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Approved Character Dana Conley (Approved ^^ v)


Inactive Member
Name: Dana Conley
General Information
Species: Geshrin
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Family (or Creators): Alexander Conley and Sarah Conley

Employer: Yamatai Star Army
Occupation: Power Armor Pilot
Rank: Santô Hei
Current Assignment: 17th Wing within the 5th Expeditionary Fleet

Physical Characteristics
Height: 6'2 or 1.88m
Weight: 170lbs. or 77kg

Build and Skin Color:Average Geshrin build, somewhat muscular and well toned due to the lifetime of physical training. His skin color is typical flesh tones with a light tan retained from his training when he was younger.
Facial Features and Eye Color: two day's worth of growth, same shade as his hair, Jungle Green eyes
Hair color and Style: Short, parted over right eye, Medium-light green color. His hair is medium thickness, not too heavy, but not too thin either.

Distinguishing Features: Scar like tattoos cover his body, most noticeablly of course is the one cutting through his left eyebrow and across his right cheek. These tattoos were given to him by his father to be reminders of his many failures during training.

Psychological Characteristics
Personality: Outwardly he puts forth a business like exterior, following commands to the letter. Inwardly, and to those he feels he can open up to, he is a kind, caring person who enjoys the opportunity to relax, and avoid conflict.

Likes: Pleasing his parents, playing Guitar, having friends who gets along with
Dislikes: Shaming his parents, failing, not getting chances to play guitar, His father's fits of rage.
Goals: To command his own power armor squad, secretly however he wishes to become a galactically reknowned musician, although this would shame his parents.

The History of Dana starts with Alexander Conley. A nameless, nobody that washed out of the Yamatai Space Army's infantry division. Once a civilian he ended up with a meager janitorial job where he met Sarah Havens, a successful entertainment manager. The two were quickly married after a short relationship and nine months later, Dana was born.

Dana grew up raised by his father who from the day he was born, groomed him to become the perfect soldier. His free time from private school was spent training, no time allowed for friends, or school activities. To his family they didn't matter, all that mattered was that he was perfect for the Yamatai Star Army. His failures were responded with his fathers barely checked rage, leaving many small scars upon his body.

When he finished his early year training, and was old enough, he was enlisted in a military academy where his training continued in all aspects of the military. He was continued towards the goal of power armor piloting until he finished. He fought and worked every second he had to excel at his training. This left him no times to make friends, not that it mattered, his father would be ashamed if he wasted time that could be spent on studying on friends.

However all of this still did not allow him to be the best, to him, graduating within the top ten but just outside the top five of his class was a failure, and his father treated it as such. Since then he's been awaiting his assignment and orders.


Physical - Growing up on Yamatai to a pair of militaristic parents, Dana spent much of his time in physical training, so that when the day arrived in the future that he would enter into the Yamatai Star Army, he would be a perfect candidate for Power Armor Piloting. Most of this time was spent running, swimming or lifting weights, and was all moderated by his parents strict rules. Once he had entered military training, he was further drilled to his peak, eventually moving on to spending the rest of his physical training on power armors. The focus of all of his physical training.

Fighting - Another part of his training as he grew up on Yamatai. If he was not exercising, or in school, he was being bombarded with hand-to-hand combat and knife combat by his father. The rigors of this left many bruise upon his already aching body, but he never backed down, and stopped crying by the time he was eight. Once he was in official military training, they furthered his training to include a variety of standard issue weapons, and eventually, power armor combat.

Entertainment - One of the few skills Dana learned on his own. During any spare moment he could, he would practice the guitar, typically during lunch while he was at school. Since then his skill with the guitar has slipped some due to having a lack of time during military training, but he hopes he will have chances between assignments to practice.

Survival & Military - A skill trained to him more by his parents again, than by the official military training itself. Frequently during vacations he would be taken out to forests, deserts or other remote locales, and drilled on how to survive on his own with little to nothing. This worsened as he neared time to enter military training, being left for entire summers in a forest with only a knife and expected to be alive at the end.

Mathematics - While he was growing up, this was not a major part of his life, most of what he learned was in school, and then the official military training, just enough to suffice and pass the required checkpoints.

Communication - Training in this regard was limited as far as his informal training went until he entered the official military training. There he learned everything he needed to properly operate as a soldier, from communications and reports under fire, to proper headset operation and report filing.

