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"Curbstomper" ship-based missile launcher

Subby... most if not all torpedoes don't have DR 6 armor and DR 4 shields or a directed interdiction beam like the Interceptor this thing is grossly over powered in the addon dpt ~_~. Also, the C1 while nifty (likes giant walking torpedoes of doom) I'd like a size on it, height width that sort of thing. So if there is a 26 foot long torpedo running willy nilly about a ship that just seems very unlikely to me. Does it stand vertical or horizontal would be another thing I'd like to know.
The Interceptor torpedo has already been approved here. As for dimensions/mechanics for the C1s torpedo, that's something I'll have to ask Uso about.

Also, the Tolchok, which I was attaching this system to, has already been approved.
Approved for IC usage.
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