"Thank you, everyone," Yuumi said, leaning forward some in her seat. She placed her elbows on the table and folded her hands together on it.
She paused for a moment, as if considering her words.
"This conference is not about my nation. It is not about any one of our nations, but all of them, together, surviving in this piece of the galaxy we call home. Alliances exist between some of us; states of conflict between others. That we all sit here today is a step in the direction toward peace. With luck and effort, there will be more.
"I wished to update you on the war against our most vicious adversary, one who has threatened all of our nations at one time or another. The NMX, thanks to each of our efforts, has been driven back to the outer reaches of our known space. They are not defeated, but they are beaten, and we can expect a time of peace in front of us.
"But it does not right the wrong of how it started. Citizens of my nation embarked on an endeavor to master the source of the NMX, and we unleashed it upon us all. My nation rightly is distrusted for this, among other actions we have taken. I did not apologize for this before. I do so now, on behalf of my government, my empress and my people, for what we have done to you in our name."
Yuumi rose. She did not look at anyone in particular, but her natural line of sight was toward Coast. She bowed once, her nose nearly to the table, then unfolded herself and sat down, taking up the same position as before.
"Last we met at this conference,
I proposed an alliance of mutual goals, primarily to crush the NMX. It was not accepted, and the blame for that solely rests with my people. So it is my hope here today to see an opportunity for all of us to see friends in each other, if not more formal ties."
She sat back in her seat, only her the edges of her clasped palms touching the table. "I cede the floor now to whoever requires it. For now, we shall speak of war and peace."