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CSEIA Energized Tungsten Armor


Inactive Member
CSEIA Energized Tungsten Armor

As a relatively isolated community, CSEIA has constantly striven to strengthen their self-sufficiency and independence. In an attempt to find an alternative to costly imported shield systems, the CSEIA has developed Tungsten Energized Armor.

Energized armor is composed to two separate plates, separated by an insulating material. One of the armor plates holds an enormous electrical charge, while the other acts as a ground. When a penetrator pierces the insulating material, a connection is formed between the charged plate and the grounded plate. This releases the enormous electrical charge through the penetrator, causing it to vaporize instantly. Converted to a heated gas the, penetrator becomes effectively harmless.

Lower capacitor charges can vaporize pre-heated matter, such as explosive shaped charges and certain plasmas. At higher charges, the discharge can also vaporize solids such as projectiles. Unfortunately, energized armor offers little in defense against energy and massless weapons.

In an attempt to compensate for this weakness, CSEIA has began manufacturing energized armor with tungsten composites. Tungsten has a higher melting point than any other non-alloy in existence, as well as robust durability on par with that of depleted uranium. By using tungsten composites, energized armor has a much higher resistance to energy weapons than it would otherwise, as well as a healthier defense against projectiles.

The end result is known as Energized Tungsten Armor. The relatively low cost of tungsten combined with the simplistic design of energized armor results in a cheap and easy to produce defense superior to other lo-tech armors. While not a widespread technology, it is an excellent alternative to more advanced technology such as shield systems or advanced alloys like Durandium.

Didn't see any references to energized armor on SA, so I thought I'd throw it out there. I was initially considering using something stronger like Yamataium or Durandium but I was afraid that might be considered too powerful, so I settled with something simpler like tungsten. I was sort of afraid that if it actually worked energized Yamatium might obsolete standard Yamatium hulls. Hey, you never know.
Damn! I was planning on using the Miharu's double layered hull to do something like that and I wanted the technicians on the ship to eventually find a way to implement it, but you actually beat me to it! I didn't think anyone would think about it, so, I didn't post it up! XD
In the case of personal or vehicle armor, this would also give hand-to-hand attackers or boarders a nasty surprise on contact.
Well, most likely the charged plate would be on the inner layer, otherwise it could accidently discharge if it runs into a building or something. I was thinking of a similar, but different way of using the armor against infantry (who would likely be smart enough to avoid contact, if they saw charged armor).

When lightning strikes, it moves about by following 'paths' of ionized air towards the ground. One could artificially create these paths with something like a particle accelerator, then all you'd need is a big power source and you'd have a directed lightning cannon.

In this case the energy source could be the energized armor's capacitor. So long as you drain the main capacitor too much, you'll have an effective anti-personnel weapon without crippling your defenses. Or better yet, you could add a whole second capacitor and use it as a main turret. Maybe even a handheld variant...
Power Armor that shoots lightning from its hands a la Sith Lord? Hmmm...
Does it also come with a lightsaber!

For the record, I was planning to post an "electrolaser" type weapon (like the lightning gun you describe, only it uses a laser to ionize air along the beam's path rather than a particle accelerator) already, so please don't say I stoler the idea from you. If you don't believe me, see my last posts in the "Scalar Stuff" thread in the "Your Questions Answered" forum.

A weapon of this type is currently being developed in the real world as a replacement for Taser-style stun guns. It has the advantage (and disadvantage) of being reflected by reflective surfaces, so it can bounce around a corner - or right back into the user's face.
You know, you may actually have a good idea there, using the dual combo of shock cannons and energized armor for infantry. Maybe even power armor variant so you could slap on a bigger reactor and capacitor. But since you've got first dibs on electrotasers, I'll let you develop it first before I have CSEIA purchase/steal it. Speaking of which, you should really consider making or joining corporation so you can make some (IC) profit off all your ideas, or so you can have some say in who manufactures them.
Where is CSEIA based?

I could work with CSEIA, but not for them,, since that woould mean having a boss (unless you wanted her to *be* the boss - I don't see you just handing over control of your company), and my character will also be looking for the chance to run around disarming people and blowing stuff to bits. I might be willing to license for a fee, or make some other arrangement. Well probably have to RP it out.

Incidentally, I realize I had forgotten to actually post the electrolaser idea (twice in a row, in fact) and will be doing so as soon as I finish this.

Correction to earlier posts:
It seems someone else arleady had electrolaser hand weapons before I even joined this site. Nobody, however, has done anything with larger electrolaser type weapons, even on the scale of power armor weapons, which is toward the small end of the devices I am proposing.

If we add any new features to the armor, like the lightning weapon, we would have to talk to Wes to avoid problems with the approval status of anything that wasn't part of the armor when he approved it..