge Mistress herself was around, but he preferred to wait patiently for her. He had more than enough to do simply people watching until she had a free moment.

While she sat in on of the more private areas of the lounge she took a moment to ponder what baking recipes to work on next. Though at the given moment she lacked inspiration to venture forward in any given direction. In an outward display of her internal frustrations she pursed her lips, a flustered noise emanating from betwixt them. Lifting the glass a delightful scent of the wine drifted upwards from its vessel gracing her senses in, gifting them a creative burst of ideas. After taking a brief sip she noticed that Mazumi had come over to check on her.

The beloved caretaker of the YSS Mazu was probably one of the few beings that she did not mind socializing with. Quite possibly one of the sweetest women Alina had ever met in fact. Gracefully setting down her glass of wine she turned her gaze to give Mazumi her full attention. "Yes! It is quite delightful, even potentially inspired my next cooking adventure. This is magnificent Mazumi, thank you so much for everything you do." she said as a rare smile graced her features. "It is such a relaxing atmosphere." her violet orbs flicked around the room. "Do not let me keep you too long." she spoke calmly not wanting to steal an exorbitant amount of the woman's time. Her eyes look around the room once more catching glimpse of a crew member she had not yet seen. Not thinking much on the matter she awaited Mazumi's response before taking another sip.
Mazumi's face broke into a gentle smile as she listened to Alina's words of appreciation. It warmed her heart to know that her efforts in creating a relaxing atmosphere were acknowledged and enjoyed by the crew. "I'm so glad to hear that, Alina. It's always a pleasure to see you in the Soggy Hole," she replied warmly, genuinely touched by Alina's kind words.

The smile on Mazumi's face widened as she noticed the rare smile on Alina's features. "You're welcome, Alina. Thank you for being a part of this wonderful community onboard the Mazu," she expressed, her voice filled with sincerity.

As Alina mentioned not wanting to keep her, Mazumi shook her head gently. "Oh, no need to worry about that at all. I'm here to ensure that everyone feels welcomed and taken care of. If there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to let me know," she assured, emphasizing her commitment to providing excellent service to the crew.

Mazumi's eyes followed Alina's gaze as she noticed her attention being drawn towards another crew member. Curiosity piqued, she made a mental note to check on their needs as well. However, she didn't want to pry, so she politely kept her distance for now.

"If you need anything else, Alina, just give me a shout. Otherwise, enjoy your relaxation time. Cheers!" Mazumi said cheerfully, raising her own glass in a toast before making her way back to attend to other crew members in the Soggy Hole.

As Mazumi continued her duties, she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. The positive energy that flowed through the lounge, the camaraderie of the crew, and the satisfaction of knowing she played a part in cultivating this welcoming environment filled her with a sense of pride. She hoped that the crew members, like Alina, could find solace, relaxation, and a sense of belonging in this little corner of the Mazu.

Soon she went back to her work, and as the lounge hummed with activity, Mazumi couldn't help but notice the familiar sight of Sithian slithering into the Soggy Hole. His unique mode of movement always caught her attention, and she found his presence intriguing. She made a mental note to check on Sithian once she finished attending to others in the lounge.

After a few minutes of tending to the crew's orders, Mazumi finally had a free moment to approach Sithian. With a welcoming smile, she greeted him near the bar. "Sithian, it's good to see you here," Mazumi said, her voice filled with warmth. "How are you finding the ambiance of the Soggy Hole today?"

Mazumi appreciated the unique perspective that Sithian's role as a Star Army Counselor brought to the crew dynamics. She believed in the importance of fostering open communication and mental well-being among the crew, and recognized the value that Sithian's presence added to the ship's atmosphere.

As she conversed with Sithian, Mazumi made sure to give him her undivided attention. She listened attentively to his observations and thoughts, knowing that sometimes people just needed someone to listen and understand. And in their exchanges, Mazumi hoped that she could provide a comforting presence for Sithian, even if it was just for a few moments in the bustling Soggy Hole.