Technology Operation - Every morning, he had to operate a computer and perform specific tasks upon it if he wished to have breakfast. That was his informal training before official military training, where he was trained briefly in the proper operation and searching procedures on the most current OS.
I've noticed you sitting around waiting for SOMEBODY to say something to ya. Poor guy.

Though I spend a good deal of time in the Nep board i can tell you a few things..

Employer: Nepleslia Star Army
Occupation: Power Armor Pilot

Uhh Nep's not really a Space fighting type thing It's more of a planet based RP. I'm not to sure there is much to offer a soldier of Nep it's mostly the FCPD (Funky City Police Department) And the criminals.

Species: Geshrin

*Sigh* Another Gesh raised on Nep? Nep is a filthy filthy place.... but it's not uncommon but it could cause some problems.

It sounds like your family was middle class or better on Nep standards and if that was soon I have no clue why they wouldn't have moved to Yama... Filthy filthy Nep...

On the plus side every thing is well written and SURPRISE you get to pick another skill since Physical and Fighting count as one!

((If your planning on staying with Nep you are going to need the skill Strategy since it is required.))

Really I'm not one to be judging this stuff but as soon as Tom gets on I'll point him here to properly inform you of what's going on with Nepleslia.
To my knowledge the closest thing to power armour the Nep's have is the Emrys Industries Enforcer Powered Armour, which the police use. I'll get you a link in a minute.

Or there was another Power Armour which the gangs use, but I doubt the army would use it. The Demon power armour I believe.

Other than that it could THEORETICLY, be part of a good will bargain with the SA to get the Nep's some Power Armour in return to something.

Lot's of things could happen I suppose, although it's difficult.

Geshrin in Nepleslia are over done, that much is obvious.

Doesn't sound much fun.
Kato and Zakalwe bring up good points.

I don't have tons of time right now, but I'm not ignoring you. I'll be back on later.

Some quick points:

Geshrin on Nepleslia can happen, but they'd have a harder time adjusting to the lifestyle.

The campaigns are ground-based for now, but you could be part of the military police assisting the FCPD on peacekeeping runs.

Make sure that you have the required skills of all soldiers in Nepleslia. If he's a planetary soldier, his skills will be different.
Kayto Styles said:
I've noticed you sitting around waiting for SOMEBODY to say something to ya. Poor guy.

Though I spend a good deal of time in the Nep board i can tell you a few things..

Employer: Nepleslia Star Army
Occupation: Power Armor Pilot

Uhh Nep's not really a Space fighting type thing It's more of a planet based RP. I'm not to sure there is much to offer a soldier of Nep it's mostly the FCPD (Funky City Police Department) And the criminals.

Well officialy it still is the Nepleslia Star Army even though they really don't have any plot going in space at the time ... they do have there own fleet ya know. Please try not to scare too many players away from Nepleslia, the section does need to grow a bit.

It was said why wouldn't an middle/upper-midle class Geshrin family on Nepleslia just move to Yamatai, well that not a very hard question once you think, and add a bit on imagination; His parents could have been involved in some less than credible business, or perhaps one or both of his parents might work for a Nepleslian corporate like Geshrinari Shipyards.

I've only one charachter for the moment but if I can manage I would like to create one for Neplesia also. Maybe if enoguh people get characters on Nepleslia there can be a ship plot aswell as the ground one.
My focus is power armor piloting, I just went for Neplelsia because I'm more comfortable with a more american based society
Well the Destiny is sort of running in a half alive way, with the RP currently taking place in the Nepleslian forum. Possibly it will have some more action on it.
Okay. I'm commenting on this because Dana asked me to. Squeaky wheel gets the grease and all that.

Overall, it's a great bio. You gave your character an unique history and motivation without making him too "special". I'm fairly sure Thad will agree with me.

A few minor issues:

- Geshrins don't scar. If his father wanted to remind him of his failures, he probably would have tattoos where the scars were supposed to be.

- You're allowed 7 skill areas to begin with. I counted 8. Please figure out which one you can part with. Comm, Tech Op, Math, and Fighting are required, of course. :)
-kicks Kayto- she told me fighting & physical counted as one, dropped vehicles, hehe ^^ oh the 'scars'
They used to be one skill, so I was confused by this as well. The current build of the CCG lists them as separate skills though.

In case you're interested, I think Fighting & Physical was renamed to Fighting, and Physical was created as another skill.

Character Approved. :)

Start thinking about which ship you want to join. I'm sure the plot GMs would be happy to provide you with details on their plots. :)