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[Custom] SRSS Yggdrasill Salvage Armor: IronMan


Inactive Member
IronMan Salvage System

History and Background: Tohoe Kairi of the SRSS Yggdrasill, noting a need for more control in the salvage field and the advantageous acquisition of a ship-based power armor replication chamber, began designing this cheaply-produced and versatile mecha to fill the gap.

About the IronMan: The IronMan is a chunky, large, ivory-white power armor with large emerald-green false jewels on the inner thighs and forearms. These jewels, along with being ornamental, are housings for miniature versions of the Yggdrasill's pulser systems(more below). The armor has multiple hardpoints with power sockets made for the modular attachments designed for the salvage system.
The arms are made of rounded-off cylinders joined by a vacuum-safe undermesh made of a flexible composite, and the thighs are roughly the same as the arms. The lower legs are large and roughly pyramidal, holding thrusters and the auxilary power capacitors. The head is large, with a tinted-black visor with a green HUD projected on the inside. The comms antenna is mounted on the head and is rather exposed. The neck is as wide as the head and moves on a tank-turret-like swivel, connected to a barrel chest that pivots on a slightly thinner lower torso.
The interior of the power armor is a non-powered, simple system of removable cushions filled with a soft, flame-retardant memory foam that is mildly bulletproof. It has heating and refrigeration systems woven through it.

Statistical Information:

Organization: This mecha is used exclusively by the SRSS Yggdrasill at the moment, but if an offer were made to create one of these armors, more may be made for construction or similar purposes.
Type: Short-Range Utility and Salvage Mecha
Designer: Tohoe Kairi, Power Armor pilot aboard the SRSS Yggdrasill.
Production: Currently in preproduction; a maximum of three armors may be created for the Yggdrasill.

Crew: Standard number of persons assigned or recommended to operate.
Maximum Capacity: Maximum persons the ship can hold or support.
Appearance: Detailed description of what the vessel looks like.

Length: 3 feet (1 meter) long.
Width: 4 feet(1.33 meters) wide.
Height: 7 feet (2.33 meters) tall.
Mass: 1 tonne.

Speeds: Sublight: 0.075C. No FTL. Auxiliary(emergency) power: 0.01C.
Planetary: Speeds in atmosphere can reach up to thirty miles an hour running, with jumps of up to twenty meters with thruster feathering. This suit is not made for underwater use.

Range: 4 million km if rations are stored in the chest pillow area.
Lifespan: 15 years, with regular maintenance.

Weapons Systems: No dedicated weaponry.
Attachments Systems: The IronMan has sockets on the back, outer thighs, and forearms that supply power to a variety of attachments.

Attachment 1: Diamond-coated Neutronium boring drill for entering scuttled ships or sawing through debris.
Can do 6 damage in an emergency.

Attachment 2: Electromagnetic Attraction Clamp. Attracts ferrous metals to the clamp for transport and salvage. Can hold 3 tonnes in 1G.
Can produce an EMP blast in an emergency.

Attachment 3: Winch. Used to pull salvaged items with an industrial-strength motor and either an electromagnetic clamp or a locking clip.

Attachment 4: Collapsible Storage Bin. Has a cover that closes over the item for a vacuum-tight seal.

Heavy Grasper Clamps: Two of these pneumatic clamps come with the armor, and they can be used in place of the regular gauntlets that are standard on the armor. They produce up to 2 tonnes PSI.


Power Supply: The IronMan uses large capacitors mounted inside the torso, inside the lower legs, and in the helmet. These can power the movement systems along with the life-support for two days, or the life-support only for a week(though the IronMan lacks the ability to process waste and create water and can barely hold enough rations for that long).

Life support: The IronMan uses air scrubbers and a trio of oxygen tanks: A small one in the head, and one in each lower leg.

Movement Augmentation Servo Circuitry: The MASC augments the movement of the user of the armor significantly, up to five times the speed and power of the user's natural movements. This makes the IronMan quite useful in hand-to-hand combat, even though this is not the original intention behind the design.

Speakers: The IronMan has a loudspeaker mounted in the head where the mouth would be on a human to speak to others planetside.
It could use life support systems.
Switch the Yamataium drill for carbon-ring or, if you want to really pay for it, Neutronium.

The Ship Resource Points requirement of this submission is waived, provided these armors are not destined for combat, and their number does not rise above five.

Upon the drill bit substitution, this submission is approved for IC usage.
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