With the lively atmosphere surrounding them, Mazumi took a moment to revel in the conversations happening in the lounge, the clanging of glasses, and the overall sense of camaraderie among the crew. For her, it was a testament to the bonds that had formed aboard the YSS Mazu, and the hard work that went into cultivating a positive and welcoming environment.

As Mazumi continued engaging with Sithian, she marveled at the diversity of individuals aboard the ship. Each crew member brought their own unique perspective and talents, contributing to the vibrancy of life aboard the YSS Mazu. And as the lounge's caretaker, Mazumi took great pride in fostering an atmosphere where everyone felt welcome and their needs were catered to.

In this moment, as the Soggy Hole buzzed with activity and laughter, Mazumi couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment in her role. She was grateful for the opportunity to serve the crew and provide a space where they could unwind, socialize, and find solace amidst their responsibilities. And with Sithian by her side, Mazumi knew that the lounge would continue to be a place where meaningful connections were made and where crew members could find respite in each other's company.

That snake’s dislocating grin returned in full force as the Lounge Mistress approached. Sithian opened his arms for a hug, accepting the Neko into a happy embrace. As an ectothermic race, Sithian was always at or near the ambient temperature of his surroundings. He had to make up for the ‘lack of warmth’ of his hugs by giving a happy, gentle squeeze. He chatted happily with the Tennyo, listening just a bit more than he spoke… Though sometimes this almost seemed an accidental competition when it came to Mazumi! She herself was a fine listener, attuned to the needs of her customers, and Sithian couldn’t think of a time that he’d ever seen her dominate a conversation.

After a short time, she seemed to be in a moment of reflection. Knowingly, he hushed himself, bringing a drink to his lips to allow her her thoughts. During his years of study of xenopsychology, he’d puzzled over the mentality of retired Nekovalkyrja specifically. What was it, he wondered, for a species of manufactured beings to be made? To be assembled for a distinct purpose, and to then do something entirely different? All Nekos who no longer engaged in warfare were doing something other than their original function… How must that feel, to set aside artificial design and programming and to take on an entirely new lifestyle? Was it so different from how an organic being changed their own life’s trajectory?

Well, if he wanted to learn how Mazumi felt about it, Sithian would need to do what all counselors do. He would need to start asking questions. Perhaps he could enlist an ally in his private mission of understanding this kind but mysterious Neko better?

“You know, Mazumi…” he began, his voice as soft as though he feared it might shatter something delicate. He hated to interrupt her meditations, but felt she would not be upset with him. “I can’t say I recognize that friend of yours…” He paused suddenly, not sure what physical feature of Alina to point out to show he was talking about her. He settled on something tame and neutral. “...with the tall black boots. If you don’t mind me saying so, I think she was enjoying chatting with you. If you have a brief break in your schedule, how would you feel about introducing me to her and staying at her booth for a bit?”

His long and muscular tail coiled a little, its subtle body language suggesting a more conspiratorial purpose. Among the Pythus, who were constrictors by nature, a flexing of the tail sometimes meant the Separa’shan was thinking about ambushing a prey animal. The idea of ‘attacking an opponent’ expanded even into social situations; prepping for a difficult discussion, making a grocery list on a busy shopping day, or planning out a flirtatious encounter could trigger the same hunting impulses.

“If she ends up perturbed by my presence, you can trust that I’ll sense it and depart. I’ve got plenty of rocks to hide under if things go sour.” he teased.

Raising her glass in solidarity with Mazumi's toast Alina said a quiet yet happy, "Will do! Cheers". She took another ship as Mazumi made her way back to other things. After yet another sip she sat the glass down tapping her fingers rhythmically on the table as she thought more on that momoshu recipe that was brewing in her mind. Perhaps a gelee or cool desert instead of her original plan to cook with it in some form.

