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RP "Dark Apostle"

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Banned Member
Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40
RP Location
Reservoir System
Reservoir system/Vice/ M.E.C.H.A. apartments

Kaya hummed where she was curled upon the couch, only a few days after having been rescued by Lazarus. The Helashio was watching a nature documentary about the local wildlife, slurping some noodles she had fixed for the two of them with glee. A tank top and shorts were the order of the night.

Without as much warning as Yamatai gave to the Spacers, Lazarus' entertainment system suddenly emitted a buzzing, squeaking noise. Its colours flared and guttered for a moment, breaking from their uniform pattern into scattered blotches of colour.

"Hey Lazarus.. I think your TV is losing signal?"

A mere second of anarchy ensued until the image realigned itself. A countdown splashed across the screen, counting down from 5 gradually with a pixelated visual.

"Lazarus..? I think there's some sort of announcement?"

Lazarus looked up from his helmet he had been doing maintenance with a docile boredom, but something changed as he saw the logo. "Oh shit, they're finally calling me."

"Huh?" Kaya perked up, setting her big bowl of ramen to the side as she adjusted the strap of her top. As she did, the screen flashed over to an image of a darkened room, a silhouetted figure central and with two lore behind them, faces in shadow.

"Lazarus. It is time." The middle figure rumbled, "The preparations have been made. Come to where you once came. Do you understand?"

"Yes. I'll head out immediately.", Lazarus said hopping up to grab his long hood trench coat, "Is my assistant allowed to accompany me?"

"Assistant?" There was a slight pause, in which the figure turned fractionally to assess Kaya. "Fine. If it increases your productivity."

"We will see you there." The final of the short remarks is seemed, the television blinking off to leave a very confused Kaya to bound up to her feet. "Wh-Where are we going?"

"To a new job. This is something that's been in the works for a while now. You'll see when we get there. Hurry and get dressed the car will be here shortly," Lazarus explained, albeit vaguely, as he grabbed a couple things.

Once the car arrived, a buzzer went off before the lobby attendant spoke, "Sir your car is waiting."


Lazarus waited for Kaya, holding the door open for them to leave, before heading to the lifts, then doing the same with the lobby doors. When did he start opening doors for people? But that was irrelevant as he climbed into the car after opening the door for Kaya, after she had climbed in herself.

The rain pattered heavily off the body of the car, a almost roaring sound, yet at the same time peaceful. Lazarus had many thoughts going through his head as they traversed the city. The familiar building came into view. "We're here."

Kaya zipped into her room for a mere minute, chucking on a short dress with not enkuve time left for much else. Jogging back to the door, the Helashio offered Laz a nice smile, a little concerned at the urgency but followed close behind. Pleasantly surprised by how gentlemanly he was being as he held the doors open for her, "Thanky-"

Finally, they pulled up to the tall, grey, imposing office building. Silhouettes blinked by the windows as people milled around, Kaya humming nervously as she slipped out. "Uhm.. Interesting place."

As they swept inside, they were met with a rather slender woman with half moon spectacles and tight office clothes. She had seemed to be waiting. "You must be our special guest and plus one." The assistant hummed, gesturing for them to follow as she glided into the lift at the far end of the hall, opening a small hidden panel to reveal more levels than before. Carefully pushing B30.

Lazarus stood still and quietly, hesitation eating at the back of his mind, but he pushed it aside. Now was the time to continue the long walk he had started. This is what he wanted after all wasn't it. Wasn't it? Some other part of his mind nagged at in.....worry, fear, caring.......of what the little helashio would think of him from this.

After all, he no longer had his own goals anymore for this. His desires before, now seeming pointless and inane.

The smaller woman bounced worriedly on the balls of her feet in her sneakers, Lazarus' gloomy expression not exactly inspiring confidence as she shuffled closer to the merc, nearly brushing his side. "Uhm miss..? Where are we going?" Kaya asked timidly, only a moment after which the matt doors of the elevator hissed open, answering her question for her.

