Light, Medium and Heavy Armor is easy: to me, that's:
Light armor: Mindy
Medium armor: Daisy
Heavy armor: Hostile
Mecha is, however, far more blurry. I'll make an attempt:
Light Mecha: Armored Personel Carrier, SMX Ripper, Tasha
Medium mecha: Battle Tanks, most large mechas (see Origin, Iroma VANDR)
Heavy mecha: Armored Dropship
* * *
One thing I'd offer to keep in mind is how flying vehicles are generally built very light (to fly in the first place), which can make something like a shuttlecraft or a fightercraft look like it'd fit in the mecha-grade category. But looking at the art of some of our shuttles like the Kuma, the Raccoon and at the Kawarime fighter, it doesn't look like they have all that much better than 'Armor grade' protection (relatively thin outer shells), whereas anything in the 'mecha grade' protection likely has that heavier plating and structural reinforcement.