It hit her that she had not seen the mysterious new crew member in some time. she cast another casual glance around spotting the pythus speaking with Mazumi. When she saw the hug she very tactically averted her gaze "Oh no, this one is a hugger" she thought casting a wide eyed side eye to a miscellaneous corner of the room in the opposite direction as the interaction between Mazumi and the crew member. She was not a big hugger or people person at all generally. At the moment she had no idea what they were conversing about.

Mazumi returned Sithian's warm embrace with a genuine smile. The camaraderie between them was evident, a testament to the close-knit community they were fostering aboard the YSS Mazu. As she listened to Sithian's gentle words, Mazumi couldn't help but appreciate the care he took in approaching the topic of meeting her friend.

"Oh, Alina?" Mazumi replied, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "She's quite the character, isn't she? Tall black boots and a penchant for intriguing conversations. I'd be delighted to introduce you."

Mazumi gestured for Sithian to follow as she gracefully weaved through the lively crowd in the Soggy Hole. The lounge was filled with a diverse array of species, each engaged in their own activities. As they approached Alina's booth, Mazumi caught sight of the dark-haired, enigmatic figure with the tall black boots.

"Alina!" Mazumi called out with a friendly wave. The woman looked up from her drink, her sharp gaze softening into a warm smile upon seeing Mazumi. "I'd like you to meet Sithian, our resident Separa'shan. Sithian, this is Alina, a friend with a penchant for adventure and a knack for unraveling mysteries."

The lounge buzzed with an energy that reflected the diverse personalities on the ship. Mazumi couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in creating a space where such connections could flourish. As the trio continued to chat, Mazumi couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter would be one of many memorable moments aboard the YSS Mazu.
Sithian had no trouble making his way through the buzzing crowd. He was led by its Queen, after all, and humanoids tended to give him a bit of space anyway. Separa’shan weren’t quite as compact as Minkans and Nekos tended to be. To get his tail worked back and forth, he needed more space than even the most bow-legged of bipedals!

The counselor was trained well enough to spot just the slightest hint of sharpness in Alina’s features, before the woman recognized Mazumi. He had a sudden worry that his plan meant intruding on Alina’s privacy, which hadn’t been his intent. But she had smiled at the Neko mistress of the lounge, so clearly, Mazumi was the key. All that was needed was a careful, perhaps manipulative hand to make proper use of that key.

“I hope you’ll pardon us, Miss Alina. I believe Mazumi here was just about to go on break, while her very capable staff manages the lounge for a moment.” His face was pleasant, betraying none of the craftiness lurking under its mature features. “I had the feeling that there was no where else she’d rather spend a calm moment than here, at your table. You’ll sit, won’t you, Mazumi?”

The ever-so-gracious host could still decline. She could say that she wasn’t about to take a break, and that the Soggy Hole needed her attentions. But Sithina had spoken of how capable the staff was. They were capable… Would Mazumi disagree with his assessment? Further, he’d stated that Mazumi wouldn’t want to spend a calm moment anywhere else. Could she possibly reject that notion as well? The Pythus doubted that very much. No… He was rather confident of the comfortable trap he’d just laid, one giving him the opportunity to learn more about Mazumi and, as it happened, this ‘mystery-unraveling’ friend of hers.

Snake-like eyes peered at both women, curious to see how well his plan would play out.

When Alina realized that the two were in fact headed towards her she choked on a sip of wine for a moment her vibrant eyes widening a touch. Though she was not a very sociable woman, let alone when first meeting someone, she still understood her duties and responsibilities as the clerk responsible for crew of the YSS Mazu. As such she offered a small smile, "Welcome aboard Sithian, if there is anything you need from me as a clerk I would be happy to help you." she said calmly. Goodness knows this would tax her social battery, she might need another drink or two. "Mazumi you are all too kind." she responded sweetly.