While the level was easily a few hundred meters - as Lazarus knew from last time - the pair were presented with a smaller yet still huge area before them. At least a two hundred meters by a hundred, fully funished with modern fittings, couches, exercise machinery, a kitchen, one large king-sized bed. Towards the lift sat a buzz-cut and golden haired gentleman in a simple yet expensive looking tracksuit. Before him was a small platter of snacks, some bottles of spirits, glasses and a jug of water. It appeared he hadn't noticed the two newcomers as he munched on a prawn cocktail sandwich.

Lazarus exited the lift after giving Kaya a gentle pat on the shoulder to let her know he was moving. He wasn't sure what to expect, but this somehow.......seemed less then what was expected. He found it almost disappointing a way, and it would be clear that his tension had lessened because of this to a degree.

"You called for me?"

Kaya felt a little wave of reassurance flood through her at Laz's touch, giving her the confidence to not shuffle to the very back of the lift. She knew it was probably best to keep quiet. With her rescuer's question, which carried across the open room, the older gent looked up to the new arrivals.

"Ah, Lazarus. And..? I don't think we've been introduced?" Without taking a moment to let the Helashio respond, he gestured to the other seats at the table. "I did, it's time we executed our deal my friend."

Lazarus took a seat as gestured.

"So what is the next step then? Where do we go from here?", Lazarus asked cutting straight to the point. Despite the man's harmless appearance, there was something he very much did not like about him. The man gave the sensation of being in the presence of a wolf, and one that was watching closely for weakness.

The most diminuitive member of the group stepped free to the lift behind Lazarus, the woman immediately pressing the button to rise, doors slipping shut behind. From this side, they seemed reinforced with something. Kaya padded over, "uhm"ing and "ahh"ing as she perched into a spare chair.

"The next step?" The blonde repeated the question while pouring three large glasses of water, seeming to barely take his attention off the merc before him. "Below and above us are many levels of laboratories, cloning facilities, test areas and fabrication bays." Iemochi Jonnex uttered, sliding two of the tall glasses to his guests.

"I'd like for you to stay here and work with us, let us take your blood today so we can get to work. Within a few days we will have the first prototype clones ready. Once we're happy with the quality we'll see how it goes from there." He circled a finger across the rim of his glass, predatorial eyes slipping between Lazarus and Kaya. "Everything will be provided for you and your.." Those coal-black irises swung to Kaya, looking at her like a cat does a mouse, "Companion."

"Alright, I'm ready as soon as your people want to begin.", he answered, yeah he really didn't like this guy. He'd have to stay close to Kaya and watch to make no one tried anything towards her.

"Excellent. I'm glad to hear that." Jonnex mused, raising a small pot pie to his mouth and taking a bite, chewing slowly as the clock in the corner ticked by. "If you're that into it, I'm sure you wouldn't mind if we took a tissue sample. No?" His voice had no emotion in at all, as if he was empty inside.

Kaya shakily wrapped her fingers around the tall, clear glass and gulped a mouthful of the crystal liquid, trying to keep to herself as she crossed her arms and legs. "Mister Lazarus.. Who are these guys?" She whispered timidly, just as a labcoated man appeared from nowhere and approached.

"Don't worry Kaya, just let them do their thing.", Lazarus gave as he gently touched her shoulder, feeling her shake, "Yes that is fine as well. How much do you need of them?"

"Oh, just a.. Well.." The older man rolled his head back on the chair, observing the scientist who practically bowed as he approached Lazarus' arm, moving to tie a length of tubing around his arm if he'd let them, holding up a large, hollow syringe that would take a cross section of his forearm.

"Just a tickle." Jonnex finished, rubbing his fingers together to clear the crumbs. Kaya felt a surge of warmth through her at Lazarus' touch even as the scary doctor approached with such a sharp tool, making sure to remember to thank him later for his reassurance.

