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I'm going to echo Cowboy's concern about giving the D3s individual names/identifiers. Though I could see it just being serial numbers or somesuch. Otherwise, looks good on my end.
so did you want me to slap a serial number on then? that would be a little against the races nomenclature o3o;;
I was thinking they would earn Nicknames from the RP plot crew, I mean it's easy enough to ask them "Which one of you knows about this?" in RP
maybe they are given tags or identifiers when they get to the ship? but if that's the case what naming would the Neps use on the Engineering ship for the D3?
I don't mind adding that if you want but I would need some tips on what to use o3o
Vise (heck so do I) wants to be able to easily track which one is doing what without resorting to that level of confusion. Even if they only call themselves D3 to each other, the reader/GM shouldn't be subjected to that level of "Who's on First Base". What ever occurs in IC occurs in IC. Once you have done that and Vise is satisfied, I have my own list of concerns to go over.
Alright, works for me. Honestly, what'll probably happen is Iris will be treated as a squad NCO with the D3s being the squad grunts. When the salvor chief needs them to do something, she'll just tell Iris what needs to get sorted and the D4 pass the orders to the D3s, in standard "chain of command" fashion.
Alrighty then, my turn. It is good that you listened to Vise's concerns and I am content with the nature of these characters. But as with your previous character submitted for approval, we need to work on your writing. So please read the following guide created by Ametheliana (Complete Sentences on Star Army Space Roleplay), look at your article again, and tell me what is wrong.
I will say again, I try my y best to make it look like it should, however I can't identify what the issue is, I have been sitting here going through it and I honestly can't see what is the concern.
as such I would like some help in identifying the issues once again as I am clearly unable to identify them myself
Thanks Iain, you highlighted the same issues that plagued the last submission. It looks a lot better now, but you missed some. I'll edit the article after I sleep.
Last issue is the offensive nanites. What are the capable of doing and tier of damage? What can they not do?
not sure how damage tiers work, the Idea behind them is they slowly disassemble matter (not likely to be used though as it's meant for extreme situations and for use against the Silent legion) D3 and D4 with clearance (usually gained by being part of the Iron guard) can control the nanite cloud directing it to deconstruct objects in the area, use on living creatures is prohibited unless absolutely necessary.
The disassembly doesn't happen all at once, they Bionanites have to work from the surfaces they can contact and work their way in so it's like a constant damage over an object.
I have been working on the Wiki article for them for some time, no WIP is up yet as I have been working on it on my comp (trying to use a Spell and grammar checker) I just figured it should be noted they have clearance to use them.
if required I can remove that for now and just add that note back n later once I have the Offensive Nanites WIP up at the very least?
The Offensive Bionanites are just the same Bionanites that make up the D3 and D4 bodies, so it's more accurate to say they have clearance to use their Bionanites offensively rather then saying they can use specific "Offensive Bionanites" sorry for the confusion of wording
Since we are working on something, then it will be best to remove that for now until approval. In the mean time, I have edited the article and tried my best to interpret your meaning in my edits. If you are fine with that, then this has my approval.