Something about the friendliness of this new crewmember did not quite sit right with her. Given most of the crew had been just as friendly when meeting her, none really so specifically so as the counselor that was now before her. As such she would be friendly, but reserved in her openness. "Pardon? No pardon necessary as any company of Mazumi's is always welcome with me." she responded as her bright violet eyes analytically examined the separa-shan. "You two are welcome to sit here if you would like," she gestured to the available seating while readjusting to sit criss-crossed folding her legs beneath her. Her gaze never faltering from that of analytic observance.

As Mazumi absorbed Sithian's unexpected words, their undeniable truth resonated within her. The surprise momentarily flickered across her features, a subtle play of emotions that betrayed her inner thoughts. Casting a sidelong glance at Alina, Mazumi couldn't help but wonder how her close friend perceived the situation.

A hint of uncertainty passed through Mazumi's eyes, but she swiftly composed herself, offering a small yet polite smile to Councilor Sithian. "Of course, Councilor. A break sounds delightful," she responded, aligning herself with the proposed plan. While Mazumi possessed unwavering confidence in her well-trained lounge staff, she knew that stepping away, even briefly, was a necessary indulgence. Her tenure on her feet had been considerable, and now that she inhabited her organic Tennyo Body, she recognized the importance of being mindful of her physical well-being.

Seizing the opportunity for respite, Mazumi grabbed a nearby bottle, a tangible reminder of the world outside the lounge's confines. With measured steps, she joined Sithian and Alina at their chosen table, gracefully taking a seat across from Alina. The panoramic backdrop of the starship YSS Mazu framed the scene, its colossal form suspended against the cosmic canvas of space.

The Lounge Mistress, ever conscientious of the responsibilities she bore, trusted her staff to maintain the lounge's seamless operation during her brief absence. As she settled into the chair, Mazumi allowed herself a moment to appreciate the outside view—a tapestry of stars, a testament to the vastness of the universe they traversed. The ambient hum of the starship provided a soothing soundtrack, a contrast to the bustling activity within the lounge.

As Mazumi settled into the chair, a palpable sense of relief washed over her, lifting the weight off her fatigued body. The persistent ache that accompanied prolonged periods of standing began to gradually subside, replaced by a growing sense of comfort and relaxation. The contours of the chair cradled her form, offering a reprieve from the demands of constant motion.

In this moment of physical respite, Mazumi's focus shifted inward, attuned to the subtle signals of her own body. The pain that had been a persistent companion throughout her stint on her feet now yielded to the soothing embrace of the chair. She allowed herself to sink into the moment, savoring the newfound tranquility that enveloped her.

Mazumi, a woman of unassuming purity, was genuinely unaware of any underlying subtleties or potential mischievous plans that might have prompted Sithian to invite her to join them. Her response, marked by sincerity and a genuine desire for a break, revealed a trustful nature. In the sea of the starship's hum and the ambient chatter of the lounge, Mazumi's focus remained on the simple pleasure of taking a moment for herself, oblivious to any ulterior motives that might be at play.

As she took a sip from the glass now in her hand, Mazumi's gaze alternated between the outside view of space and the companionship of Alina and Sithian. The genuine smile that graced her features mirrored the authenticity of her character, a woman appreciating the camaraderie and the brief respite from the duties that defined her role as the Lounge Mistress. Unbeknownst to her, the unfolding moments held the potential for unexpected twists, adding an intriguing layer to the narrative of their interstellar journey.

The Separa'shan nodded at Alina's polite welcome, slithering into the booth and settling himself on top of his tail. It curled into a long, muscular sofa, the green and gold scales reflecting the lighting of the Soggy Hole. As an observer of people and their moods, he caught some of the subtle signs of Mazumi's relaxation. He looked to Alina, wondering if she saw the same.

