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Crystalumite (artificial mineral) [Stalled]


Inactive Member

This is all just for informational purposes. Any help in refining this to be a worthy submission would be greatly appreciated.

Crystalumite is an artificially-created energy absorbing mineral similar in nature to quartz, though it behaves in the opposite manner. Compressing it causes it to absorb energy rather than produce it, and although quartz is known to only generate electrical currents, Crystalumite is capable of absorbing a wide spectrum of power types.

Its creation was a byproduct of laboratory testing to produce stronger transparent metals, though somewhat of a time-consuming process is involved in the construction of the Crystalumite formations.

Because of the operating conditions Crystalumite is normally found in it has a relatively high melting point and can absorb radiation to a degree though using it for this purpose has the tendency to weaken the crystals considerably.

Physically, Crystalumite is bar-shaped, cold to the touch and a translucent yellow-green in color; as it absorbs energy it expands somewhat, lessening its absorption properties and if enough energy is consumed the crystals will shatter.

There is currently no process for refining the crystal structure against such a fragmentation aside from casing the formation in metal to limit the degree of expansion available to the mineral; therefore it is usually found integrated into armor plating.

Questions, comments, suggestions?
Its primary use is as mentioned starship armor, especially for ships traveling through areas especially detrimental to the operation and survival of starships and their crews.
What happens when too much is absorbed?
Can I comment that this makes no sense scientifically speaking?

Seriously ...

What sorts of power does it absorb?

And most importantly - How?
Wes said:
What happens when too much is absorbed?

The crystals fragment and eventually shatter completely.

As for not making sense scientifically, would it be too much of a stretch to call it a form of battery technology? And the energy it's supposed to absorb is the same type as used in weaponry or found in abundance around radioactive materials.

The idea of an energy-sponge material is a little far-fetched, I know, but we do know of metals and minerals that have natural properties conducive to controlling the flow and intensity of power, or absorbing and converting it, whether it be electrical or radiological or even solar.

So perhaps it's not too extreme to suggest that an artificial mineral can be engineered to augment the usefulness of armor plating. If nothing else it could be applied towards use in scout ships, or anything that has to pass through an area of intense radiation beyond what normal shielding can handle.

*shrugs deeply*

The methodology of its absorbtion properties--I'm no chemist so I couldn't tell you with any certainty if I have the principles right or not, but for now, it works via proton exchange (which I realize may be entirely impossible in reality and especially with energy forms that have no protons).

If that would not suffice I'll have to *gasp* make something up.
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