Star Army

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RP: Dawn Station [Dawn Station] Intrusion


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Something had managed to get onto Dawn Station, in the form of an NMX soldier, and a number of NMX parasites. The parasites acted quickly, taking over unsuspecting dock workers, controlling their minds intrusively. As ordered by the soldier, the parasites guided their hosts towards weapons lockers, requisitioning rifles and pistols for themselves. As soon as the first shot was fired (narrowly missing an armor-clad security guard), alarms were sent off, and more security was sent down in order to quell the sudden uprising.

Orders were to only use SEP's on Stun setting and take the dock workers prisoner, as Security didn't quite know what was going on.


A Middle-heighted brown-haired man put on his armor and grabbed his SEP. The armor had the name 'Schmidt, Max' stamped on it, along with the rank of lieutenant. The man called out over his communicator to the team he had been given for this task. "Sarri, Covington, Jisho, get your asses ready as quickly as possible! We've been ordered down to Sector Seven's dock to quell an uprising! I want you all sharp when we get there!"

The security Lieutenant opened up the black and green OriSec Ocelot Hovercar, and sat in the driver's seat, waiting for the two women and one man that comprised his team.
Camellia came walking out, strapping her armor down while shaking her head. " Three years as an ace pilot, and I'm back as security." She grumbled as she straightened her hair back down over her odd colored eye, leaving her red eye exposed. "Reporting." She said, saluting .
"Oh, Don't go complaining, It's just temporary" Schmidt responded to Camellia, as Covington and Jisho made their way into the vehicle as well. The two reported quietly, and then Schmidt started the car, speeding down towards the dock.

After a few moments, the flashing lights of a laser firefight could be seen, and a stray bolt blackened a spot on the windshield, causing Max to drive the car off to one side and open the doors from his spot. "Allright! Move out!" he called, hopping out of the vehicle and checking to be sure his SEP was set to Stun. A Short distance away, a couple of Dockworkers with SEP's and SGAR's were firing on another security team, odd, large bugs sticking out of the backs of their necks.
Camellia hopped of the transport and got behind the nearest cover. "Do we have any intel on the intrusion?" She asked as she glanced around her cover and noticed the dock workers firing on other Origin staff. Turning back to look at Schmidt, she points at the direction of the battle. "Wait, they're firing on their own men."
"F***, It's the mishhu!" Schmidt yelled, as covington and Jisho found their way behind another source of cover and began looking over their options. The enemies obviously had greater range than their stun pistols did, and more force, with their full-powered weapons.

"I'm thinking we've got to get closer to them, but that's going to be hard with our limited cover" Schmidt said, looking over at Camellia. "You got any ideas, 'ace'?"

a short distance away, a Security guard was taken out by a SGAR blast to the shoulder, while one of the dock workers was knocked down, but the parasite that had been on it decided to ditch and instead came scuttling towards the newcomers, those being Schmidt, Sarri, and company.
"My preview is armor vs armor tactics, it's somewhat limited when I'm forced to obey Newtonian physics." Camellia said when she noticed the scuttling bug heading their way.

Gritting her teeth, Camellia ditched her cover and ran across the open expanse between her and Schmidt, before doing a power slide, her pistol held up with both hands as she aimed, upside down, at the Misshu parasite and took three shots before losing contact behind Schmidt's location.

"So, no, I haven't gotten any ideas aside from killing all those bugs."
Camellia's stun blasts had managed to paralyze the parasite, but it was still alive, and something would have to be done about it, but what exactly wasn't known yet.

"It looks like they ditch people after we stun them, so maybe someone should go on cleanup after we take a worker down?" Schmidt thought aloud to miss Sarri. "Which would you prefer? Knocking people out or killing the bugs?" he asked, peeking above his cover before making a push towards the next bit, narrowly avoiding some laser blasts along the way.

Covington and Jisho, however, seemed to be pinned down in their current position by a couple dockworkers with SGARs pelting the metal crate with laser beams; it wouldn't last more than a couple minutes at the current rate.
Camellia popped out of her cover and took some haphazardly aimed shots at the dock workers, trying to either hit them or draw their attention so that Covington and Jisho could either take retaliatory shots or find better cover. After taking her shots, she ducked back under her cover. "Let's all concentrate on knocking the people out, once the bugs are hostless we'll deal with them."
"Sounds good enough to me" Schmidt responded from his forward position. He was finally withing his SEP's short range, and started taking shots at the nearest dockworker, who went down stiff as a board, twitching and foaming at the mouth a bit. As expected, the parasite detached itself, but it made a beeline for Schmidt, who was the nearest person. Unfortunately, the lieutenant was distracted taking aim on the next dockworker, and didn't see the bug creeping up on him.

Tired of being stuck, Covington and Jisho peered out from behind their dwindling cargo crate cover, and spotted a nearer bit of cover. The two security officers burst forth, rushing to the new cover, while trying to fire on their enemies to keep heads down. On their way, though, Covington was clipped in the leg by a laser blast, which sent him reeling to the floor, thankfully he skidded behind the intended cover, but it wasn't looking to good for his leg.
Camellia vaulted her cover and crouch/ran forward to the nearest new cover while potting the bug crawling towards Schmidt. "Watch your flanks better Schmidt, you nearly had a bug on you!" Camellia called as she leaned her back against the crate she was behind.
Camellia was lucky the possessed dockworkers didn't have very good aim, or she would have been dead as she vaulted her cover, but instead the few opportunistic blasts that flew her way only trailed behind the much quicker, more experienced fighter. The Parasite that was moving towards Schmidt curled up into a ball and began twitching after Camellia stunned it, out of the fight for a few minutes at least. The other parasite lay still, either recuperating from its own stunning, or possibly dead from the electrical overload that was designed for a 2 meter tall person, not a tiny bug.

Jisho pulled Covington closer, giving him a little bit better cover, but it was obvious the security guard was out of the fight. He didn't seem to be too happy, and it was obvious by his expression that he was in a lot of pain.

Schmidt ducked behind his cover and looked at Camellia as she arrived at his position "Well, Thank ya, Miss Sarri." he said, approving of the woman's skill. "I think you should probably go and help out Jisho right now, I'll call an Evac team for Covington. Got it?"


The numbers of the Parasite-infected dockworkers began to drop as the Security guards moved in closer, but they now had the problem of the smaller, more agile Parasites to deal with. As another security team arrived on scene the confusion of what was going on only grew greater, as the extreme short range needed to stun made the lines between the infected and the clean look mixed from farther back.
Camellia nodded and still crouching, peered out from the side of the cover her and Schmidt were using. After timing the blasts, she took off at a dead run across the open dock, getting close to Jisho and Covingtion's cover diving and tucking into a tight combat roll, before sliding against the wall right next to Jisho. "Sorry for the intrusion." She said as she leaned against the wall.

(I'm not sure how to handle the little time skip, is there still enough infected to still warrant cover, or is it now a parasite cleanup?)
Jisho Peeked up over the wall, and popped off a few shots at the advancing Mishhu bugs, but had to duck quickly before an infected dockworker could get a shot off on her. "Hey, Sarri, think you could get that last infected guy down for me?" the Yamataian woman asked, looking down at Covington as Schmidt called for help on the radio.

The leader of their group soon turned towards them, a smile on his face. "Well, good news, an Evac is coming, as is a bigger force. this should be over in a few minutes!"


The Mishhu continued to advance, but with the last infected dockworker still firing, it was difficult for any of the security guards to get at them before being aimed at. It was practically up to Sarri to take him out so they could finish up.