"I've known Mazumi for... perhaps the entire time I've been aboard the Mazu, which isn't terribly long. She was immediately welcoming, both before and after she learned about my role on the ship." he began, smiling. He'd long ago recognized that the mere fact that he was a counselor sometimes put others on edge. Sithian sometimes wondered how much more so they would worry if they knew the sum total of his previous occupations before he'd joined the Star Army... "She's a remarkable young woman. So willing to give of herself to others, that it's remarkable she has anything else left of her by the end of a busy night."

He didn't say it directly, but Sithian was touching on something that worried him, from time to time. Mazumi worked so hard, and had created such a wonderful and welcoming atmosphere... But at what cost? What emotional toll did it take on her spirit? The Separa'shan, straightening the teal front of his uniform, looked to Alina. Would the clerk follow along with his concerns? Did she, too, worry about Mazumi from time to time?

When Mazumi glanced at the clerk she would see that analytic tone to the look in her eyes. Which was not the usual look Alina had when around she was around those she had come to feel close to. She caught the hint of uncertainty pass in Mazumi's eyes but gave no indication that she had noticed it. Calmly taking another sip of her momoshu wine looking over to the counselor while the caretaker grabbed a nearby bottle.

It was good that the caretake was taking a moment for herself to relax. Well at least that was what Alina thought. Though there was that nagging thought in the back of her mind about the councilor, she still was not sure about him. It could be her natural pre-disposition to being less social or it could be something more. Only time would tell on that front. When Mazumi settled in Alina's vibrant purple eyes looked over the woman with a caring yet questioning look, almost as if to assess something was amiss. This woman who did so much for the crew, might also need someone to gently remind her to care for herself occasionally. Given Alina's suspicions of this new crew member, she felt rather protective about the tennyo.

As Sithian began speaking Alina's gaze subtly shifted to fully observe him while he was speaking. "Haven't we all." the clerk thought to herself as the separa'shan detailed how long he knew Mazumi. Alina had seen the orders come through and processed accordingly. So of course she knew he had been coming, though not the exact moment of his arrival. Had she really known about his role before the caretaker? It could be possible, unlikely, but possible. With a cool smile Alina steadily responded, "Mazumi is a very kind soul, for whom serving with would be a great privilege to anyone." Her gaze flicked briefly to their companion as she took a sip from her glass.

While the way she looked at Mazumi may have been softly caring, the way she observed Sithian as he spoke about their crewmate was subtly less so. She almost could not care less how he felt about it in the moment. If he wanted to get past those walls, his work would be cut out for him.
"Indeed she is quite remarkable in all she does. I do hope that she knows if she were to need assistance in anything, or that she does not have anything left to care for herself, that her crew would readily step up for her. Anytime." she stated. It was a rather direct statement on the matter and rather blunt display of her feelings for Mazumi as a person and as a caretaker.

For a moment she permitted herself to perform another cursory, respectful visual examination of the councilor. As she lifted her glass to take in the last sip of her wine she flicked her gaze up for a moment before setting the glass down. Her gaze fell upon the male in front of her, searching for what secrets he had hidden in those snake-like eyes.
Sitting in a booth in a corner, with a beer that had been relatively untouched sat Alexi Durnov. The short technician had taken up the entire table, with a finely woven cloth, the material it was made out of had an odd luster to it-though its origins were a mystery-likely sourced either from their home universe or possibly even Njord. Given how fine it was, one would assume it was some kind of fine cloak, given that it seemed to have a pair of strings that could be used to draw it around the wearer.

It was currently being used as a means to disassemble weaponry, likely to the annoyance and inconvenience of the staff having one of their tables being turned into an impromptu armory. The weapons in question were an HPAR and a Plasma Rifle taken off one of the pests-Peeper in this case; the little nuisance was currently chirping merrily despite him having locked the treads in place-mostly because Alexei couldn't get a moment's peace to actually work on it in engineering and none of the junior techs could actually be bothered. Not that he blamed them as he soldiered a wire that connected to one of the HPAR's capacitors. The little drones were considered more trouble than they were worth-and honestly made him wonder if-

He quashed the train of thought as he connected a Mircofission battery to the weapon to test it. Producing a multimeter, he checked the connection-40 volts; not enough to actually get the thing accelerated to the point it could actually kill, let alone fire. Disconnecting the battery in disgust, he was likely either going to have to pull the whole thing and put something new in or jury rig it.

