Star Army

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Approved Character David Lyric {Nepleslian}

Primitive Polygon

🎖️ Game Master
Name: David Lyric (The 15th)

General Information
Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Male
Age: 25 (Appearance) / 6 (Actual)

Family (or Creators):
- Cloned by the Red Army of Nepleslia.
- Genetic Model based on William Sing (KIA).

Employer: Army of Nepleslia [Green]
Occupation: Marine
Rank: Private 3rd Class
Current Assignment: The NSS Melissa-Kenni, preferably...

Physical Characteristics
Height: 6"0ft
Weight: 201 lbs

Build and Skin Colour: About average height, with a thick and slightly stocky muscular structure. His skin is a weathered, dirty bronze.
Facial Features and Eye Colour: Somewhere inbetween squared and rounded, but decidedly tough, bullish facial features at any rate. Bright green eyes contrast heavily with his weathered face, complete with thick browline and round nose. He almost always has a stubble.
Hair colour and Style: Reasonably short, curly and jet black. Never really has a style, but it suits his face at least.

Distinguishing Features: A shallow scar running from the bridge of his nose towards his left cheek. Only takes off his black gloves to fight.

Psychological Characteristics
Personality: Judgmental, quick to make decisions about other people, and holds grudges easily. Conversely, Dave knows his own limits and has a large amount of loyalty towards people that have earned his trust. He can turn from totally relaxed and joking around to deadly serious on the turn of coin, a controlled personality if ever there was one. Also smarter than he first appears, most of the things he says and does are premeditated- except when he is particularly angry, but that doesn't happen too frequently either. One eccentricity is that he is automatically distrustful of women- Since he has had little actual experience with them, one can only assume it has something to do with his predecessor's instincts.

Likes: Having someone around to watch his back, antique weapons, camp fires, hard liquor...
Dislikes: Nosy or arrogant people, the cold, tomboy women...
Goals: Military success, money, survival...


Not much. He was cloned after the deceased power armour pilot ace William Sing, along with several dozen others. Growth acceleration was used to get him to the same age level, and he did see brief combat on board a Veeshan Heavy Cruiser before the end of the Kennewes Offensive- but was wounded when his power armour got crippled.

Finding himself reading up about Admiral Coleman during his recovery, he jumped at the chance to defect. The last thing he expected was to find himself immediately defecting to the Greens under his command, now preparing to finish the war from the other side...


Fighting and Physical: Mr.Lyric was created and trained from birth for combat, and since he isn't particularly stupid, he knows a decent thing or two about it by now. Alrough he prefers hand to hand and knife fighting due to an unhealthy perforation of single combat, he is really quite rounded in all his skills ranging from rifles to grenades. He is in great physical shape, alrough a little slower and tougher than average. Due to his beginnings he is more used to the Demon power armour, but appreciates the shielding in the Water 2 more than most.

Communication: David Lyric is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other marines through headsets, ships, ground vehicles, power armour, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. He is also skilled in field communications and is proficient in all rudimentary forms of communication (hand signals, flashing lights, etc).

Survival: Dave knows how to survive in hostile environments. He can build shelters, hunt and forage for food, build a fire, etc. Camouflage and guerrilla warfare tactics are pretty familiar to him.

Strategy (Tactics/discipline): Dave can understand and give out tactical commands and work with his troop to follow those commands efficiently. He knows the importance of teamwork on the battlefield, has been intensively trained in discipline and morale, and is able to recognise the command structure even while under extreme pressure (combat, etc). He knows basic math in order to calculate distances, etc, and can use a tactical map.

Engineering: David was never specifically taught anything, but has learned a lot about power armours, weapons and general machinery from being around it constantly. Perhaps actual knowledge and interest will develop in time, but at the moment it only really rears itself as a knack for noticing when a component is not working correctly.

Leadership (Entertainment?): Again not something he was trained for, but David is a very steadfast person that recognises the value of morale amongst his ranks. He is always the first person to bounce back, tending to the wounded and getting other people back up and moving by example.

Culinary: Not exactly in his original training agenda, but David had the culinary staff teach him basic cooking skills- He isn't a very good cook or anything still, Dave just figured it would be the one skill nobody else would be bothered learning, and thus a damn handy one if they ever got stranded. He rarely dabbles in this out of hobby.
Gotta say, it's a kickass first bio. Not too long, or too barebones, and the writing's solid. But there are a few points you'll ave to correct:

History: No problems on him being a clone, the Reds used them all the time, and it's actually been an odd point that for a nation of cloners, most of our PC's are natural born.

However, the issue remains on the NSS Melissa Kenni. It's a Shaika-Class Assault Carrier, which were only developed a few IC months ago by NAM, the national Green-owned arms manufacturer. The Reds didn't have them before or during the offensive, and Jeffrey's has actually been toned down and degraded.

If he was stationed anywhere near the Admiral, it would be on the 1st Defense Fleet "Unbreakable".

Skills: Leading by example isn't much of a problem, unless anyone else objects to it. It doesn't imply any experience he might or might not have.

I'm a little worried about the intuitive sense around machines, as it's potential for metagaming. If he's able to make educated guesses about the problems with the machinery he's around or figure out when things aren't working properly, that's another matter. But, if he simply "knows" that it's wrong, and what's wrong with it, then we might have a bit of an issue.
My apologies for not getting to this sooner, Lava. Feel free to address Exhack's concerns; I'll try and review this today.
Ha, guess I should have done just that bit more reseach. Well, it should be fixed now, anyway...

As for the skills, I clearified the Engineering at least. It's more like he take a good look at a rifle and not need to fire it to know it's jammed up, or know an engine isn't running correctly by the sound of it, that kinda thing.

How's that?
1. Who's William Sing?

2. What is "half cast" in skin color?

3. Heavy features? You mean rough?

4. Cloned power armor pilot ace ... that we don't know about. Your skills suggest he takes the intuitive maintenance skills of a pilot with him, but not the mega-dogfighting or whatever. So that works.


In Strategy: please remove "can see ambush points." It's an old carry-over from the skill that was never updated out, but needs to be. Not your fault on that one.

The Leadership skill is just about as awesome as it gets for a new player. This is exactly how the skill should be for a new player -- it suggests the potential to lead, and the recognition of how leadership works, without saying "He's a natural leader!" or "He can lead troops into battle!" Well done.

Overall: As Exhack noted, a well-done bio of good length and researched just so. My apologies for making you wait this long. Just address that little stuff above and you're good to go.

This character is pending. Please address the list of edits above.
Thanks for the praise, guys, really. ;D

I changed the wording on the descriptions, and as for points 2 & 4: I am being slightly stubborn in that I wanted him to look and act in a very specific way despite being a clone (Which I agree that there are not nearly enough of).

William Sing was more or less made up to be a realistic combat ace, like fifteen kills or something- not famous enough to really be remembered, and not skilled enough to still be alive, but still worth cloning.
Mmmmm ... alright, I'll buy that.

This character is approved for IC usage. Please add the bio to the wiki (no need for Nep namespace) and file orders in the thread of your char's faction.

Welcome to the Star Army Role-Play.