Lazarus shrugged his coat half way off, letting lay over the back of the chair, offering his arm to the man. It didn't matter how much flesh and blood they took, as long as it wasn't a limb, or they bled him dry. His ability heal though not as fast as say a neko where minor wounds could heal within a few minutes, his healing could hand the same within 20 minutes to an hour.

"Watch for metal, hate to bend the needle."

The medic chuckled very nervously, a bead of sweat visibly trickling down from his hairline to be lost in the trimmed beard. Straightening Lazarus' arm, he angled the needle so it was positioned at a 45 degree angle to the forearm, jabbing down and yanking back with speed. Quickly placing a small cotton pad over the penny-sized wound.

Kaya eeped a little as the needle sank in, shuffling further from the figure, having an awful history with tall figures and sharp objects. Jonnex for his part smirked, watching and gauging the mercenary's reaction.

Lazarus seemed rather bored as the needle was jabbed into his harm. He barely felt it, and only sat with a neutral expression as he waited for the doctor to finish. Lazarus touch Kaya's shoulder again to keep her calm.

The Helashio hummed in a uneven fashion, her chest rising and falling in her dress faster than it would normally as she watched the needle sink in and slide out with a wince. "Owch.." She muttered under her breath, while Jonnex raised an eyebrow at Lazarus' reaction.

"Excellent. That's all we need to start with. I thought I'd be here in person, just to see what you are made of." A sinister glint took his eye as the man leaned forwards, having shooed away the scientist. "I take it you've guessed who I am."

Lazarus put the coat the back on before answering, "Jonnex Iemochi, founder of the Yamatai based mega corp IIS I presume. Though I can't say I know any of your history sadly, a man shrouded in shadow and rumors. Not even Psychopomp could even find info on you. Quite flattered the Boss himself considered me worth the visit.", Lazarus said with a grin, honestly flattered by that fact. So the Alpha wolf makes his appearance, he thought.

The golden-haired man, a feature many of his offspring inherited, gestured broadly into the air with a wide smile. "Well well. Physical resilience and you're sharp as well. Perfect, I'm impressed." He took in Lazarus once more, slowly, with his coal-black eyes. "I didn't know those pesky wannabes didn't even know a single thing. Hmph, interesting."

"I decided it was worth my time to come down to this shithole planet. You could say that you're my pet project, Lazarus. I'm quite a fan." He chuckled darkly, swirling his filled glass between two fingers, "Especially what you did to that Skyguard guy's wife."

Lazarus really didn't want to go into that, or even bother correcting him on that relationship status, "I was just doing what I was made to do."

"Soon we'll see if you were made to be a General. Or Field Marshal. Or Director. Whatever you prefer." Jonnex tapped the table a few time idly, thinking up the titles as he did. "In fact, what would you like? It's only right you choose and why not name the army while you're at it?"

Lazarus thought quietly for a moment as this was an important choice. One he hoped wasn't one he couldn't come back from. "Nexus Private Security, and as for the title.....Dark Apostle. Nothing like your enemy feeling like the wrath of their God if applicable, is upon them."

The buzz-cut man nodded in approval, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Good, incognito name. I like it." He mused, "Dark Apostle, huh? Rather more grandiose than Commander but strangely apt." Jonnex nodded, seeming content as he shifted his chair back a little.

"Oh- While I'm here, do you have any ideas for the army itself? Any equipment or anything?" It didn't seem like he was in a hurry to get anywhere, more just not wanting to waste any time in the case Lazarus hadn't thought it through.

Lazarus pulled a pad out of his coat before sliding it over, "Just a composition of ideas for that. In the end it's up to you and your people which ideas are used. Your the one funding and building this army. But that said, I do believe you'll find effective uses for those troops in there."

Jonnex seemed genuinely surprised, leaning over to take the pad with two fingers, sliding it over the smooth surface. "I didn't expect you to have put this much thought into things. As they say nobody knows you better than yourself, so I'm glad to have asked." With that he tucked the notepad into a pocket, standing fully now and brushing off some crumbs, making his way out with a wave over the shoulder and wolfish smirk.

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