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Inactive Member
Custodian War Android

Price: 18,000 ks

About: The Custodian in an Android designed solely for War. It is made to crew NovaCorp's war ships, as well as those of the Star Army of Yamatai if they so wish. In this it is designed to be competent in all tasks crew members need to fill, but truly excel in fighting using all the considerable abilities its form gives it.

History: Ephesus required something to crew his newest ships, and so he developed a new type of android. As usual ... he got a little carried away.

Organization Using This Android: Star Army of Yamatai, NovaCorp
Type: Combat Android
Nomenclature: No-J2-1a
Designers: Ephesus
Manufacturers: NovaCorp

Height: 6'5â€
Zakalwe said:
Synth-skin: Weaving throughout the skin is a superconducting mesh that draws heat away from weapon fire, and spreads it over a hugely greater surface area, greatly reducing the effect of energy weapons. The synth skin also has a great resistance to being torn, cut or pierced, due to the fact it is a high strength polymer laced with carbon-ring fibres, giving it great protection against projectiles and other physical attacks. It also has tactile sensors both over the skin and deeper into it. The ones near the surface are contact sensitive fibres that protrude through the skin and can feel compression, and hear, allowing a highly developed sense of touch, capable of feeling differences in temperature, air pressure, and the texture of surfaces. The ones deeper in the skin feel the slight compression of the synth-flesh, and extrapolate a sense of touch from that. The synth-flesh is of the complexion and feel of marble.

The polymer is what bugs me here, and it's probably because I don't know what kind of polymer you're speaking of. When I think polymer, I think a type of plastic (i.e. a Glock's frame).
If this is the case, could a woven superconductor mesh divert all of the heat of a blast away from the polymer without melting it? It isn't that the mesh wouldn't work, but it seems like the mesh would have to be a REALLY intricate mesh.

Zakalwe said:
Muscles: The Muscles in the Custodian are formed of a smart material, a substance that contracts when an electric current is run through it. The custodians in particular are very high quality, capable of contracting with great force, and using a complex array of muscles can create movements even smoother than that of a human, and the strength is far stronger than a human, capable of lifting five tons, and with corresponding force of blows, and in strength of leg.

"Strength of leg?" If it had been me typing that, "strength of leg" would mean "typo." I don't think that's the case here, though.

Zakalwe said:
Skeleton/Body: The skeleton and body of the Custodian is made out of carbon-ring, the strongest of NovaCorp's materials. In addition to this, winding over it is a superconducting grid, that spreads heat from energy attacks over a much larger surface area, reducing the efficiency of energy weapons.

"Grid" or "mesh?" I'm usually not picky about other people's word choice, but here it seems a matter of clarity. I know they mean the same thing here, but each word comes with a shape.

Zakalwe said:
AI: ... In addition to this the mind comes with a huge encyclopedia (<--fixed spelling) of information and tactics, and has a mind (deleted "travelling") capable of great leaps of intuition. This is due to the small, dense, quantum computer in its chest, the most heavily armoured place in the androids body, its chest, behind two inches of carbon ring and an extremely dense layer of matter, designed to prevent the attack of electromagnetic radiation.

It's a limited brain, supposedly. But it can make great leaps of intuition? Yet has no emotion. Like TNG's Data? And the word "travelling" didn't make sense.

Zakalwe said:
Eyes: The eyes of the Custodian are not just in its head, but studded over its skin in the form of micro cameras. This gives it 360o vision, and no reliance on the head, since the fibres on the skin can interpret sound. However the micro-cameras are only as good as human eyes, although they can see the whole EM spectrum. The eyes are far more sensitive, capable of seeing close to twenty times better than a human.

It obviously doesn't need the head to function. But it would rely on it quite a bit, wouldn't it? And how would these cameras see through a uniform, assuming it wears one? Are the cameras visible across the skin? Does the mesh keep heat from them too?

Notes: Doesn't sound like it could take a Neko ... but it doesn't seem designed for that anyway. I like that NC is gonna get into the android business full time, though.
Don't worry about brilliant thinking. If we were brilliant, we wouldn't need approval, eh?
Now start working on the airbikes. With THE POWAH OF A GOD! *grin*
Airbikes will come later.

And how would these cameras see through a uniform, assuming it wears one?

I knew I'd forgotten something ... the unifrom it wears is special. It's made of damage resistant polymer and has micro-camera's inside it. The suit interacts with the androids brain, providing it with 360 degree vision even when clothed. The camera's are too small to see, except maybe (in a very good light), as a sparkle a little like quartz.

And the keel would effect Neko's. And the Hex would. However I didn't build them to go anti-neko.

and with corresponding force of blows, and in strength of leg.

That comment was simply establishing that there legs where strong too.


A polymer is simply a substance with long molecules. And yes, the grid which goes over the skin spreads the heat wide enough so the polymer will not 'melt'. It's not a plastic.
Later? Foo.

Uniform is special then. Makes sense. As far as "anti-Neko," the weapons made me think about what they would do. The HEX would, of course. But the keel sounds like a really good speaker with a radar somehow attached. Which is cool, and I get how that would fuck a Neko up right right. But couldn't the Neko just reform itself?

Polymer ... generic term indeed. But I get the idea. Rock forth.