Or steal a second plasma rifle out of the armory-they likely wouldn't notice...maybe...
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Caught off guard by Sithian's genuine admiration and concern, Mazumi blinked in surprise, her cheeks tinged with a subtle blush—an involuntary yet modest acknowledgment of the sentiments expressed. The unexpected compliment and warmth in Sithian's words momentarily disrupted the composed facade she typically wore.

In response to his genuine concern, Mazumi's demeanor reflected a blend of humility and sincerity. She took a moment to process the unexpected praise before offering a thoughtful response. "I... It... it makes no sense to be impolite just because they were a ship's counselor, I mean your job is to make sure we are okay, mentally, right?" she queried, her words revealing a genuine curiosity and a desire for understanding.

Mazumi's response showcased not only her humility but also her practical approach to interpersonal dynamics. To her, the role of a ship's counselor was a crucial one, focused on the well-being of the crew members, both physically and mentally. Her perspective emphasized the importance of courtesy and cooperation, recognizing the collaborative nature of their journey through space.

The exchange unveiled a layer of Mazumi's character—an individual who valued respectful interactions and cooperation, regardless of the hierarchical roles onboard. The brief moment of vulnerability in her blush hinted at the authenticity that lay beneath her composed exterior, adding depth to the unfolding narrative of relationships within the starship YSS Mazu.

As Alina steadily responded, Mazumi's initial surprise transformed into a complex blend of emotions. The warmth of Alina's words wrapped around her like a comforting embrace, and a genuine smile graced her features. The subtle blush that lingered on her cheeks intensified, a testament to the authenticity of the moment and the emotions it stirred within her.

However, Mazumi's attention was also drawn to the less overt dynamics at play. As Alina acknowledged Sithian's sentiments, there was a subtle shift in her demeanor. The caring gaze directed at Mazumi contrasted with a more guarded observation when it came to Sithian. Alina's unapologetic disinterest in how Sithian felt in that moment underscored her protective stance toward Mazumi, as if signaling that earning her trust required more than mere words. The layers of vulnerability unveiled by Alina's directness deepened the connection between them, and Mazumi found herself touched by the unwavering support that Alina offered.

The continued blushing on Mazumi's part revealed not only her humility but also a genuine appreciation for the depth of care that Alina demonstrated. As the exchange unfolded, Mazumi marveled at Alina's capacity for both strength and tenderness, realizing that in this diverse crew, she had found not just colleagues but individuals who genuinely cared for her well-being. The intricate dance of emotions within the lounge painted a vivid picture of camaraderie and unspoken bonds that transcended the confines of their starship journey.

The blushing hue on Mazumi's cheeks began to recede as the android approached, signaling her attention was required elsewhere. As she excused herself with a polite nod, the Lounge Mistress gracefully rose from her seat, leaving the warmth of the exchange with Alina and Sithian behind. Her eyes, now focused on the task at hand, met with the short, industrious figure of Alexi Durnov, seated in a corner booth surrounded by the remnants of his intricate work.

In contrast to the serene atmosphere of the lounge, Alexi had transformed the booth into a makeshift workshop, a tableau of disassembled weaponry laid out before him. The fine cloth he worked on, with its mysterious luster, suggested an origin either from their home universe or possibly Njord—a cloak of intricate design. The short technician, fully absorbed in his task, paid little heed to the inconvenience his impromptu armory may have caused to the lounge staff.

The meticulous disassembly of an HPAR and a Plasma Rifle, both taken from a troublesome Peeper, unfolded with a determined precision. The little mechanical pest, locked in place by Alexi's ingenuity, chirped away merrily, seemingly oblivious to the inconvenience it had caused.

