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Approved Character [Danko Clan] Kuro


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master

@Wes @Kim

I want to add something where I wrote TBA about some other tragic thing that may have happened that forced her to want to change her mind about Ketsurui so I'm open to suggestions but I'm also ok with not adding anything there.

"...Neko was showing signs of anxiety and depression. She withdrew into herself and never came out of the feeling until she gave up her samurai body.
She then left the Ketsurui Samurai Clan and was stripped of her Eihei body and weapons...."
I think you meant, "wander" towards the end. But it looks fine. We don't see too much Ketsurui Samurai fall-out from the Shadow Viper incident so I like the ripples that are starting.
A juvenile mistake, that wander/wonder thing.

Thanks, Kim. Any ideas for more of a reason than the Shadow Vipers on a cursory level? Is there some SV incident that she could have been close to herself that I don't know about? One that could have even ruined her own career?
The Shadow Vipers are a pretty big incident. The incident on Planet Kotori and then the incident with YSS Himiko are pretty big. There could be some guilt in not seeing it coming, for not being more insistent on more guards, etc. For a samurai to see her own break vows and attempt to kill the Empress, I would imagine is pretty earth shaking. Perhaps she feels she's been complacent in the investigation or no longer feels a part of the Ketsurui samurai because she sees dark shadows everywhere, she doesn't know who to trust anymore.
I changed around skills with Kim's ok.

I'm going to add some in there between those times. She was going to almost be asked to be on the detail on the YSS Himiko but was asked to go after a target instead as this was the time she had been transferred to the assassin class.
There's really four distinct Shadow Viper incidents.

1st: when they played a part in Empress Ayame's death.
Your neko is too young to have been involved in that.

2nd: The first Shadow Viper incident that targeted members of the Ketsurui clan within the Empress' Palace, Yuumi and Kotori in particular. It was the first time that it was implied that samurai killed fellow samurai - which at the time was inconsequential because the Empress' Palace was meant to be bombed in ways to frame the Independent World League for the incident. Had the ambush on Kotori not failed, it's likely the Shadow Vipers would have maintained their cover and remained unnoticed.
Probably the highest likelyhood of personnal involvement for the character in question if she needs first-hand account.

3rd: The second Shadow Viper incident was on Planet Kotori, involving individuals on the Samurai Squadron Y.S.S. Himeyuri. The traitors first attacked Kotori's retinue on the surface, almost claiming the life of Ketsurui Sora before they were eliminated. When Kotori's yatch escaped the system, the Himeyuri went in pursuit, but just as it was about to board the Yatch it sprung a trap that allowed those it pursued to cripple its FTL capabilities. The yatch hyperspaced away, leaving the Himeyuri stranded until Yui herself made it to the scene with her Star Army forces. Rather than be captured, the Himeyuri self-destructed.
Little likelyhood of personnal involvement, though it was a huge loss of face not only for the Ketsurui Samurai but also the Samurai Squadron. This was the first actually roleplayed encounter.

4th: The attempt on the Empress at the Christening Ceremony
Not really relevant to the creation of this character, though its impact is still being covered in thread 2.9 of my current plot.

I support Kim's recommendations. That's all good stuff.
The first two paragraphs remain unchanged but the rest of the history is added with a few minor sentences that stayed from the prior version.

I also added her ear shape to appearance :3
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