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Approved Submission Customized Power Armor "Burning Impulse"


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Civilian/Pseudo Military Custom Power Armor Variant
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=alexburning:burning_impulse

Faction: Civilian, but arguably Nepleslian acting as IPG Support
FM Approved Yet? Not by current Nep FM, was co-designed by Sigma when he was Nep FM/IPG
Faction requires art? No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No


This is based on an intent to convert Alex' Impulse unit into something more suited to her needs and increasing survivability...and room in the chest. All but two of the named systems already exist/have articles, and the other two (Cluster Mine Launcher and X-Tech Sensor Ghost Module) are very generic designs, the later of which Sigma stated was a rejected X-Tech design not used in any other unit. I've been unsure how to proceed writing up the X-Tech design which I don't know any more about than stated, so the article's been languishing until now.

Requesting recommendations on DR and final missile count on the Cluster Mine Launcher as well. I've been having trouble deciding that one. I'm thinking perhaps ADR1 or ADR2 per missile barring a large decrease in missile number, but a decrease may turn out necessary.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Okay, the biggest problem I see is with the Damage Rating for the armor. In the changes you list several items, supplemental Reactive Armor but there are no specs about this how it works, etc. Armored skirt? There is not enough information two explain how this armor has gone from comparable to an Aggressor or Hostile.
That was caused by initial confusion in the varying types of armors and materials between the assorted types of Impulse. I've corrected it from 13 SP to 10 SP after seeing another variant made of the same basic armor materials. As for the Reactive and Skirt Armor, I had assumed the latter mostly stylistic while the former was electric reactive armor. Standard electric reactive armor, which vaporizes rounds by dumping electricity into them on penetration of the additional armor, could justify an increase back up to 11 SP, but I'm not sure. If not, I'll simply remove it and the skirt armor.
That's fine Toshiro. I can accept the 10 Sp value.


Unable to approve this item, there is insufficient details, this has to be submitted as a separate entity. Part of the problem is its OP if the heat seeking rockets are even 1ADR. This would allow you to obliterate anything in the Armor class.
  • Cluster Mine Launcher (launches rocket with ~100 heat-seeking rockets as sub-munitions)
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Cluster Mine Launcher, Reactive Armor, and Skirt Armor removed in accordance with decision. WIP tag removed. Only Sigma knows enough about the Cluster Mine Launcher to really assist with its development as it's rejected IPG tech.