Amid the organized chaos, the Lounge Mistress approached, her expression shifting from the warmth of the previous conversation to a blend of curiosity and understanding. Mazumi, ever attuned to the diverse roles and tasks that defined life on the starship, acknowledged the necessity of Alexi's work.

As she neared, Mazumi couldn't help but admire the intricacy of Alexi's craft. The fine manipulation of wires and capacitors revealed a level of technical prowess that spoke to the diverse talents within their crew. While the lounge's tables were an unconventional workspace for such endeavors, Mazumi recognized the unique challenges each member faced and appreciated the dedication they brought to their respective roles.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Mazumi sought to convey both respect for Alexi's work and an understanding of the demands that drove him to repurpose the booth for his engineering pursuits.
The Separa’shan grimaced a little as Mazumi excused herself and left. He did so not because he was left alone with Alina, but because the Tennyo’s break was already ended. Interrupted by the arrival of another guest, another needy soul entering the gentle and loving temple led by ‘high priestess’ Mazumi. Sithian spoke sideways to Alina, even as his eyes remained on the departing Neko. “I find it nearly impossible to get that girl to slow down, even for a moment.” He admitted, letting his genuine worry show. He turned to Alina properly, the twin tips of his tongue extending for just a quick and thoughtful flick of the air. “I hope you don’t mind me confiding in you, strangers though we may be… But I sense we have a shared interest in her well-being. As a person, worthy of her friend’s concern.”

He shifted, readjusting the length of his scaled lower body so that he had something to recline on. He leaned over, placing an elbow on his own tail and a palm on his face. He proceeded. “Sometimes, the people whose welfare you should worry about the most aren’t necessarily the ones weeping openly, or crying out for help, though of course they do need attention. You also need to worry about the people who are deathly silent about what they’re going through. The ones who work and work and hardly ever voice a complaint.” Privately, he thought of his ex-wife, who fit that latter criteria to a ‘T’. Sithian’s eyelids closed slowly as he took a moment to mull over how to proceed.

He knew desperately little about Alina, aside from what he could observe and what she’d said. She was a Clerk; an administrative role. One who worked to manage people and all the bureaucracy involved in their service to the Star Army. This meant she was likely to be highly organized, he guessed. He’d smelled the scent of her peach wine; sweet, with perhaps just a hint of acidity. What did that drink say about her? Was she, too, sweet, and slightly acidic? She’d crossed her legs when he and Mazumi had come over to settle in. Had that been a defensive posture? Sithian couldn’t interpret much from her clothing, knowing as little about fashion as he did about Norian-specific body language. Still… She seemed to truly care about Mazumi, and for now, that mattered more to Sithian than any other personality quirk.

He opened his eyes. “Without speaking of Mazumi too much while she isn’t present… Do you think my worries are off the mark?”
When Mazumi offered a polite nod in parting from their table, Alina responded in kind. Her gaze very briefly flowed over to Alexei who was doing something she would much rather be doing currently. However, there was something that needed to be dealt with first. So her gaze flicked back to Sithian and her body language shifted, though her body itself did not. Almost as if there was a tone change in the atmosphere, a protective veil removed. Though it had been there for the sake of Mazumi, not Sithian. Carefully shifting her wine glass to the side so it was not in front of her she folded her hands together setting them onto the table.

As he observed the departing neko her head tilted, focusing on Sithian's movements. Her eyes narrowed a smidge as she cooly responded, "I do not presume to get anyone to do anything. I simply offer them support in whatever it is they choose to do, if they consent to such." Her words more or less indicated that she did not quite agree with the worries, more so his method of handling them. Then again, she was innately suspicious of the separa'shan and anything he said would be taken with several grains of salt as it were. Her vibrant violet hues did not let up on their gaze upon him for one moment, even as he flicked his tongue. "I hope you understand I care deeply for Mazumi and the well being of this crew, including yourself. However, do not presume that is it in good practice to share things with strangers so readily." she said tilting her head to the side with an eerie smile.

