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Approved Character Dagsuz Mannisa


Inactive Member
Nameagsuz Mannisa (Dah-sooz/Dah-soo Man ee-sa)
-Note: the name is derived from a combination of Elder Futhark runes. See https://stararmy.com/forums/viewtopic.ph ... 0&start=20 for details.

General Information
Species: Yamataian
Gender: male
Age: 1 (38)


Employer: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Technician
Current Assignment:

Physical Characteristics
Height: 5 feet 10 inches
Weight: 148 lbs
Build and Skin Color: Slender build, pale / white skin tone.
Facial Features and Eye Color: European facial features, violet eyes
Hair color and Style: Straight, white hair, which reaches down 4 inches below shoulder line.
Distinguishing Features: Personal insignia tattooed centered 1 inch below shoulder line (see avatar, minus black background)

Psychological Characteristics
Personality: Dagsuz is a friendly fellow, though somewhat aloof when first encountering someone. He chooses his close friends very carefully and sparingly, but is loyal to them fiercely. He is, despite his friendly manner, quite distrustful of others and has little faith in the decisions of others. He is not arrogant enough, however, to try to usurp his commanding officer. He respects most everyone, though he may wholly disagree with them.
Likes: Rare cooked red meats, small sweet cakes, fruit juices, watching others go about their day, Creating things.
Dislikes: Heavy humidity, loud telepaths, things he cannot do, being told he cannot do something he knows he is capable of, dark matter.
Goals: To serve, protect, discover and create in totality.

Dagsuz has, as far as anyone is concerned, no notable past before his transference to a Yamataian-type body (late YE28). He never discusses it because it never comes up.He began his training, etc, directly after the body transference to become an engineer and technician for the Star Army of Yamatai, and is fresh from his training now.


Maintenance and Repair: In order to facilitate his duties as a technical sentry, Dagsuz received extensive training in the maintenance and repair of Star Army shuttles, power armors, and starships. He is adequately proficient at doing maintenance and repair work on any ship model as a part of a team, and at repairing a shuttle or a power armor with the proper tools. Dagsuz is also somewhat proficient with the maintenance and repair of Star Army ground vehicles.

Communication: Dagsuz is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. He is fluent in English and Japanese. He can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc. Dagsuz is also capable of encrypted telepathic communication.

Fighting: Dagsuz received hand-to-hand combat and ranged combat training. He is skilled in combat, both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero gravity, with and without weapons. Weapons he is trained in include energy pistols, energy rifles, grenades, knives, and power armor.

Technology Operation: Dagsuz is capable of operating any computer system that uses the Kessaku OS, found on all Star Army starships. He is proficient in entering and/or searching for information.

Mathematicsagsuz received basic mathematics training, to including up to algebra and trigonometry, and displays a special affinity for raw number usage.

Engineeringagsuz is extensively trained as a mechanical engineer, and has spent his free time expanding his engineering knowledge on the more controversial fronts. He has a special affinity for creating things from spare parts, and often does so compulsively.

Survival and Military: (Finding water, land navigation, shelter construction, hunting, signaling, camouflage)

My notes::
Current KS balance:3000
Current possesions (outside of the Standard Issue [SI] items):
Er, even if the past isn't notable, it should definitely be written down, even if it's something like "lived a normal Yamataian life."
The history is as it is to leave the character more flexible, and to highlight his attitude. I would really much prefer to leave it as it is, honestly...
edit: Huzzah! Thank you Wes. I'm glad I was able to get a not-so-far-out character on my second try. ^___^
One little thing: The character's age should be his "soul age", not "body age". In other words, it shouldn't reset when he gets body-transferred.

Otherwise, bio looks good.
Yeah, I wasn't exactly sure what the 'soul age' should be around, so I put down the body age and then left the (?) for the soul age (didn't know what to call it at the time). I suppose it's explainable in that he doesn't really care nor especially keep track of his age... >_>
We tend to ask that you put down the age of the character even if he doesn't know it. I really like the history, everything looks all right, and it's already approved, but the age is a necessity.
In that case, I'm going to go tromp through the other approved characters that are same species to get an idea for an age. It is now fixed!
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