That eerie little grin relaxed to more of her lips' natural resting expression as she watched him readjust. His comfortable attitude around her was quite disconcerting to say the least, though she displayed no outward signs of it. Perhaps this was a tactic to get her to let her guard down. "Then it is good you are here to care for those in such a position." she stated briefly in response to his monologue about who "you should worry about". Her head tilted slightly to the other side as she mused upon his reaction, her hands still in their folded position in front of her.

Among a horde of other things she would never tell this counselor is the toll her parents deaths took on her. This new found crew she considered family, not even they knew. Sorin surely knew, though he was not a part of the crew. In her life there was no one she had gotten so close as to allow them in completely. A few norians were close to her, they arguably stood a better chance at getting her to talk about it. When he opened his eyes he would see hers meeting them head on, "I will not speak of Mazumi while she is not present." she said rather curtly. The only even vague time she would speak about anyone else outside of their presence is in the realm of orders or to seek emergent help if need be.

In fact there was little more in life that she found distasteful than unproductive gossip. Her demeanor became quite cold towards Sithian almost as if his to freeze any thoughts of getting her to crack open. The odds were not in his favor of warming up to her thus far.
Despite her coldness, Sithian only seemed to warm-up as she continued. She had opinions, this one, and was unafraid to share them! Feeling invigorated by the discussion, he leaned forward a little. He still had no drink of his own, and he didn't need one. An engaging and even difficult talk was just as fulfilling as any liquor to the strange Separa'shan.

"I would say that strangers may only remain strangers until they share." he posited. Though perhaps you’d prefer it if we remained strangers… Or is that your default preference for most other people? he thought more privately, wondering if he was on or off the mark with Alina's behavior.

When she said that it was good that he was there to care for those in such a position, he moved his head from side to side thoughtfully. He didn't address her statement, but he felt that too many members of organizations didn't think enough about the well-being of their fellow members. If one thought of a crew of a ship as a family, then the responsibility of caring for one another was a responsibility shared by all, not just those assigned to the task. Sure, a Counselor was assigned to manage the mental health of a crew, but if they were the only one thinking about it, that could spell disaster.

At her curt statement that she would not speak of Mazumi without her present, Sithian was nonplussed, and he had an easy follow-up ready to deploy.

"That is fair. Then how about this; rather than speak of Mazumi, who is not present, speak of me, who sits right here before you." he proposed. Alina had shown no unwillingness to do just that, thus far. "Do you think I should worry about others who don’t ask for help? Should I remain uninvolved because someone I care about hasn't given a voice to their secret distress?"
Alexei looked up briefly at the so-called "Lounge Mistress", and aside from a brief eyebrow raise, turned back to his work and uttered two words:

"Touch Nothing." He didn't know if she was grounded properly or not and wasn't about to risk an errant static discharge possibly damaging any of the weapon's electronics- they were far too sensitive for his liking; why DION and the Star Army favored them so much was a mystery for the ages. Damned useful guns, and doubly so for drone weaponry but the sophisticated electronics were an issue when exposed to the environment. Peeper continued its happy chirping, its turret-like body spinning around, pining for Mazumi's attention.

As much as he'd like to turn it loose to give the woman something to chase around, he wasn't 'that' mean. Taking a brief sip of the beer; not bothering to savor it. It was a good beer; with a toasty, hoppy flavor with subtle notes of something he couldn't quite place; it was just he didn't care having purchased it more as a courtesy to the staff for the inconvenience he was causing than any real enjoyment for the beverage. He pulled the bad capacitor out; ah, that's what it was-noting the familiar greenish tinge of oxidation from the residue on its terminals. With a sigh, and realizing the electrochemical cells were starting to leak, meaning he'd have to replace the whole damned thing...

Wonderful. Yet more work to be done...alas, duty called.